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Their Virgin Hostage

“No, we won’t be taking turns. Tonight, we will because you’re not ready for more, but we’ll require that you allow us to prepare your body to accommodate us both at once.” Law’s hand slid around, cupping her intimately through her jeans. “One right here in your sweet little pussy.”

Dominic’s hand found her backside. “And one in your ass.”

Heat flared everywhere they touched, everywhere they whispered along her skin. Every place they pressed their two hard erections against her. What would it feel like to have both of them deep inside her? She would be caught, immobile, with absolutely no escape. Not that she would want it. What would it be like to have these men moving in and out of her body as she took Riley in her mouth?

She forced herself to concentrate on the situation at hand. Riley wasn’t with her, but Dominic and Law were. It might not be forever, but while she had them, she was going to explore a whole world she’d never dreamed of. She’d lost so much in the last few days. She’d lost her family and the future she’d thought would be hers, but maybe she could find a new version of Kinley Kohl in their arms. A better, more confident version. Maybe she’d meet the Kinley who didn’t let fear keep her from trying something new or shrink away from pleasure.

“I’ll do it.” As much as she’d feared them in the beginning, she realized that she trusted them now. They’d risked prison time to remove her from a dangerous situation. Yes, they’d done it for Carrie, too. But they’d cared for her since bringing her to Alaska. Kinley was self-aware enough to know that she would have resisted believing anything if they had merely tried to talk to her. She would have gone straight to Greg and demanded answers. For that, he might have killed her then and there. Method of transport notwithstanding, they had treated her better than any other men in her life.

Her heart would probably break if this didn’t work out, but she refused to be too scared to take a chance anymore. She would rather mourn the loss of them than never have them at all.

Dominic shook his head with a sigh. “Law?”

“Sir! I’ll do it, Sir.” She was going to have to get used to that.

It was too late. Law smacked her backside again as he chuckled against her ear. “Keep it up, baby. I could do this all day. I enjoy spanking your ass.”

And she was starting to enjoy the feeling, too. It hurt…but then it didn’t. Then only heat licked through her.

Dominic stepped back. “Undress for us, Kinley.”

Just like that all her self-doubts pushed to the forefront. They were so magnificently masculine. Obviously, they worked hard to stay in peak physical condition. She’d been starving herself for weeks and had barely managed to lose one dress size. And she wasn’t sure that her boobs looked so great without the support of a bra.

“Is there a problem, pet?” Dominic settled into the wingchair on the far side of the room with a dark brow raised. Somehow he made the comfortable leather piece look like a throne. His black hair was slicked away from his angular face, and he was dressed casually, but there was no way a T-shirt and sweatpants could detract from his regal air of authority.

“Can we turn off the lights?”

Law turned her to face him. “Are you looking for a serious spanking? No, we are not going to turn off the lights. We are not going to huddle under the covers and fumble around so everyone’s modesty is preserved. There is zero place for that here. We’re going to fuck. It’s going to be dirty and nasty, and it’s going to feel so good. And when we’re done, I’m going to hold you all night long. But now you’re going to obey, and that means you’d better strip off every garment and show us what you’re offering.”

Tears threatened. She turned slightly so she could see them both. “What if you don’t want me after I’m naked?”

“That will not happen,” Law promised.

Dominic’s stare delved into her, his will apparent in the intensity. “Kinley, you wanted to trade your business information for knowledge about sex. I’m going to give you a little of that advice up front. Be brave in life. Accept that there’s always a chance you won’t get what you want. On the other hand, you’ll never have what you seek unless you ask for it. Sex is the same. If all you ask for is a man to climb on top of you and try to get you off, then that’s likely what you’ll get. But if you want more, if you want real intimacy and connection, then offer it. Offer yourself to us.”

Offer herself? Hadn’t she been doing that for years? She’d offered her love and devotion to her sister and father. She’d offered her future to Greg. She’d done it all without any thought to her own needs beyond being a dutiful daughter, of doing what was expected. In fact, she’d done everything society thought was proper and right. She’d sacrificed for her family because that was what a good woman was supposed to do.

Being good had gotten her nothing. She was alone and empty-handed. She would always be if she didn’t change something.

Starting with being brave.

Kinley pulled at her sweater, dragging it over her head and handing it to Law. Dominic sat back, fingers steepled, an air of satisfaction humming around him. He said nothing, merely watched her with hot eyes that never strayed from her body.

“You’re doing great, baby. Take off the jeans. I’ve been wanting to see your ass for months.” Law stood behind her. His hands encircled her waist as he undid the snap on her jeans. Like all the jeans Greg had given her, it was encrusted with little rhinestones. “Let me help you.”

He eased the zipper down and then his warm hands met her flesh. She nearly sighed at the sizzling connection.

He pushed the waistband down and helped her step out, leaving her in nothing but her plain white support bra and cotton undies.

“I don’t like the underwear, pet. I thought I made myself clear.” Dominic frowned.

He looked gorgeous when he frowned. And when he smiled. He was just entirely perfect.

“Yes, Sir. That was before I tried to escape. I thought it would be easier to get away with underwear on.”

Dominic looked as if he repressed a smile. “I assure you it won’t be any easier to get away because you’ve covered your pussy. If you try to leave us again, expect a spanking and some other punishments that will be…uncomfortable.”

“Like I said, I’ve decided to stay. Especially once I found out you have a guard moose on the payroll.” She’d known escaping into the wilderness was a stupid move, but she’d been trying to protect herself. Kinley didn’t want that now. If the heartache was going to come, she wanted to have a damn good reason for it.

“It’s for the best. We can protect you here while we figure out how to put Jansen in jail,” Law said.

She held up a hand because she didn’t want that to go any further. “Let’s not talk about Greg now. I don’t even want the thought of him to come between us.”

This was their time to bond. Greg couldn’t be allowed to ruin it.

“Then take off his rock,” Dominic demanded with a firm jaw and uncompromising stare.

Rock? As Kinley brought her hand down, the light caught her engagement ring, the four-carat diamond glittering.

Kinley stared at it. How was she still wearing Greg’s ring? For the last month, it had just become an extension of who she was: Greg’s fiancée. Not anymore. The ring had to go. She didn’t care that it was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. She just wanted it off her finger. Though she pulled and yanked, it wouldn’t budge. She hadn’t taken it off since the day he’d placed it on her finger. Now it was stuck.

“Come here.” Dominic held a hand out.

She went to him, trembling and wondering if she was about to get another spanking.

Gently, Dominic took her hand, his fingers sliding over the ring. “You want to be rid of this?”

“More than anything.”

Very slowly he brought her hand to his mouth. He kissed the tips of her fingers, the sensation soft against her flesh. He sucked her finger into his mouth. Heat sizzled through her, all the way between her legs, as his tongue played against her skin. He enveloped her whole finger in the heat of his mouth. His teeth skimmed her flesh, the little bite sending a jolt of need through her body before he anchored them around the band. Then very slowly, he dragged the ring up her finger, freeing her.

He spit the bling from between his lips and placed it on the nightstand. “Better?”

Kinley nodded, eyes glued to him.

“Good. Now hand me your bra and panties. I want to see all of you.”

Her body was starting to hum. Despite the fact they were standing apart, his gaze felt like an allover caress.

Swallowing down her nerves, she pushed the bra straps off her shoulders, then reached behind and unhooked the band. As soon as the garment slid free, Law’s big hands cupped her. Kinley closed her eyes in pure pleasure.

He and Dominic had seen her naked breasts. And they weren’t turning away.

“Now the underwear, Law,” Dominic said, his voice low.

Law’s palms skimmed her body and settled on her hips. Then he slid his fingers under the elastic of her panties and dragged them down her legs.

Dominic sat back in his seat again, his eyes darkening as his stare drank her in. “You’re lovely, Kinley. You’re womanly and beautiful. Being naked doesn’t take away an ounce of your innocence.”

She blushed, but it had been the perfect thing to say. “Thank you, Sir.”

Dominic’s satisfied smile made her heart do little flip-flops before he turned to his friend. “Law, how is that backside of hers you’re so deeply interested in?”

Law groaned behind her. “So fucking perfect. Round and delicious.”

“Show me.”

Law turned her, and her heart softened as she looked up into his eyes. Dominic was dangerous and sexy, and Kinley was falling for him fast. But she’d already tumbled over with this man.

She rested her hands on Law’s perfectly ripped chest and looked up at him, melting into him a bit.

“Now that is a luscious ass,” Dominic said.

“And this is a sweet, smooth pussy.” Law leaned out and stared down, grazing her nipples as he worked his way down her body. “Spread your legs. Don’t hesitate. Just obey me.”

Kinley moved her feet apart. Cold air brushed her sensitive folds, and she felt exposed with Law’s eyes on her. But it wasn’t an unwelcome feeling. In fact, she liked being on display and seeing the appreciation in his stare.

Suddenly, Law’s hot fingers cupped her mound.

“That’s right. This skin here is so fucking soft. And you’re getting wet, baby.”

She was. Kinley could feel how easily his fingers slid over her labia. It took everything she had to not moan and jump and plead for more.

“I want a taste. You’ve already had one.” Suddenly, Dominic stood behind her. He turned her to face him, then his lips descended on hers.

She opened for him, giving him complete access to her mouth. As he groaned, his hand found her pussy, caressing her possessively. Law’s ran over the curves of her ass. It was so decadent to be naked when they were still mostly dressed. The roughness of Law’s denim gently chafed her skin, while the soft cotton of Dominic’s shirt brushed her nipples almost like a feather. The distinct sensations made her tingle. She was so aware, so completely alive.

Dominic pulled back, his hand leaving her pussy and going straight to his lips. He sucked her cream off his flesh, his eyes closing in a pleasurable little smile. “She tastes so sweet.”

“Yep,” Law agreed, skimming his lips up her neck.

“Lie down on the bed and spread your legs, Kinley,” Dominic commanded. He tugged at his T-shirt, pulling it over his head and revealing a gloriously cut chest. His sweatpants rode low on his lean hips. The longer she stared, the more the notches on the sides made her mouth water.

“Pet?” he asked sharply.

Law tugged on her hand, gesturing her toward the bed. “Lie down. It’s time to get you ready. We’re going to make sure you’re so wet and soft that we’ll slide right in.”

They were going to take her body, her virginity. They were going to merge with her and give her an experience—a knowledge—she’d never had before.

Kinley climbed onto the bed and opened herself to them.

With eager fingers, Law tore at his jeans, shoving them down. His thick cock came into view. Kinley stared, wide-eyed, as she took in the sight. It wasn’t that she’d never seen a penis before. She certainly had. Not in person, but she’d seen pictures. Law went so far beyond those flat, almost inanimate pictures. Thick and fully erect, his member stood against his belly, nearly touching his navel. His whole body looked like a work of art, every muscle lovingly chiseled and handcrafted.

He climbed on the bed beside her. “Don’t just stare, Kinley. Touch me.”