Read Books Novel

The Werewolf Meets His Match

“You have nothing to worry about. He’s been after me to find a woman for years.”

“I should get home soon then. I’ll make a dessert to take over, although I’m not sure I can compete with your sister’s cobbler.”

Hank shook his head. “She didn’t make that cobbler. She just pays the salary of the chef who did. Anything you want to make is great. Or you could buy something. There’s a new shop on Black Cat Boulevard called Delaney’s Delectables. They sell all kinds of sweets. The woman who runs it is fairly new to town, like you. She’s a vampire.”

Ivy stared at him. “It’s one thing to know Nocturne Falls is pretty open about supernaturals, it’s another to hear them discussed as regular citizens.”

He shrugged. “The tourists think we’re all playing parts. It makes life a lot easier than trying to hide who you are.”

“And what if a visitor realizes you’re not playing a part?”

“Remember the waterfall we drank from on our run?”


“That water comes from an enchanted spring. Humans think drinking the water from that spring has the power to grant wishes. What the water actually does, thanks to the magic involved, is blur the edges of reality a little.”

“How can you be sure everyone drinks it?”

“That spring feeds the town’s reservoir and it’s the bottled water you’ll see being sold in all the shops. It’s everywhere.”

“And it only affects humans?”

“Supernaturals are immune.”

“Wow.” This place was unreal.

He nodded and took another bite of cobbler.

She lifted her spoon, then paused. “How do you know it’s enchanted?”

“The family who started this town did it. Actually, the witch who works for them. It’s a big part of what makes this whole place work.”

“That’s not the Merrow family, is it?”

He snorted. “No. Nocturne Falls was founded by the Ellinghams. Vampires. The woman who runs Delaney’s? She just married the middle son, Hugh Ellingham.”

“I might go down there just to see a vampire in person.” She’d never seen one before, and her curiosity was strong. She shrugged. “I guess I’ll have to wait until after dark.”

He finished his cobbler and put his napkin on the table. “You can go anytime. The Ellinghams also have some kind of magic that makes them immune to the sun.”

“Wild. I’ll head down there when we’re done.” She rested her spoon on the table. “The Ellinghams sound powerful.”

“They are. But they don’t abuse it.” He put his arm around her, drawing her in. “Enough about them. It’s time for your surprise.”

She settled against his warmth. “You mean it wasn’t the cobbler?”

“Hardly.” The spark in his eyes was a mix of happiness and anticipation. “You ready to find out what it is?”

She smiled, unable to help herself. She had no idea what he could be up to. “Let the wooing commence.”

Hank figured when they walked into Illusions, Ivy would know they’d come there to get her an engagement ring and the surprise would come to an end. He’d assumed wrong.

She leaned into him and whispered, “Is this about getting me a job? This would be a very cool place to work.”

“A job? No.” He led her to the diamond case. “It’s about getting you a ring.”

Ivy’s lips parted, disbelief etched in her gaze. “What?”

“Is that question because you think I should have picked it out on my own or because you didn’t think I was getting you a ring?”

“I…” She shook her head and looked like she was trying to blink away tears. “I didn’t expect a ring is all.”

“Even better.” He gestured toward the case. “See anything you like?”

Willa, the owner and one of the fae citizens in town, met them on the other side. “Hi, Sheriff.”

He’d called ahead to let her know what he was coming in for. “Willa Iscove, this is Ivy Kincaid. My fiancée.”

Willa smiled at her. “Hi, Ivy. Congratulations to both of you on your engagement.”

Ivy nodded and squeaked out a, “Thanks.” She cleared her throat, then spoke to Willa again. “Could you give us a minute?”

“Sure. Give me a wave when you’re ready.” Willa left to help another customer.

“Hank, I don’t know about this.”

He frowned. “Having second thoughts about marrying me?”


Her emphatic response pleased him but left him more confused. “What’s wrong then?”

She kept her voice low. “You shouldn’t be spending your money on—I mean, you’re taking on me and my son. I just don’t want you to think I’m…” She sighed. “This isn’t coming out right. I don’t need anything but a plain band.”

“My wife needs more than a plain band. I want other men to know you’re married. And don’t worry about the money. Or the added cost of your son. I’m good when it comes to finances. Not Ellingham good, but well off. Besides being sheriff, which pays well in this town, I have my stipend.” All pack members did, but as an immediate member of the alpha’s family, his was about double that amount.

Her frown had yet to leave her face. “But I’m not bringing anything to this marriage but debts. I still have some student loans.”
