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The Young and the Submissive

Liam watched Raine’s gaze fall to the floor as he paced around her, stopping when his chest brushed her back, a mere breath from her skin. “Tell me what you’re feeling, love.”

“Nervous.” She drew in a shuddering breath. “Unsure.”

“Good girl,” Hammer praised. “Are you afraid of us?”

“No.” Her gaze bounced up to them both, reassuring. “I’m afraid I’ll lose my courage, clam up, and disappoint you.”

It wasn’t the answer either wanted but both had inherently known. Still, for Raine, that was bloody honest. Liam met Hammer’s glance.

“You’re doing a fine job now. Just keep trying your best. We’ll work through everything else,” Liam promised. “Take a deep breath.”

Raine drew in a shaky inhalation, then let it out, looking calmer. “Thank you.”

Hammer eased closer, standing in her personal space. “I’m sure you’re nervous because you don’t know what we expect. So we’ll explain now. You will address us as ‘Sir’ when you respond. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” Her gaze lowered again.

“Very nice.” Liam kissed her bare shoulder. “You will kneel when we enter a room and remain there until we tell you otherwise. Is that clear?”

Raine began to nod, then stopped herself. “Yes, Sir.”

“Wonderful, love,” Liam murmured. “Let’s get you in the tub. We’ll talk more then.”

“Why?” She frowned. “I had a shower this morning.”

With a sigh, Liam bent down and lifted Raine over his shoulder, then turned, putting her ass directly in front of Hammer. Right on cue, Macen whacked both cheeks, one after the other. She yelped.

“We didn’t ask you if you’re clean or if you wanted a bath,” Hammer pointed out. “We want you in the tub. That’s all you need to know.”

“And you didn’t address me properly, Raine,” Liam reminded as he strolled into the bathroom and dropped her on her feet. “What do you say?”

“Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir.” She swallowed, and he could see the worry twisting her expression.

They couldn’t let her self-doubt fester, especially this early in the process. Time to put her at ease.

Each man took one of her arms to steady her as they helped her into the tub. When the warm water enveloped her feet, she sighed. The scents of rosemary and lavender rose with the swirl of steam.

“Sit,” Hammer directed.

Raine lowered herself into the soft, inviting water and sat unmoving as they stripped out of their coats and shirts, then draped them over the back of the vanity chair.

“Lie back. Close your eyes. We’ll take care of you now,” Liam promised as he knelt beside the tub.

He waited until she complied and a little sigh escaped her. Some of the tension left her body.

“You look beautiful,” he whispered in her ear. “Now spread your thighs and tell us what you think submission is.”

Her eyes flew wide open, and she stared at him as if he’d asked her to explain quantum physics. “Excuse me, Sir?”

“Okay, let’s try one command at a time.” On the opposite side of the tub, Hammer reached into the water and wrapped a hand around her ankle. “Do you have any trouble interpreting what we meant by ‘spread your thighs?’”

The heat of the water had turned her cheeks pink, but she flushed something close to red now. “No, Sir.”

When she didn’t move, Hammer raised a brow. “Do I need to tell you to do it now?”

“No, Sir. But it’s a little embarrassing. I know you’ve seen it all. It’s just… even though this is a common request for a Dom to make of his sub, it feels odd to flash you both.”

Liam grabbed her chin and turned her toward him with a frown. “There isn’t a single part of your body that I’m not intimately familiar with and hasn’t pleased me. I’ve no doubt it’s the same for Hammer. You’re not flashing us; you’re showing us what’s ours. Now do as you’re told.”

“Yes, Sir.” Her voice shook, but she raised one leg to the rim of the tub. Hammer guided the other up until she lay splayed wide. Raine tensed, her blue eyes begging silently for approval.

“So fucking beautiful,” Hammer said roughly as he skimmed his fingers up to wrap around her inner thigh. “Now answer the second part of the question.”

She gasped softly, watching Hammer edge closer to her slick folds. Her gaze swung back to Liam’s face, anxious and tight.

“Say what’s on your mind, love,” Liam coaxed.

“Um…Sir. He’s touching me, and you’re watching.” Raine looked like she searched for words. “That’s okay with you?”

“Did I seem upset when Hammer touched you in the car?” he asked.

“No, Sir.”

“Didn’t we promise you no fighting or disagreements?”

Understanding dawned in her eyes. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good. If you think you’ll learn to submit and open up without us touching you anywhere and everywhere, Raine, you’re mad.”

“Oh.” Her breathy exhalation went straight to his cock. “So…there will be sex, Sir?”

“That option isn’t off the table, but it’s up to you. Your behavior and progress will dictate our decisions.”

Relief and excitement fluttered across her face, and a sense of triumph that she wanted them so much chugged through his veins. Yes, that meant sharing her with Hammer, but he welcomed the chance to touch her again. He was desperate to see how far they could send her spiraling into pleasure.

“Now answer the damn question,” Hammer demanded. “If we have to ask it again, you’ll come out of that tub and over my knee.”

“Submission…right.” Raine nodded and hesitated, clearly gathering her thoughts. “I know it’s a power exchange. I get that I’m supposed to give myself over to you and trust that you’ll both praise and punish me when I need it.” She frowned. “I’ve felt the need to please you both, though in different ways. Disappointing either of you hurts something inside me. Liam, last time we were here, I felt something both painful and amazing. When we talked about my childhood, remember? Blurting all that out was hard, but I knew it would damage us more if I refused to talk. I remember looking at you and hoping that you’d catch me. I was so grateful when you did. And I felt like yours.”

“I’m sensing a ‘but’ here. Go on,” Liam urged.

“But I’ve looked around Shadows and watched the others scene. It’s confusing. So many different types of Doms and subs. I’ve seen brutal punishment for the tiniest infraction. And I’ve seen almost no discipline for incredibly bratty behavior. And I’ve seen a lot of sex—tender, rough, odd, beautiful. But I have a hard time adding those things up in my head and figuring out how it’s all submission. I know my wants and impulses, but I don’t know if they’re wrong.” She frowned, then seemed to remember herself. “Sir.”

Liam exhaled. Her view was so scattered. Why hadn’t he asked her that question sooner? If he had, he would have started at square one when he’d collared her. Of course, he hadn’t known her well then. Since then, Raine hadn’t talked to him or opened up like she should. But he’d assumed her understanding of the power exchange was far deeper.

“I know putting that into words was difficult for you. Thank you, love.” He leaned in, cupping her face in his hands, and took her mouth in a searing kiss.

Raine yielded her lips to him, opening and allowing him to sink deep inside her. She clung, wrapping her arms around his neck, so welcoming. Her sweetness intoxicated him. Liam moaned, some part of him wishing he could spend all day just worshipping her mouth. The other part of him realized they had work to do.

Easing back, he kissed her nose, then reached for the shampoo.

She blinked up at him, then slid her gaze over to Hammer. “What I said…that wasn’t wrong?”

“No, precious. Today, there was no right or wrong answer. You have a lot to learn, but that’s why we’re here. I’m proud of your honesty.”

He leaned in and tangled his hand in her hair, tugging gently until his lips hovered just over hers. They shared a silent moment before Macen took her mouth, devouring and rewarding at once.

Liam couldn’t afford to think now about how that made him feel. If he did, his heart might break. Instead, he watched, focusing on how Raine was opening, blossoming under their attention. This bath was serving its purpose—showing her how good it could be if she let it. To dwell on the love she might never give him would only be borrowing tomorrow’s trouble today.

As Hammer eased back, Raine smiled softly. Then she looked Liam’s way, and his heart caught when their gazes tangled. She sent him a searching smile, and he gave her the reassurance she sought. He answered in kind. Damn if she didn’t glow, bask in their affection, seemingly at peace.

As she lowered her gaze, that grin brightened even more. Then she looked up at him through her dark lashes, her blue eyes sparkling.

Liam hoped like hell she was truly ready to open herself and be whole—and that she’d still want him afterward. “Tilt your head back so I can wash your hair.”

“Yes, Sir.” Raine complied, closing her eyes.

He plucked at the bathtub’s nozzle and pulled the attached hose up from its base. The spray of water jetted from the head. He urged her to scoot down, then eased her back, supporting her neck in his palm. Slowly, deliberately, he soaked her raven mane, then squirted a dollop of floral shampoo at her crown. Liam plunged his fingers into the strands and kneaded at her scalp until she moaned in bliss. He couldn’t deny how much he enjoyed having Raine put herself in his care.

Meanwhile, Hammer whisked a soapy loofah up her legs, over her belly. He lathered her shoulders, her breasts, dragging it slowly over her nipples. Her breath caught.

Liam watched, thumbing away the suds that drizzled onto her forehead. She groaned as he rinsed the shampoo, then spread conditioner through her hair. Again, he worked it through, this time massaging her neck, rubbing the tension away before he rinsed her hair clean.

Not once did she flinch or open her eyes. In that moment, she gave them total trust. Liam burned for more of it.

“You did so well, love.” He kissed her forehead.

“Thank you, Sir. That felt good,” she purred.

“Now stand up, precious. It’s time to shave that little landing strip you’ve left unwaxed.” Hammer extended his hand.

She frowned. “I thought it would be fun. You don’t like it?”


“Why not?” Confusion knit her brows.

“Because when I rake my tongue up your pouty cunt, I want it bare. Is that a good enough reason for you, precious?”

“Oh. O-okay, Sir.” Raine blushed and slipped her slender fingers into Hammer’s wide grasp, rising like a goddess from the water.

Her long, dark hair dripped over the swell of her backside. Drops mingled down her thighs. Swallowing tightly, Liam skimmed his palms over her pert ass and gripped her hips, steadying her.

He watched Hammer squirt a cloud of white foam onto his fingers before painting her dark pubic hair. The man’s stare riveted on the sweet pussy, inches from his face. Liam had no doubt Macen wanted to slide his fingers between Raine’s silky folds and stay.

Hammer’s nostrils flared as he glided the razor over the cottony foam. “Such a pretty pussy, Raine. So soft and slick. It’s wet from more than the water, isn’t it?”

Liam felt her tremble. He soothed her, caressing down her thighs, brushing his fingertips across the sensitive flesh behind her knees. “Answer him, love.”

“Yes, Sir,” Raine choked out, not meeting their stares.

“Good girl. Don’t be embarrassed. We like you aroused.” Hammer dropped a kiss on her hip before he rinsed the blade in the water and shaved off another strip of foam. “Spread your legs wider.”

Gliding his hand up the inside of her thigh, Liam nudged her legs apart, helping her balance her foot on the rim of the tub.

Hammer soaked the swollen pout of her pussy with the nozzle. She gasped as the spray grazed her clit. A moment later, he smoothed his thumb over her now bare mound, so close to her sensitive button.

“We’re done, precious,” he said thickly.

But no one moved. Christ, Liam felt the heat pouring from between her legs and leaned in to brush his lips across the firm globes of her backside. The scent of her pussy filled his nostrils and made his mouth water. Fuck, she crumbled his restraint. He’d last been inside her a mere three days ago, but it felt like forever.

Liam could see that Hammer wasn’t faring much better. His stare still hadn’t left her cunt. Beads of sweat had broken out across the man’s forehead, at his temples. Raine panted, little catching breaths that told him exactly how much she desired them. Liam glanced at the nearby bath oil before staring again at Raine’s ass, remembering all too well how snug and perfect she felt around his cock.