Read Books Novel

The Vampire's Reflection


The massive castle square was completely abandoned in the midnight hour, the gates locked shut from all of the daytime tourists and onlookers. I was painstakingly aware of the castle guards as Francis and I swept through the center of the main square. I was positive they were privy to us being there, though strangely, these mortals didn't move. They didn't even stir, with their strict gazes facing forward. Do they not see us, I thought in Francis' direction. I didn't want to speak for fear it might attract more attention to us.

They do. I heard his mind respond to mine. They are sworn to secrecy. They know of magic and of our existence. They know they inadvertently guard Abelim as well, and not to bother us.

Interesting, I thought, though not at Francis in particular. Curious, I focused in on one of the guards. I could see now, even from this distance, his pupils were wavering. I could hear in his mind the shock and the desperate want to look at me-to see me. He was newly assigned to the castle guard staff, that I could tell. This was his first sighting of a nightwalker. The word rang from his mind. I snorted. Was that their name for us? Nightwalker? He made them sound like a professional escort.

The platoon officer barked an order, and in complete synchronized choreography, each of the guards standing before the various castle entrances turned on their black, polished heels and retreated to some unbeknownst place. A new set of guards formed up, ready to take their place. The sound of their marching echoed off the massive cathedral buttresses of the ancient St. Vitus, which stood ominously in the center of the open, castle square. Depictions of Jesus and his disciples were etched with the most intricate detail along the cold, gray cathedral face. My gaze flicked intently over the thousands of impossibly tiny sculptures along the walls and doors. I tried my best to focus in on every detail, perfecting the visual memory in my mind. The busier I kept my mind, the better. I could not bear to imagine her face. The way she looked at me before-

"How do you suppose humanity achieved this?" I interrupted my own thought, asking Francis the question so my mind wouldn't spiral any further to that painful memory. Distantly, though, I wondered if her eyes had opened yet.

"Whatever do you mean?" Francis' tone was incredulous and bored.

"It is so intricate. St. Vitus is. I'm just wondering how it's possible that human fingers constructed this. The job just seems to me too overwhelming." I shook my head, marveling at the gloriousness of it.

Francis cast me a quick look and walked forward a few more steps. "Please, Valek. Do you actually believe humans did this?"

"Didn't they?"

Francis snorted.

We continued to the entrance of the St. Vitus Cathedral. The doors looked bolted shut. I was curious because this didn't seem like we were on our way to any city. I wondered slightly if we'd taken a detour-if Francis needed something from this place, or if we were visiting someone on our way. I watched him press his hand against the ornate façade of the double door.

The zillions of colors from the moonlight through dozens of stained glass windows washed the marble floors around me in glorious pools of lavender, cobalt, scarlet, and emerald. They reflected off the pews and down the long hall where several marble tombs slept silently in the chilled night.

"Francis, I'm afraid I do not understand. Why are we here?" I asked, marveling. I remembered visiting this place once a long time ago in my distant past. The past that included my wife and all of my human experiences and memories. My eyes pricked instantly with the thought, and quickly I blinked it away, but not before seeing Nikolai glare at me in my memory. How can that be? Everything Aiden said-it was all impossible. There was no way I could possess...a lineage. I shuddered and pushed the thought back again.

"We've arrived at the gates of Abelim, dear Valek."

Francis batted his long, glittering eyelashes at me, and I stifled a barking laugh. I had no idea where Milo had escaped to. He was quiet and seemed pretty safe. The last I saw of him was when he drove the carriage up to the entrance of the Prague Castle and dropped us off. Perhaps there was some back entrance to this strange city? I looked around the cathedral hall questioningly until Francis continued.

"The city lies underground, Valek," Francis said exasperatedly as if I were missing something obvious. "Abelim is literally old Prague-the very foundation Prague now sits atop of." Francis waved his hand vaguely in the direction of the marble tomb that was constructed dead center from the others. "The entrance is there. The tomb of Charles IV. We've got quite a walk ahead of us," he sighed, "so let us begin."

I didn't make a step forward. I barely moved. Something gripped me tightly, holding me back from journeying below to the bowels of the city. It was her. It was knowing she was waking up somewhere without me. And despite our hurt and angry exchange in the forest, I longed to be at her side, whether she wanted me to be there or not.

"Valek." Francis spoke again hearing the apprehension in my thoughts. "She's the protected one. Guarded by magic, and watched over by creatures of the night." Abruptly, he pulled at my hand, reminding me of the deep line of fate chiseled across my palm. "Do not worry, dear friend. Your paths will certainly cross again."

I relaxed a little. Perhaps he was right.

"Whether she's friend or foe when that happens, I don't know. But we'll be ready for anything, won't we?"

I frowned at that. Was he right? Could Charlotte possibly hate me now? To my discontent, it was not such an improbable thought. Finally acquiescing, I followed my mentor-my liege-down the hall and imminently, down into the depths of the Dark City. I would watch her from afar. I would wait for her, trusting that she would eventually come looking for me. And most importantly...I would not let the monsters get her.
