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The Werewolf Meets His Match

She just couldn’t help but pray there wasn’t another shoe waiting to drop.

She kissed Charlie on the head and pulled the cover over his narrow shoulders, then quietly picked her wedding dress off the floor and hung it up before tiptoeing out of the bedroom.

Hank waited in the hallway. “Is he still asleep?”

She closed the door, turning the knob slowly until it clicked. “He woke up when I was taking his jeans off, but went right back to sleep.”

Hank nodded. “He’s a great kid. I like him.”

“He likes you, too.” She draped her arms around Hank’s neck. “I think you’re pretty amazing myself.”

He settled his hands on her hips, sending a thrill through her. “Tomorrow’s your last day to change your mind about marrying me. Not even a full day. We’ll be in front of the justice of the peace by five.”

She leaned into him, a sudden surge of desire making her knees go weak. “Same goes for you.”

He walked her back against the wall and held her there with the length of his hard body. “I’m not changing my mind.” His mouth went to her neck.

She sighed and arched against him, welcoming the friction between them as he trailed kisses down her throat. The full moon was one night away and it sang in her blood like a siren’s song, its pull intensifying every feeling until her body was one giant needy ache.

A soft groan left her throat, and his hands slipped under her shirt, hot and insistent. They traveled up her rib cage until his thumbs brushed the undersides of her lace bra.

Her nails dug into his shoulders. “It’s too bad we can’t go for a run.”

“Mm-hmm,” he murmured without taking his mouth off her skin. “We’ll have to think of another way to use up all this energy.”

The vibration of his words sent a shiver through her skin, and all she could manage in response was a mewl of pleasure.

He slid his hands down under her thighs and lifted her, wrapping her legs around his waist. “Lucky for you, I just had an idea.”

She hung on to him as he walked them into his bedroom, tangling her hands in his hair and kissing him. “I bet I know what it is.”

“I bet you do, too.” He laughed and nudged the door shut with his foot, then he dropped her on the bed and yanked his shirt off over his head, the gold gleam in his eyes pure lust.

Holy nakedness, the man was unbelievably hot. She grinned.

“What’s that look for?”

“How crazy sexy you are.” She pulled her T-shirt off, too, leaving herself in just a black lace bra and jeans.

“I think crazy sexy is your department.” He nodded as she tossed her T-shirt onto the floor. “Keep going. All of it. The only thing I want you wearing is that smile and that ring.”

She laughed out of sheer happiness.

Tomorrow she would be Mrs. Hank Merrow.

Tonight she would be anything he wanted.

It was a rare day that Hank slept in. He chalked it up to extreme contentment. He rolled over to find the sun in his eyes and his bed empty, but the sounds that carried up from downstairs were happy ones. Ivy and Charlie, fixing breakfast no doubt by the aromas of coffee and bacon that were wafting up. He threw his arm over his head and grinned up at the ceiling.

Amazing how your life could change so quickly. In such a great and unexpected way.

What hadn’t changed was his need to get to work. He got up, grabbed a quick shower and headed downstairs in his uniform. “Morning.”

Ivy smiled at him with the sort of knowing look that told him she’d been very happy with his performance last night. Not a bad way to be sent off to work at all. “Morning, tiger.”

Charlie looked up from a plate of scrambled eggs, his eyes going big at the sight of Hank in his uniform. “Are you a cop?”

“I’m a sheriff.”

“Is that a real gun?”

“It is.”

“Do you arrest bad guys?”

“I do. And sometimes bad women.” He shot a glance at Ivy, who gave him the don’t-you-dare-tell look.

“Wow.” Charlie’s eyes hadn’t left the gold star on Hank’s chest.

“You want to come down to the station later and take the secret tour?”

He whipped around to look at Ivy. “Can I, Mom?”

“You bet.” She raised her brows at Hank. “Around lunch?”

“Sounds great.”

“That’ll give me time to take him to the walk in clinic for a quick check up. How about some breakfast?”

“Love some, but I don’t have time.”

“Already thought of that.” She passed him a wax-paper-wrapped bacon and egg sandwich and a travel mug of coffee.

He shook his head. “You’re something else, you know that? I could get used to this.”

She winked at him. “Just taking care of you.”

“I love it.” He lifted the sandwich and the coffee. “I’ll make sure Birdie’s free in case you need her.”

“I think I can manage. Besides, Birdie will probably have wedding fever today. I’m sure she thinks there are still a million things to do.”

“In that case, Charlie can hang out at the station with me until it’s time to go.” He started for the garage door, then paused. “Why would there be a million things left to do? We’re still doing the justice of the peace thing, right?”

“About that…”
