Read Books Novel

The Unidentified Redhead

The Unidentified Redhead (Redhead #1)(26)
Author: Alice Clayton

“Grace,” he whispered, kissing me through my bra, bringing me to attention immediately. I laughed when I realized a fabulous, but not very mood-appropriate song, was still playing.

“Hey, I’m just going to go freshen up a minute. Why don’t you find something else for us to listen to. Your choice.” I pul ed away quickly when he frowned, and I could tell he wasn’t pleased about letting me go, even for a minute.

“You’re already fresh. Cheeky even,” he teased, giving me a playful swat on the butt as I turned to walk toward my bathroom.

“Cheeky? Are you going to say more British words to me tonight?” I teased back, once again only half joking.

“Nope, not until you come back,” he said, leaning back on his elbows, looking for all the world like a sex god.

“That’s a deal. Now pick some music, Hamilton.” I swished across the room and just made it behind the door when he made a playful grab at me.

“You have only as much time as it takes me to pick something out, and you better have some good shagging music on this thing,” I heard him say as I shook my head in amusement.

I looked at my reflection. My hair was crazy and full, blown out by the wind from the drive. My lips were kiss-swollen and rosy. My shirt was open, and I looked good. Good enough to seduce a twenty-four year old? Oh hell, I sure was going to try. I wanted to make this last.

I quickly checked my breath, ran my fingers through my hair once more, and readjusted the girls, cinching my cle**age up just a little more. I felt confident in saying that Jack was a boob man, and I really wanted to make sure that he was happy. So, I began to formulate a plan in my head on how to make sure that he, um, well, that he … first … oh hell.

Just say it, Grace …

I was dying to get him off.

Even thinking this thought brought the color back to my cheeks as I imagined what he would look like when I brought him to where I was craving to bring him.

Thank God. That song was off. He must have been choosing the music. I still had a few minutes. Maybe I could just go for it. Yeah, guys like aggressive women. I would just go out there and make sure to get control of the situation, and I could dictate how things would roll. Yeah, I could maybe … wait a minute … what song was he playing … was that …

He had chosen one of my favorite and one of the most infinitely sexy songs from my iPod.

All thoughts of him “going” before me left my head as I heard the music, and I opened the door to see him standing there, smiling and waiting for me.

Psychedelic Furs filled the room, and the first words of “Until She Comes” rang out.

“Nice choice,” I allowed, leaning against the doorframe.

“I thought you would approve,” he answered, holding out his hand to me and winking. I went to him. Willingly. Wantonly. Wickedly.

Prepare yourself, Grace. This will likely be earth-shattering.

Chapter 11

Jack gazed at me as he slowly slipped my shirt from my shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. He ran his hands down the length of my arms, his fingers entwining with mine. He crossed our hands behind me as he kissed me long and deep, while pressed so tightly against me, I almost couldn’t breathe. In a really good way.

As soon as he released my hands, they found their way to their new home, tangled in his hair. He feathered kisses down my neck to my collarbone, and I heard my breath catch in my throat. Jack smiled against my skin, knowing this was my sweet spot. I felt his hands as they unsnapped the clasp on my bra, adding it to the pile at my feet. He bent his head and left a trail of kisses across the tops of my br**sts, his hands traveling up to cup them gently. His thumbs grazed my ni**les and I almost came out of my skin.

“That feels amazing.” I sighed, watching him attend to me. His eyes flicked up to mine, his mouth never leaving my skin. He winked.

“Oh my,” left my mouth, as I dropped my head back to enjoy. His tongue flickered across my right nipple and his mouth zeroed in, taking me between his lips. His teeth gently encircled me, biting gently. I cried out, letting him know that this was exactly what I needed. His teeth nibbled more insistently and his left hand began to move toward my legs. I ran my hands up and down his back, beginning to feel the slow build that was going to quite possibly bring down this mountain.

We moved together across the room while I struggled to remove his shirt.

He refused to break contact with me, so I had to maneuver it between us and finally throw it over my shoulder. I took my first look at him, shirtless, and it was a good thing he was holding on to me so tightly, as I felt my knees shake.

He was so mother-flipping beautiful. I managed to push him away just enough to take him in, and as I held him at arm’s length, I let my eyes travel up and down. He was long and lean, strong and handsome. He had a scattering of pale, almost strawberry blond hair on his chest that gathered into a blessed happy trail low on his tummy. I planned to take that trail as far as I could. He noticed me staring and he grinned.

“What are you staring at?”

I heard at least five witty comments run through my head at the same time, but I could only say, simply, “You. You’re beautiful.” I ran my fingertips lightly across his chest, lower onto his stomach and he groaned.

“Nuts girl, you’re the beautiful one in this room,” he answered, mimicking my movements with his own. We stood about a foot apart, just letting our eyes roam over each other and our fingers explore. I felt a sudden burst of shyness as I realized my much older body was on display and being scrutinized. I tried to cross my arms over my chest, and he caught them, holding them out to the side so he could continue to let his eyes roam across my skin.

“Beautiful,” he breathed again, letting go of my hands to return his to my body. I did the same. As my fingertips slipped into the waistband of his jeans, he raised an eyebrow toward me.

“You first,” he scolded lightly, reminding me of his intentions. He began walking me backward toward the bed and our hands and kisses became urgent again. I knew I only had seconds left before I was going to be powerless, and I wanted him significantly more naked than he was now.

I expertly snapped open his button and unzipped before he knew what I was doing. As his eyes widened, I slipped one hand inside, found what I was looking for, and gave him a gentle but insistent squeeze.

“Fuck, Grace … ” He moaned, buying me a few more seconds of time, which was all I needed. I slipped his jeans down his legs. He gave in, kicking off his shoes and allowing me to continue to slide them off. I deftly knelt in front of him before he could stop me, and as I finished removing them, I chanced a quick look up. He was staring down at me with such a look of lust and want it almost made me rock back on my heels.
