Read Books Novel

The Wedding

The Wedding(17)
Author: Nicholas Sparks

“You could have died out there!” Kate cried.

“Oh, it wasn’t so bad. A little water never hurt anyone. The worst part was the raccoon when I finally came to. With the way he kept staring at me, I thought he might be rabid. Then he came at me.”

“You were attacked by a raccoon?” Jane looked as though she might faint.

“Not really attacked. I fought him off before he could bite me.”

“It tried to bite you!” Kate cried.

“Oh, it’s no big deal. I’ve fought off raccoons before.”

Kate and Jane stared at each other with shell-shocked expressions, then turned toward their siblings. Appalled silence reigned before Noah finally smiled. He pointed his finger at them and winked. “Gotcha.”

I brought a hand to my mouth, trying to stifle a chuckle. Off to the side, I could see Anna doing her best to keep a straight face.

“Don’t tease us like that!” Kate snapped, tapping the side of the bed.

“Yeah, Daddy, that’s not nice,” Jane added.

Noah’s eyes creased with amusement. “Had to. You set yourselves up for it. But just to let you know, they found me within a couple of minutes. And I’m fine. I offered to drive to the hospital, but they made me take the ambulance.”

“You can’t drive. You don’t even have a valid license anymore.”

“It doesn’t mean that I’ve forgotten how. And the car’s still in the lot.”

Though they said nothing, I could see Jane and Kate mentally planning to remove his keys.

Jeff cleared his throat. “I was thinking that maybe we should get you one of those wrist alarms. So if it happens again, you can get help right away.”

“Don’t need one. I just tripped over a root. Wouldn’t have had time to press the button on the way down. And when I came to, the nurse was already there.”

“I’ll have a talk with the director,” David said. “And if he doesn’t take care of that root, I will. I’ll chop it out myself.”

“I’ll give you a hand,” Grayson chimed in.

“It not his fault I’m getting clumsy in my old age. I’ll be up and around in a day or so, and good as new by the weekend.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Anna said. “Just get better, okay?”

“And take it easy,” Kate urged. “We’re worried about you.”

“Scared to death,” Jane repeated.

Cluck, cluck, cluck. I smiled inwardly. Noah was right—they were all mother hens.

“I’ll be fine,” Noah insisted. “And don’t you go canceling that wedding on my account. I’m looking forward to going, and I don’t want you to think a bump on my head is enough to keep me from being there.”

“That’s not important right now,” Jeff said.

“He’s right, Grampa,” Anna said.

“And don’t postpone it, either,” Noah added.

“Don’t talk like that, Daddy,” Kate said. “You’re going to stay here as long as it takes for you to get better.”

“I’ll be fine. I just want you to promise that it’s still on. I’ve been looking forward to this.”

“Don’t be stubborn,” Jane pleaded.

“How many times do I have to tell you? This is important to me. It’s not every day that a wedding happens around here.” Recognizing that he was getting nowhere with his daughters, he sought out Anna. “You understand what I mean, don’t you, Anna?”

Anna hesitated. In the silence, her eyes flicked toward me before returning to Noah. “Of course I do, Grampa.”

“Then you’ll go ahead with it, won’t you?”

Instinctively she reached for Keith’s hand.

“If that’s what you want,” she said simply.

Noah smiled, visibly relieved. “Thank you,” he whispered.

Jane adjusted his blanket. “Well then, you’re going to have to take care of yourself this week,” she said. “And be more careful in the future.”

“Don’t worry, Dad,” David promised, “I’ll have that root gone by the time you get back.”

The discussion returned to how Noah had fallen, and I suddenly realized what had been left out of the conversation thus far. Not one of them, I noticed, was willing to mention the reason he’d been at the pond in the first place.

But then again, none of them ever wanted to talk about the swan.

Noah told me about the swan a little less than five years ago. Allie had been gone for a month, and Noah had seemed to be aging at an accelerated rate. He seldom left his room, even to read poetry to others. Instead, he sat at his desk, reading the letters that he and Allie had written to each other over the years or thumbing through his copy of Leaves of Grass.

We did our best to get him out of his room, of course, and I suppose it’s ironic that I was the one who brought him to the bench by the pond. That morning was the first time we saw the swan.

I can’t say I knew what Noah was thinking, and he certainly gave no indication at the time that he read anything significant into it at all. I do remember that the swan floated toward us, as if looking for something to eat.

“Should have brought some bread,” Noah remarked.

“Next time we will,” I agreed in a perfunctory way.

When I visited two days later, I was surprised not to find Noah in his room. The nurse told me where he was. At the pond, I found him seated on the bench. Beside him was a single piece of Wonder Bread. When I approached, the swan seemed to watch me, but even then it showed no fear.

“It looks like you’ve made yourself a friend,” I commented.

“Looks that way,” he said.

“Wonder Bread?” I asked.

“She seems to like it the best.”

“How do you know it’s a she?”

Noah smiled. “I just know,” he said, and that was how it began.

Since then he has fed the swan regularly, visiting the pond in all kinds of weather. He has sat in the rain and the sweltering heat, and as the years passed, he began spending more and more time on the bench, watching and whispering to the swan. Now, full days can pass when he never leaves the bench at all.

A few months after his first encounter with the swan, I asked him why he spent so much time at the pond. I assumed he found it peaceful or that he enjoyed talking to someone—or something—without expecting a response.

“I come here because she wants me to.”

“The swan?” I asked.

“No,” he said. “Allie.”

My insides tightened at the sound of her name, but I didn’t know what he meant. “Allie wants you feed the swan?”


“How do you know?”

With a sigh, he looked up at me. “It’s her,” he said.


“The swan,” he said.

I shook my head uncertainly. “I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.”

“Allie,” he repeated. “She found a way to come back to me, just like she promised she would. All I had to do was find her.”

This is what the doctors mean when they say Noah is delusional.

We stayed at the hospital another thirty minutes. Dr. Barnwell promised to call us with an update after he made his rounds the following morning. He was close to our family, looking after Noah as he would his own father. We trusted him completely. As I’d promised, I suggested to the family that Noah seemed to be getting tired and that it might be best for him to rest. On our way out, we arranged to visit him in shifts, then hugged and kissed in the parking lot. A moment later, Jane and I were alone, watching the others leave.

I could see the weariness in Jane’s unfocused gaze and sagging posture and felt it myself.

“You doing okay?” I asked.

“I think so.” She sighed. “I know he seems to be fine, but he doesn’t seem to understand that he’s almost ninety. He’s not going to be up and around as fast as he thinks he will.” She closed her eyes for a moment, and I guessed that she was worrying about the wedding plans as well.

“You’re not thinking of asking Anna to postpone the wedding, are you? After what Noah said?”

Jane shook her head. “I would have tried, but he was so adamant. I just hope that he’s not insisting on it because he knows . . .”

She trailed off. I knew exactly what she was going to say.

“Because he knows he doesn’t have much longer,” she went on. “And that this is going to be his last big event, you know?”

“He doesn’t believe that. He still has more than a few years left.”

“You sound so sure of that.”

“I am sure. For his age, he’s actually doing well. Especially compared to the others his age at Creekside. They barely leave their rooms, and all they do is watch television.”

“Yeah, and all he does is go to the pond to see that stupid swan. Like that’s any better.”

“It makes him happy,” I pointed out.

“But it’s wrong,” she said fiercely. “Can’t you see that? Mom’s gone. That swan has nothing to do with her.”

I didn’t know how to respond, so I stayed quiet.

“I mean, it’s crazy,” she continued. “Feeding it is one thing. But thinking that Mom’s spirit has somehow come back doesn’t make any sense.” She crossed her arms. “I’ve heard him talking to it, you know. When I go to see him. He’s having a regular conversation, as if he honestly believes the swan can understand him. Kate and David have caught him doing it, too. And I know you’ve heard him.”

She leveled an accusing stare.

“Yes,” I admitted, “I’ve heard him, too.”

“And it doesn’t bother you?”

I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. “I think,” I said carefully, “that right now, Noah needs to believe that it’s possible.”

“But why?”

“Because he loves her. He misses her.”

At my words, I saw her jaw quiver. “I do, too,” she said.

Even as she said the words, we both knew it wasn’t the same.

Despite our weariness, neither of us could face the prospect of going straight home after the ordeal at the hospital. When Jane declared suddenly that she was “starving,” we decided to stop at the Chelsea for a late dinner.

Even before we entered, I could hear the sounds of John Peterson at the piano inside. Back in town for a few weeks, he played each weekend; on weekdays, however, John sometimes showed up unexpectedly. Tonight was such a night, the tables surrounding the piano crowded, the bar packed with people.

We were seated upstairs, away from the music and the crowd, where only a few other tables were occupied. Jane surprised me by ordering a second glass of wine with her entrée, and it seemed to ease some of the tension of the past several hours.

“What did Daddy say to you when you two were alone?” Jane asked, carefully picking a bone out of her fish.

“Not much,” I answered. “I asked him how he was doing, what happened. For the most part, it wasn’t any different from what you heard later.”

She raised an eyebrow. “For the most part? What else did he say?”

“Do you really want to know?”

She laid her silverware down. “He asked you to feed the swan again, didn’t he.”


“Are you going to?”

“Yes,” I said, but seeing her expression, I went on quickly, “but before you get upset, remember that I’m not doing it because I think it’s Allie. I’m doing it because he asked, and because I don’t want the swan to starve to death. It’s probably forgotten how to forage on its own.”

She looked at me skeptically.

“Mom hated Wonder Bread, you know. She would never have eaten it. She liked to make her own.”

Luckily, the approach of our waiter saved me from further discussion of this topic. When he asked how we were enjoying our entrées, Jane suddenly asked if these dishes were on the catering menu.

At her question, a look of recognition crossed his features.

“Are you the folks throwing the wedding?” he asked. “At the old Calhoun place this weekend?”

“Yes, we are,” Jane said, beaming.

“I thought so. I think half the crew is working that event.” The waiter grinned. “Well, it’s great to meet you. Let me refill your drinks, and I’ll bring the full catering menu when I come back.”

As soon as he’d left, Jane leaned across the table.

“I guess that answers one of my questions. About the service, I mean.”

“I told you not to worry.”

She drained the last of her wine. “So are they going to set up a tent? Since we’re eating outside?”

“Why don’t we use the house?” I volunteered. “I’m going to be out there anyway when the landscapers come, so why don’t I try to get a cleaning crew out there to get it ready? We’ve got a few days—I’m sure I can find someone.”

“We’ll give it a try, I guess,” she said slowly, and I knew she was thinking of the last time she’d been inside. “You know it’ll be pretty dusty, though. I don’t think anyone’s cleaned it in years.”

“True, but it’s only cleaning. I’ll make some calls. Let me see what I can do,” I urged.

“You keep saying that.”

“I keep having to do things,” I countered, and she laughed good-naturedly. Through the window over her shoulder, I could see my office and noticed that the light in Saxon’s window was on. No doubt he was there on urgent business, for Saxon seldom stayed late. Jane caught me staring.

“Missing work already?” she asked.
