Read Books Novel

The Werewolf Meets His Match

The door to the courtroom opened and Ivy entered, escorted by her brother Sam. Even though Hank had already seen her, she took his breath away a second time. She had a short veil covering her face and something about that wisp of white between them made the idea of marriage very real.

She was about to be his wife, and the little boy at his side, his son.

Contentment filled him, melding with the sense of purpose and clarity that this was what he was meant to do with his life. Be a husband and a father. To protect and love these two. There was peace in that sudden swell of understanding, and his chest expanded with the emotion of the moment.

Whether or not he ever became alpha was inconsequential.

Soft music began to play, and Sam walked Ivy down the short aisle to Hank.

The justice asked, “Who gives this woman to be wed?”

“I do,” Sam said. Then he kissed Ivy’s cheek, patted Hank on the shoulder and went to stand with Birdie.

“Hi again,” Ivy whispered.

Hank smiled. “Hi.”

The justice cleared his throat and began. “We have gathered today to celebrate the love that Ivy and Hank have declared for each other, and to recognize and witness their decision to blend their lives as partners in marriage and in the raising of their son, Charlie.”

“Their marriage represents more than the union of the heart and body and of the mind and spirit. It signifies their wish for peace for their families and their packs. It seals the truce between the Kincaids and the Merrows and shines a light of love and possibility on the future.”

“Knowing this, Ivy and Hank do not enter into this agreement lightly, but with the understanding of all they represent. To that end, they invite those present to witness this union and ask them to become a part of that union. What say you?”

Everyone in attendance responded with, “We will.”

The justice nodded. “Hank, do you take Ivy to be your wife and your mate, promising to protect her and cherish her?”

Hank kept his gaze on Ivy. “I do.”

“Do you also agree to accept her son as your blood and raise him with the love and care due a child of your own flesh?”

He looked down at Charlie. “I do.”

Charlie smiled a lop-sided grin even as tears shined in his eyes.

The justice turned slightly. “Ivy, do you take Hank to be your husband and your mate, promising to protect and cherish him?”

Her eyes gleamed bright with tears as well. “I do.”

“And do you accept him as the father of your child, understanding that he will raise your son with the love and care due a child of his own flesh?”

“I do.”

The justice looked at Charlie. “And Charlie, do you accept Hank as your father, understanding that his line becomes your line and that he will love and care for you just as he would any child of his own flesh?”

Charlie nodded with great seriousness. “Yes.”

“Very good.” The justice smiled at Charlie. “May I have the rings please?”

Charlie dug them out of his tux pocket and handed them over, his pride at being charged with such an important task evident.

The justice held up the rings. “Let these rings be a symbol of your love, seamless and unending, faithful and true. Let them also remind you of the moon that commands your spirits and when it calls to you, may it also call to mind the vows you have made here today.”

He handed Ivy’s ring to Hank. “Repeat after me. With this ring, I take you as my wife and mate, to love and honor all the days of my life.”

Hank repeated the words as he slipped the ring onto Ivy’s finger. She was trembling slightly.

The justice then handed Hank’s ring to Ivy. “Ivy, repeat after me. With this ring, I take you as my husband and mate, to love and honor all the days of my life.”

She spoke the words as she wiggled the ring onto Hank’s finger.

The justice smiled. “It gives me great pleasure to be the first to wish you a lifetime of happiness and love. By the power of the great state of Georgia, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Hank lifted Ivy’s veil and embraced her, planting a big kiss on her as their family cheered. Charlie jumped up and down and clapped.

The justice held his hands up. “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Merrow and their son, Charlie.”

As Birdie wept, Bridget pumped her fist in the air. “Let’s get this party started.”

Another round of applause greeted Ivy and Hank as they walked into the back room of Howler’s and the DJ announced them again as husband and wife. The number of people assembled was slightly overwhelming, but Ivy kind of figured Birdie deserved to invite whoever she wanted since she was the reason this celebration was even happening. Ivy recognized only a handful of people, but the happiness and affection that radiated off the gathered crowd was obvious.

And now that she’d met Hank’s parents and they’d met her and Charlie, she could relax and enjoy herself. They were good people, which was not that surprising, considering the amazing man Hank was. They’d even brought Charlie a gift of a toy racecar.

As the evening wore on, she lost track of how many hands she shook and how many people she was introduced to, wondering if she’d ever remember them all. A few stood out: Hugh Ellingham, Delaney’s husband, because Ivy knew even before meeting him that he was a vampire so that immediately made her curious. Nick Hardwin, a gargoyle shifter who had been in the Rangers with Hank and was almost as new to town as she was. Lastly, there was Corette’s boyfriend, Stanhill, who was also Hugh Ellingham’s butler of sorts.
