Read Books Novel

The Young and the Submissive

“Let it go, Macen. It’s ancient history. I don’t know what was going on in her head and neither do you. But now, we’ve got to put all our focus on Raine.”

“You’re right, man. In my wildest dreams, I didn’t think she’d respond to us like she just did. Raine did more than peek around her walls; she tore them down before our eyes.” A look of wonder spread over Hammer’s face before a smirk curled his lips. “And you didn’t throw a right hook all damn day. I appreciate that.”

He cocked his head with a faint smile. “I could say the same to you. You’re not going to try and convince me that you didn’t want to take a swing too?”

He grunted. “I wasn’t going to give her any reason to stop what we were doing.”

Liam raised his glass again. “To self-restraint.”

Hammer chuckled and lifted his tumbler.

“I guess we know that she’s serious now about opening herself.” Liam stared at the fire licking over the logs, recalling how Raine pushed ahead and persevered to meet their every demand.

“I’ve got to tell you, I thought we’d spend at least the first few days trying to pry most everything out of her.”

“I thought the same.”

“Just because she’s done well so far, we can’t give her any wiggle room,” Hammer warned. “Now we’ve got to make sure she leaves her defenses down for the rest of the tasks.”

“Agreed. Otherwise it will be too easy for her to slip back into old habits. But it’s a hell of a start.”

“It gives me hope, man. Definitely gives me hope.”

“Christ, I’m sorry about the photos. I didn’t mean to walk right into that one.” Liam grimaced.

“Don’t sweat it. She needed the truth sooner or later. But fuck, I hated hurting her that way. Betraying her wasn’t at all what I’d intended. I should have told her about them long before now.”

Liam sent Hammer a speculative look. “Why haven’t you ever told her that you’re in love with her?”

“Where the hell did that come from?” Hammer barked.

If they were mending fences, Liam was tired of tiptoeing around his friend. The time had come to lay everything out in the open.

“Seriously, mate. You should have told her. She’s never held back how she feels about you.”

“Everything that happened today tells me that you’re right. I should have confessed my feelings a long time ago. I just let all the other fears and bullshit get in the way. Fuck me.” Hammer shook his head. “Now that I’m ready to say it, it’s not the right time or place. There’s no way I’ll distract her from what we’re trying to accomplish here. Besides, her telling me that she loves me is only a recent thing. I may have suspected but…”

“I’d give anything to hear her say those words to me.”

Hammer’s mouth hung open in shock. “She never has?”

“Not once.”

“Just because she hasn’t said the words doesn’t mean… Christ. You’re joking, right? Can’t you see the way she looks at you? You have to know she loves you.”

He hoped. Wanted. Pined, even. But he didn’t know.

Liam stood and walked to the windows. “She feels something for me, but I still need to bloody hear it.”

He felt Hammer stroll up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder.

“I can see it’s tearing you up. But trust me, she’ll tell you. Be patient. She’ll sort things out and say the words you want to hear.”

“I wish I shared your confidence. I sure as hell don’t want her learning how to share her heart by your example,” Liam poked.

“Fuck you, asshole.” Hammer laughed, then sobered quickly. “I did the best I could at the time with both you and Raine. The hiding and evasions snowballed somehow. The truth hurt too much. Before I knew it, the avalanche of hurt and confusion buried me.”

“Don’t shut me out again, Macen. I would have been there for you. I still am, you bloody wanker.”

“I know, man. Thank you.” Hammer gripped him in a brotherly hug and smacked him on the back.

“So, are we done measuring our cocks now?” Liam asked. “Because mine is still bigger than yours.”

“In your fucking dreams.” Hammer chuckled.

“See, I told you they were idiots,” Seth grumbled as he and Beck strolled into the room. “They’re even talking about whipping them out and comparing.”

“Obviously, there’s nothing wrong with their size or mojo. I think everyone who lives on the mountain overheard Raine’s screams.” Beck smirked.

Liam and Hammer exchanged a smug look of pride.

“Which brings me to my next question.” Seth groaned and adjusted the swell beneath the zipper of his jeans. “Are there any available women at this godforsaken altitude?”

“Oh, bugger off. There’s a bottle of lotion under the sink in your bathroom. Have a grand time with your fist.”

“Just jack off quietly,” Hammer instructed.

“And clean up afterward. I don’t want Ngaire having to mop up behind you.” Liam laughed.

“You two made a Raine sandwich, I take it?” Beck asked with a leering grin.

“You perverts.” Hammer scoffed. “We didn’t fuck her. We rewarded her for a job well done.”

“Like it’s any of your bloody business,” Liam growled.

“Well, technically it is. You brought us up this mountain to help, so…yeah, we need to know if you gave her a good reward or a mind-blowing one. By the sound of her screams, I’d say she definitely got her mind blown.” Seth grinned. “Wish I could have seen it.”

“Shut the fuck up and get a drink,” Hammer grumbled. “We’ve had a hell of a breakthrough you need to hear about.”

As the four men settled in near the fireplace, he and Macen told the others about the inroads they’d made with Raine. Liam was still in awe at how she’d burst open and shared her soul with them both. They’d worked as a team, like they had in the past—but better, more naturally. It reassured him that he and Hammer were on the same page. Same page, nothing. It felt as if they’d started writing a new chapter in their friendship. After the chasm that had so recently divided them, mending the fracture felt damn good.

“I’m not trying to play devil’s advocate here,” Beck began. “But are you sure you two didn’t have her so revved up, she responded that completely just to get off?”

Liam shook his head. “No. I’m well versed in the ways she maneuvers from the truth. There wasn’t even a whisper of that today.”

“Don’t get too cocky yet,” Seth warned. “She’s still got a hell of a lot of work ahead of her.”

“We’re not,” Hammer growled as if taking offense to the other man’s words. “We know what we’re doing.”

“I know you do.” Seth raised his hand, staving off Macen’s glare. “All I’m saying is tomorrow might not be as easy as today. I’m just trying to prepare you both.”

“We never said it would be easy,” Liam agreed. “But then I was mostly thinking for her, not us. Seems like she’s not the only one learning a few things.”

“What do you mean?” Beck leaned in to study first Hammer, then Liam.

“Her home life.” Hammer slammed back a gulp as if steeling himself to continue. “Bill did a number on her emotionally and physically, far worse than we’d known.”

“The sick, fucking prick killed off anything she coveted. Her dreams, goddamn puppies she wanted for pets… The son of a bitch needs to die a slow, painful death. And I’d love to be the one to do it, too.” Liam felt his anger boil again.

“Get in line, man. I’m right there with you.” Hammer nodded with a tight set of his jaw.

“Sounds like she’s going to need the first part of tomorrow’s task even more.” The look on Beck’s face revealed the depth of his concern.

Liam had harbored contempt for Beck almost from day one. He’d noticed the friendship between the brash, tattooed Dom and Hammer when he’d first arrived. It had crawled under his skin that another was privy to his best mate on more than a surface level. Even though the resentment made him feel like a girl, it scorched him. But after the day they’d spent working with Raine, Beck had grown on him. And Liam himself had a new understanding; he and Hammer still shared a bond deeper than brothers. Far deeper than Beck or any other could imagine.

“It sounds like she’s needed what you both have to offer for a long time.” Seth tossed back a shot of bourbon with a hiss. “I’m glad you two didn’t make us drag out the two-by-fours.”

“That’s a last resort.” Beck chuckled. “They’d just try to shove them up our asses.”

Seth scoffed. “Good luck with that.”

The sling of insults continued a few minutes longer before they all buckled down and got back to business. They discussed strategy and collectively agreed to a plan of action.

One by one, the other men left for their beds while Liam sat before the dying embers. Pondering all he’d once had with Raine, praying he could have it again…but better than before. He could see a future with the girl so very clearly, and he ached down to his marrow for it.

Placing his empty tumbler on the side table, he thought about Hammer. He didn’t want to focus on how deeply they both loved Raine. But it was a fact he couldn’t deny. Facing the reality that the dream of ever having her for himself again might be nothing more than fantasy chilled him. He hated the way his jealousy made him feel, but he owed himself the same honesty and openness he and Hammer demanded of Raine.

It seemed much longer than a few short weeks ago that his life had been uncomplicated and predictable. The struggles he now faced were nothing compared to her ultimate happiness. Come what may, it satisfied something inside him to see her blossom beneath their hands. Their voices. Their will. She became something more with them both, someone more… He had no words for it yet, just an inkling of something not quite free of the shadows. But when it revealed itself, when they could see all of her soul, it would be the most priceless gift he’d ever received.

Climbing the stairs, he reached her room. With a soft snick of the handle, he peeked inside. She lay just as they’d left her, buried deep beneath the covers, only her nose and dark hair peeking free.

The need to go to her damn near overwhelmed him. It surprised him, too. But it shouldn’t have. Raine had always had that effect on him, from the very first time he’d seen her. He’d been so torn, never sure whether to beat her ass black and blue, fuck her senseless, or hold her against him and feel their hearts beat together—none of which she’d minded too much. And always to protect her, to keep her safe from whatever frightened her that he couldn’t see. But he knew what she feared now, and something inside him raged for the injustices she’d endured. He couldn’t have helped her as a child, but he could love the woman now. Liam hoped it would be enough.

Chapter 17

Coaxing voices drew Raine from the inky depths of sleep. The heat of two solid bodies surrounded her. Crisp soap and a familiar mix of male spices filled her senses. A little smile played at her lips before she even opened her eyes.

“Time to wake up, love.”

Liam. She’d grown to love the sound of his voice first thing in the morning. When she’d worn his collar and slept in his bed, she had often drifted off anticipating what his first words would be the following morning—and how much they’d make her shiver.

“You’re not sleeping the day away, precious, at least not alone.”

Hammer. The rare times he’d awakened her in the past had usually been about Shadows, but business sounded like the last thing on his mind now.

She opened her eyes and saw them each leaning over her, already showered, dressed, and immaculate. Definitely sexy. She sighed happily. “Morning.”

Contentment warmed her. Happy, safe, and sheltered, Raine felt sleep tug at her again. She snuggled deeper under the blankets and closed her eyes.

“Oh no, you don’t. Up with you, wench!” Liam pulled back the covers. The cold air blasted her skin and pebbled her nipples as he rolled her to her side to swat her bare butt.

It startled far more than hurt. At her yelp, Hammer chuckled.

“If you don’t move, I’ll take that as a sign you’d like to be spanked again,” Macen murmured in her ear.

Raine giggled. “And what if I would?”

“Demanding little brat.” Hammer shook his head with mock concern.

“A pretty one, though. But we’ll have to do something about that saucy mouth, however.” Liam’s eyes glittered with mischief as he raked her with a hungry gaze.