Read Books Novel

The Unidentified Redhead

The Unidentified Redhead (Redhead #1)(73)
Author: Alice Clayton


He stuck his head back in the bathroom and winked. “You’re the greatest, Grace, the greatest.”

I smirked at him and then began to get dressed.

9:57 a.m.

I stood with Holly in the driveway while Jack put my suitcases in my car.

He was driving me to the airport and then he’d bring my car back to her house.

I fought down the lump in my throat. I could tell she had one, as well.

“So, you have everything, right?” she checked. “Neil is going to call you tonight to check in. You have a meeting with him on Thursday after you get settled into the hotel, right?”

“Yes ma’am. I’m meeting him Thursday.”

“And you have your cell charger, right? You call my ass the minute you land. Do you have money for a cab into the city? It will be about forty-five dollars … don’t let them charge you more than that.”

“I got it, Mom. I’ve been there before, you know. Probably more often than you.” I laughed at her mother-henning.

“I know, I know, asshead. I guess that’s it,” she said, pressing her lips tightly together.

“OK, dillweed. I’ll call you when I land. Bye,” I said, hugging her quickly.

She didn’t say anything, just nodded her head and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me back just as hard.

She pulled away from me and disappeared into the house. Holly always hated goodbyes. I turned to Jack, a little teary, and he reached for my hand.

“You ready to go?” he asked quietly.

“Yep, let’s do this,” I answered, wiping away the few tears that had escaped and climbing into my car. This time I let him drive.

It was one of the few mornings ever in the history of L.A. with little traffic, and all too soon, we were pulling into LAX. He insisted on parking and walking me in, even though I wanted him to just let me out at the curbside check-in. My stomach had been in knots ever since the floor of the bathroom, and I knew now how hard it was going to be to say goodbye to him. We parked underground, and I swear you have never seen anyone take so long to remove luggage from the trunk as him. We held hands, walking at a turtle’s pace toward the ticket counter, and he waited patiently as I punched in my frequent flyer number, bringing up my itinerary. I was pleased to see I’d gotten an upgrade and would be in seat 3D, a window seat.

“Sheridan?” the counter agent called, and we moved forward to check my bags. Jack placed them on the scale and we stood, waiting for her to wrap the tags around the handle.

“OK, you’re checking two bags through to La Guardia, right?” she asked.

“Yes,” I answered, surprised at my own voice. It was rough, and my throat felt like sandpaper. One look at Jack and I could see he was starting to feel it, too. His eyes were overcast, the green almost blue.

She gave me my ticket and pointed me toward the security checkpoint that would take me to my terminal. Jack slung my carry-on bag over his shoulder, and we walked away slowly, holding hands again. Right before we got to where we’d have to be separated, he pulled me over to the wall, almost hidden behind a vending machine. He set my bag down, and I kept my eyes on the floor. I literally couldn’t bear to look at him.

“Grace? Come on, look at me,” he chided softly, his fingers slipping under my chin and lifting my face up.

The tears that had been building all day finally broke, and I clutched him to me fiercely.

“Dammit, George, I’m going to miss you so much!” I cried, pulling him to me as tightly as I dared.

“I know, Gracie, me too,” he choked back, not crying, but sounding like he could.

I breathed in his sweet scent, S’mores and Hamilton, and I began to kiss every part of his warm skin that was exposed. His neck, his ears, his temples, his forehead, the little part of his chest that was exposed by his open collar, his cheeks, his nose, his eyelids and finally his mouth, which was eager for my own.

His hands swept across my back and my hips, his beautiful fingers spanning my waist almost completely.

I held on as tightly as I could, trying to express with sheer force how much I was going to miss him and how much my heart was now breaking to leave him.

“Grace? I just want you to know, well, how glad I am that I met you. I can’t imagine my life without your crazy, sexy, beautiful ass in it now,” he whispered in my ear, bringing a fresh wave of tears and smiles at the same time from me.

“God, you’re amazing. I’m so lucky,” I whispered back, clutching at him still tighter. He was now kissing my neck with a sense of urgency, burying his face in my hair and breathing deeply.

His lips found mine again, and we kissed until we were both breathless, his cheeks wet now from my tears, and then he hugged me tightly again.

“I should go,” I whispered into his neck, my hands buried in his hair.

“Yes, you should,” he whispered back, beginning to let go.

I backed away, swinging my bag up over my shoulder and taking my boarding pass from his hip pocket.

“Call me when you land?” he asked, his eyes sad, but hopeful.

“Promise,” I answered, scratching his head one last time. He closed his eyes like a puppy, leaning into it. I was close enough, still, that I could feel the warmth of him through my shirt.

“I love you, sweet girl.” He smiled, opening his eyes and leaning down for one more kiss.

“I love you too, Jack.” I smiled back as his lips left mine.

I walked away, getting in line. I gave the TSA officer my ID and boarding pass and then fell in behind everyone else. I couldn’t look behind me.

“Hey, Crazy!” I heard, and I turned around smiling, along with the other thirty people in line.

“Yes, Sweet Nuts?” I yelled back, to the general amusement of all around me.

“Knock their f**king socks off!” he yelled.

I laughed and then lifted my hand in a goodbye. With one more sexy half grin, he walked away, disappearing into the crowd. I was still smiling when I turned back to the line. The woman in front of me smiled.

“Boyfriend?” she asked.

“Boyfriend … hmm … yes. That was my boyfriend,” I answered, rolling the word around on my tongue.

Sex God, Wonder Tongue, Mr. Multiple … but boyfriend sounds good, too.

“He’s cute. And that accent! Jeez, it’s hot—if you don’t mind my saying.” She laughed.

“I don’t mind … and you have no idea how hot it is.” I smiled again, thinking of my boyfriend. I wiped the tears away and headed for my gate.
