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The Vampire's Reflection


The sun was already beginning to set. The group ventured only about five kilometers to the north, following the messenger's map carefully as not to encounter any human city. If one mortal saw the likes of the giant Spider or Edwin's burlap flesh, or Valek's deathly qualities, their quest would become much more complicated than it already was. Valek led the group on horseback with Jiri, carrying Sarah, trotting at his flanks. Charlotte and Nikolai talked for a long time on the back of Mr. Třinozka. Valek didn't anticipate the twinge of jealousy he felt as he heard her soft laughter at some joke the boy was telling her. He hadn't heard that laugh in a while. They seemed to be getting along, perhaps finding a lot in common as the only two humans within all this chaos. He still couldn't get rid of the idea that he knew the boy somehow. Something about him was too familiar.

"So you've always had these abilities?" Valek heard Charlotte ask the stranger. "Even when you lived with your family, they never had the inclination that you were something different?" Her voice took on a mystified sort of quality as she spoke to him, like she genuinely took interest in his strange story.

"Yes. From as far back as I could remember," Nikolai answered, a smile playing around his words.

Valek seethed. What was this person's game? Was he trying to get close to Charlotte?

"But even when you were little, when you were small, your parents must have noticed something about you. Something that was not normal. You must have done something as an infant or a toddler that would tip them off?" Charlotte continued to pry.

Valek heard it in her mind, the notion that Nikolai was like a breath of fresh air. In her whole world, she hardly had anyone she could relate to. Out of everyone, Sarah had been the closest, but now Nikolai's story sparked something new within her. Some sort of hope that perhaps she wasn't the only mortal in this universe that carried the weight of this knowledge on her shoulders.

"Perhaps," Nikolai said dismissively. "Maybe that's why my father always hated me. Maybe that's why I never truly felt like I was a part of that family."

His voice went misty as he trailed off. Was he seeking sympathy from her? Why was he divulging all of this personal information to her so quickly? Valek narrowed his eyes at the boy as though that might make it easier to see directly into his soul. He heard nothing of any danger within his mind. He furrowed his brow, just as Nikolai turned his gaze away from Charlotte and glared directly-knowingly-at Valek. Turning back to face front, Valek noted the heat from the warning signs as they flared up in his mind.

As they neared the first city on the Parliament's map, Valek noticed that Charlotte was growing fatigued, could hear her heartbeat begin to slow, and the tired, dazed thoughts within her mind. Most of those thoughts centered around Nikolai and what he'd told her of his past. Valek lamented silently that most of those thoughts were not about him, and he blamed himself. He couldn't comprehend the terrible things he'd put her through in his absence. Suffice to say, her blood was definitely on his hands and he would never forgive himself. He'd known it was a mistake to leave her, felt it in his bones as he and Sarah had first crossed over the Occult City borders.

They made their way into a clearing on the outer borders of Tyn nad Vltavou. The surrounding trees were denser and taller there and Valek decided it would be a good place to stop and remain hidden, having decided to pursue Abelim regardless of the wager Baba Yaga made. If they could find the Dark City and save Charlotte on their own by doing so, maybe Sarah wouldn't have to sacrifice her youth or anything else the Hag wanted from her. Venturing back into the Regime to look for some magic mirror that might not even exist was beyond dangerousness. Valek didn't want to make that kind of gamble. His luck wasn't good enough. They decided it was best to continue their quest of seeking the elders of the Parliament for advice instead. Trusting given directions made better sense than steering off course at this point. He knew they were running out of time.

"I think we should rest!" Valek announced to the group, slowing Beta's walk beneath him. "It's best if we break here for the night, and continue on to the next city on the Parliament's map at sunrise."

"So, who died and made this guy the boss?" he heard Nikolai ask quietly from the back of the group, elbowing Charlotte in the ribs. She only laughed politely before glancing immediately in Valek's direction, knowing he was privy to the boy's snarky comment.

"I've got it taken care of, Valek," Sarah offered before she turned to start rummaging through Charlotte's borrowed satchel. "Hold on, it's not in there." She turned forward and pulled a small glass jar out of her skirt pocket-one that Valek instantly recognized. Charlotte had once used it to capture a lightning bug to bring to Valek as "a little piece of the sun" when he'd been missing it. Upon seeing it, he and Charlotte glanced once at each other, undoubtedly remembering the argument that had followed after she'd gifted it to him.

As Sarah waved her sewing needle over the thing, the group watched the jar enlarge in the snow. Magically, with the enchanted end of her sewing needle, she began etching in a door and wooden floorboards along the bottom, and there they had shelter.

Mr. Třinozka helped Charlotte to the forest floor. Nikolai confidently leaped off the Spider's back by himself. Valek had to suppress a roll of his eyes upon seeing Nikolai stumble forward, rather humanly, in the snow. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he didn't like him. He was clearly too confident for his own good. Instantly, a stronger thought impacted Valek from somewhere in the group, and he shifted his focus to see Charlotte gripping the side of her neck, gritting her teeth. Quickly, he approached her, his arms extended, but she only lifted a firm hand to him, stopping him in his tracks.

"I'm okay, Valek," she said, her gaze lingering warily on his face. "I promise, I'll be okay."

Valek winced, noticing how palpable the rift was as it grew between them. He looked back to Nikolai, who regarded him with a creepy sort of smirk, crossing his arms over his chest. A low growl rumbled in Valek's throat as he wheeled away from him. It was so frustrating. Why couldn't he hear this boy's true intentions? There was something he was hiding. He knew it.

Sarah walked up to him slowly. "I'll get Charlotte settled inside," she said with a concerned glance in the ailing girl's direction. Valek was close to her again, and that meant her scar was going to start its burning symptoms. "I think it's better if you leave for a while. Perhaps if you go and carry back some wood for a fire. At least she'll be sleeping when you return, and she won't have to be so affected," Sarah offered.

With another glance toward his little love, he saw that Nikolai had once again struck up another lively conversation with her, provoking a tiny giggle before a more resounding laughter at something smart he'd undoubtedly said.

Something quaked inside Valek's chest. "Fine. I think that is a good idea. Just see that she gets her rest," he snarled, and turned to disappear between the pines on his quest for firewood.

He plowed through the cluster of trees in a quiet rage, tearing low-growing branches clear off of the surrounding evergreens. It was an effort that took very little thought, and instead all of his focus went to the horrid memories he saw play out in Charlotte's mind, and how he would eventually seek his revenge on Lusian. He fantasized about different ways he would do it, smiling wickedly at the violent images that played out in his own head. The more his arms filled with hunks of wood, the more ideas he had for Lusian's demise. Every branch he tore from the trees was like one of Lusian's limbs. He couldn't leave her alone anymore. Deciding he had collected enough, he wheeled around to begin heading back towards the clearing.

Upon his return, and with his arms full, he could see that Charlotte lay sleeping peacefully in the center of the enchanted glass lantern as Sarah had promised. He breathed a sigh, the muscles in his shoulders unclenching. Edwin and the Spider were settled on the other side of the abode, enveloped in their game of poker. The freezing night surrounded the glowing beacon, softened by Sarah's golden bewitchments twinkling down the sides of the walls. They illuminated the soft, powdery snow that blanketed the ground around the outside.

Valek's black shoes padded silently through it as he slowly neared Sarah's creation in the center of the forest clearing-the small structure bright like a candle on black, ocean waves. He wouldn't wake Charlotte yet. She needed the rest. He'd build the fire, then go back out to hunt something for the no-blood-drinkers to eat. Tomorrow, they'd start back out bright and early to the next safe city on the messenger's map. His mind flicked to the idea of just changing her and being done with it, but he instantly shoved the thought away. He'd done everything to her. And what he hadn't done, he'd allowed others to do. The only way he could not possibly hurt her more was to preserve her soul. At least that promise he would keep.

He clutched the splintered firewood tightly to his chest, gazing through the large windows of the glass house. He could see Nikolai approaching Lottie in her slumbering little nest that Sarah must have constructed for her out of the winter forest foliage and things she had taken with her from the house. Valek froze in his place, keeping himself concealed behind the dense thicket of trees. He held his breath, knowing it was impossible, but still swearing he could feel heat fill his face.

He watched as Nikolai lowered himself to his knees and grabbed hold of Charlotte's wrist in both of his hands. Valek dared not stir an inch as he watched Nikolai lift Charlotte's limp and pallid hand to his face, run her palm softly across his cheek, his gaze remaining on her face. Valek's unbeating heart wound itself into a tight knot as he gritted his teeth together.

"Let her rest!" he cried out, feeling something rupture inside of him.

Instantly, Nikolai dropped Charlotte's hand and froze. His focus snapped up in Valek's direction. A January breeze rustled softly the evergreen branches along the forest canopy. Even from that distance, the boy had clearly heard his warning. The two regarded each other for one long, silent moment, something snide quirking up the corner of Nikolai's lip.

Valek had not ever anticipated this sort of anger as it coursed through him. An instant reaction. He'd never been threatened in this way before-threatened to lose the one he loved-not to death and destruction, but to the heart of someone else. Maybe leaving her for those days had done more damage than he'd originally thought it might. He hadn't realized until then that he had dropped the wood in a heap in the snow at his feet. Fire rolled through his stomach. The uncontrollable rage and jealousy forced his talons into stone fists at his sides.

Flashing a grin, Nikolai slowly bent over Charlotte's delicate, sleeping form again. His mortal-blue eyes did not move from Valek's face, as though he was daring him-willing him-to act on his impulses.

"What makes you think you can take anything you want, Vampire?" He heard Nikolai's taunting whisper from across the clearing. "What makes you think you can just take away my family from me? I think now it's my turn to take something of yours."

Valek watched with a newfound illness as Nikolai's lips brushed across Charlotte's ruddy cheek.

Valek bellowed, racing forward, flurries of snow trailing up in waves around his feet. In a moment, he hurtled through the front wall, smashing it to zillions of sparkling shards that went cascading into the enchanted room. The golden orbs of light released themselves out into the forest, floating about on the night air.

Charlotte's eyes fluttered open.

Valek raced into Nikolai, fangs bared, the point of his elbow crushing into the Fledgling's chest, but not enough to actually kill him yet. He was still human...sort of.

The torment of jealousy, the distantly familiar taste of it was bitter and burning, like acid holes through his heart.

"How dare you touch her?" he roared through clenched fangs, breathing harshly through his nose. He had Nikolai pinned up against the back wall of the glass house. The glowing bewitchments floated all around the outside now, snow flurries drifting inward, dusting the dark, wooded floors with speckles of white.

"M-my apologies...." Nikolai began to stutter. His sarcastic and smug façade instantly disappeared and Valek could smell his human fear surface instantly. He hadn't anticipated Valek's impossible strength, Valek heard in his mind. "I-I was just seeing if she was warm enough."

"Lies!" Valek snapped. "You are lying! Who are you? What do you want?"

"Valek, please stop." Charlotte's pearly little voice seized him, seeming to silence the room.

Valek froze, his claws grasping the collar of Nikolai's plaid jacket so tightly that the boy was lifted off his feet. Valek's face dropped as he let Nikolai down. He turned to look at Charlotte. How could she not have noticed the fiend there, looming over her? Surely she must have. His cool touch had to have woken her. How could she defend a stranger? A lump hardened to stone in Valek's chest as he looked at the concern that had washed over her frail, delicate features. This time, concern for another.

"You love him," Valek murmured.

"What?" The corners of Charlotte's pretty mouth contorted into an insulted grimace. "I don't even know him."

"You do." Valek's rage built. "You love him!" He flew toward her, pulling her up out of the makeshift bed. Her warm grasp tightened around his wrist. Terror filled her eyes. "You defended him against me. Therefore you must!" Valek shook with the influx of so many emotions as he felt his eyes wash with red.

From the corner of his vision, he saw Nikolai race out of the hut through the broken wall and into the dark forest. Ears followed faithfully. Good riddance. He didn't care where they went.

He placed Charlotte back on the floor, but remained over her with his arms on either side, caging her there. "Did I damage you too much, Lottie?" The tops of his arms and chest began to quake with rage. "Is that why you turn from me? Is that why you withdraw from me now? Tell me!" He screamed into her face and watched her close her eyes against the sight of him. "I try and give you everything, but you don't take it! You don't want anything from me anymore. It's because you truly are afraid of me, now?"

Charlotte couldn't speak. He could smell her fear as she shook her head from side to side, trapped beneath him.

"You still don't believe how much I love you." Harshly, he grabbed hold of the back of her head and crushed his lips against hers. His other hand tore at the buttons of her blouse.

Charlotte's fist slammed against his shoulder, fighting him off, though he barely felt it against him. It might as well have been a feather. He continued to kiss her, yanking her up off the floor into his lap, wrapping his arms around her, pressing her to him.

When he relinquished his mouth for a moment to let her breathe, she said, "I do know, Valek. I do know. Please!" Tears streamed down her face.

It didn't matter what she said. He pressed his mouth to hers once again, silencing her, his left hand burying itself under the material of her blouse. She made a slight sound of protest against him, but he couldn't bring himself to tear away from her. He'd never release her again-

"Stop!" Sarah cried from the edge of the destroyed wall.

Valek froze, realizing he had an audience. Immediately, he released Charlotte, who hurriedly backed away from him, hugging her arms tightly around herself. He stood before her, eyes locked on her broken face, breathing heavy, hardly believing what he'd just done. With each passing day, it seemed like he was becoming more of what he never wanted to be. Making one more mistake with every clock tick. Constantly losing control. Constantly hurting the only one he was ever meant to love. He watched as Charlotte began to break down, unable to hold it in anymore. Finally sobbing.

"What are you doing, Valek?" Sarah dropped the firewood around her. Mr. Třinozka and Edwin stood behind her with the same grimace on both of their faces. Sarah's mouth was open, her brow furrowed as she stared at him incredulously. Nikolai stood just behind the three of them, smiling malevolently. As though he intended for this to happen. Had Valek fallen into his trap? "How could you do such a thing, after knowing what happened to her?" Sarah whispered, tears beginning down her own face.

Valek hated himself. With every move he made, every single fiber of himself was revolting. He gazed down at Charlotte, who continued to stare at the floor with a look on her face he'd never seen, nor ever wanted to see again. Hurt. Confusion. Bitterness filling her eyes, for whom she refused to look was so abhorrent. What had possessed him to act in such a beastly way?

"Valek," Charlotte began quietly. Shimmering tears swept listlessly down her face as her wide gaze burned into him. His limbs began to quake as he awaited what she would say next. He could barely make out a single thought as he tuned into the chaotic traffic of her mind. "I think you should just leave me alone now."

His mouth fell open, but nothing came out. The muscles in his throat clenched. Swallowing came hard. His own blood tears ensued. Instead, he silently mouthed the words 'I'm sorry'. Charlotte's pretty mouth mashed into a hard, defining line as she got to her feet rather shakily, apparently still stunned by what he'd just done. Quickly she batted the tears away from her velvet cheeks. His claws twitched as he fought back the urge to wipe them away himself, just as he always had. He watched silently as she stormed out into the night, through the wall of broken glass and into the snow, the boots Sarah loaned her making lonesome, distant trudging noises.

"You're going to freeze to death, Charlotte!" Sarah called after her.

"I don't care! No one follow me!" she snapped bitterly, hugging her arms around herself.

Valek stayed frozen as he watched her frail figure drift farther and farther away into the deep shadows of the winter forest, the blood tears blinding him. He was such a brute. After all she'd just been through, he'd nearly done the same thing. Not that he would have ever followed through. He couldn't imagine himself committing such brutality against her-it had been merely an act of desperation. It was as if he could feel her slipping through his fingers.

Lottie, I am so sorry.
