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The Werewolf Meets His Match

Ivy stepped between them. “Outside. Now.”

Neither man budged.

Hank looked at her. “Please tell me this idiot isn’t who I think he is.”

Hank’s parents were watching. Aware something was wrong. Ivy ground her teeth together. This was not how this day was supposed to go. She swallowed, but nothing could remove the bitter taste coating her tongue. “I wish I could, but I’m pretty sure you’ve already figured out he’s Eric Prescott. Charlie’s biological father.”

The fresh air in Howler’s parking lot did nothing to clear Hank’s head. He stared across the lot at the man who’d not only dared to show up at their wedding and disrupt it, but actually thought he was going to leave with Charlie. Prescott was leaning against his rental car, taking a phone call.

Hank wanted to shove the phone down the man’s throat. Or possibly into a different body cavity.

Ivy came out. “Birdie’s keeping an eye on Charlie.”

“What did you tell her?” The last thing Hank wanted was for his aunt to get involved in this. He wanted it over and done with quietly.

“Same thing I told your parents. Enough to make sure she didn’t let Charlie out of her sight.”


She sighed, looking as deflated as she sounded. “I can’t believe Eric showed up here. On today of all days.”

“I can.”

Ivy blinked, squinting. “What do you mean? How?”

“Your father, that’s how.”

“You think he had something to do with this?”

Hank grunted. He thought Clemens had a hand in most of the trouble in Ivy’s life. “This guy shows up five hours after you text your father a picture that proves his grandson can shift after all? That’s damned convenient. Where’s this guy from?”

“Mobile, Alabama. His mother is a Hayden.”

Hank looked at her. “As in William Hayden? Alpha of the Alabama pack.”

“That’s his uncle.” She looked away, anger sparking in her eyes. “When we started dating, I used to think my dad might finally be proud of me for landing such a great catch. Little did I know what an ass he’d turn out to be.”

Prescott joined them. “What was that?”

Ivy glared at him. “I was just telling Hank what an ass you were. Are.”

Prescott smirked. “And I see you still haven’t matured.”

She stiffened. “I’m not the one who walked away from my child.”

Hank straightened. Ivy and Eric rehashing the past wasn’t going to get them anywhere. “What do want, Prescott?”

Prescott took a second before he answered. “I told you. I want my son.”

Hank shook his head. “Doesn’t work like that.”

“Sure it does.” Prescott smirked with the kind of self-confidence that made Hank want to punch him just for the sheer enjoyment of it. “I’m his biological father.”

“As of the ceremony that took place five hours ago, I’m now his father. By pack law, that’s as good as blood.”

Irritation thinned out Prescott’s smirk. “I’m the nephew of the Alabama alpha. I don’t really think you want to get into this with me.”

Hank laughed. “Apparently, Clemens didn’t tell you who Ivy was marrying. My father is Griffin Merrow, alpha of the Georgia pack. And I’m his firstborn. He also happens to be inside, if you want to confirm that in person.” Hank had never played the rank card before, but this was a special situation.

That took a little of the shine off of Prescott. He shrugged. “So we’re equal in rank.”

“Not even close, but I’ll let it slide since you’re about to leave. In fact, I’m willing to forget all about this as long as you disappear in the next sixty seconds.”

“Not without my kid.”

Hank could feel Ivy bristle. He reached out to hold her hand. “His name is Charlie. Which you’d know if you’d been even the slightest bit a part of his life.”

Eric waved a hand. “Great. Charlie. Bring him out here, and I’m gone.”

“You’re gone now,” Hank said. “Or I will remove you bodily. Besides being the alpha’s next in line, I’m also the sheriff of this town.” Not to mention a decorated Army Ranger. Hank wouldn’t even break a sweat removing this guy.

“You lay a hand on me, and I’ll get my uncle involved.”

Hank was about to respond when Ivy squeezed his hand, and he realized he was getting nowhere with Prescott, just wasting words.

The door behind them opened, letting out a burst of noise. Titus and Griffin came out. Griffin stayed by the door, but Titus walked up to stand beside Hank. “Everything all right?”

“It’s about to be,” Hank answered.

“That’s right,” Prescott said. He tipped his head at Titus. “Why don’t you run back inside and bring Charlie out here?”

Titus gave him the hairy eyeball. “And why would I do that?”

Ivy made a disgusted nose. “Eric, you’re not going to win this one. Just go home. Leave us alone.”

Titus leaned toward Hank. “Who is this guy?”

Prescott answered. “I’m Charlie’s father.”

“Biologically only,” Ivy corrected.

Titus crossed his arms and stood shoulder to shoulder with Hank. “Yeah, you’re not getting my nephew. He’s a Merrow now.”
