Read Books Novel

Their Virgin Hostage

Kinley giggled. Dominic’s hand started to itch.

“I don’t care what the tabloids write anymore. They’ve never been kind, so I don’t think they’ll start now. And I didn’t say I would talk to the press about what happens in freaky dungeons, just Annabelle. But I might lay it on thick with a couple of Becks’s friends who have never been nice to me, the ones who used to say that I couldn’t snag a man to save my life. Maybe the three of you could show up at the country club without your shirts on. That’ll drop some jaws and make some ladies faint.” Kinley grinned.

Riley had wrung his hands about Kinley accepting them? Dominic shook his head incredulously. Hell, she was ready to parade them around. And that wasn’t happening.

“The pants, pet,” he barked.

She unbuttoned the fly of her jeans and stood. Riley was right there to help her pull them down. He made sure to cup her every curve as he dragged them off her body.

“I probably won’t go back to the country club,” she admitted as she pulled off her socks. “I won’t be able to afford it. I didn’t like it, anyway. Maybe I’ll just move to Chicago and live with Annabelle.”

Not if he had anything to say about it. “Come here. There will be time to decide all that later, but at first I think it’s best if we either stay here for a while or hole up at my place. It’s gated, and we’ll want to keep the reporters out.”

Kinley sent him a cautious stare. “I thought you would just send me home.”

Understandable assumption since they hadn’t worked anything out yet, but she definitely wasn’t going home or in any way leaving them. “No, pet. You still won’t be safe. You’ll need one of us with you at all times until Jansen is permanently in jail.”

Or dead.

“I could hire a bodyguard.” She frowned. “Maybe I couldn’t.”

“You can obey your Masters and everything will be fine. I know there’s an awful lot to think about and discuss—later. Now is for us. Do you understand?”

Dominic didn’t want her to worry. It would be easy for her to do, and she had every right, but he’d rather have her here in the moment with all of them together…just in case their meeting with the feds didn’t go as he hoped. He wanted to forge a bond that would be difficult to break.

She squirmed a bit, looking pensive. Then she relented. “Yes, Sir.”

“Excellent. Law, would you see if the James brothers have a few essentials in their playroom while I take care of our sub’s discipline?”

Law hesitated for a moment then nodded decisively, as if he’d just reached the same conclusions Dominic had. “On it.”

“Is she ready?” Riley asked.

“I just want to be equipped in case she is. And there’s always prep work to be done. We might as well begin opening her to us in all ways now. Unless you were planning on taking turns forever.”

“We don’t have to rush her,” Riley argued.

Dominic disagreed. Riley had spent less time with Kinley, so he didn’t know her capabilities yet. Hopefully, today would rectify that. It was vital that they all begin functioning as a unit—as a family—in case their tomorrow was put on hold by the feds, the press, her family…whomever.

“I don’t want to wait,” Kinley protested. “I’ve waited all my life. I’ve been careful, and the one time I did something crazy, well…that was the happiest night of my life. Too many things can happen, Riley. I want all my men.”

Riley nodded and brushed a gentle kiss across her lips. Law beamed a proud smile her way, then strode out the door.

Dominic patted his lap. “I think we’re up to forty now, pet.”

“Forty? What the—”

“I don’t recommend finishing that question unless you want sixty instead.” He was going to love disciplining her.

Kinley shook her head mutely.

“I knew you were a smart girl. Remember how fun you thought it was to call me Dom Dom? Well, now I get to show you my version of fun. Then we’ll move on to the orgasm-denial portion of the afternoon.”

Kinley stifled the argument he saw on her face and practically jumped across his lap. They would have to work on her form, but he appreciated the enthusiasm. “I’m ready, Sir.”

“I bet you are. Riley, are you joining me? I suspect that despite your attempts to be standoffish, you’ve already given in.”

He’d looked too satisfied the night before, and it hadn’t been merely because he’d figured out Jansen’s secrets. The other big clue had been the easy way Riley had been touching her.

“I did, and let me tell you, she is a natural at oral.” Riley sauntered over to Kinley and palmed the fleshiest part of her ass. “Best blow job I’ve ever had.”

“Shouldn’t I get points for that?” Kinley twisted around and asked Dominic hopefully.

Riley knew what to do. He brought his hand down on her ass with a sharp smack. “You get my eternal affection, but rules are rules, sweetheart.”

“Precisely,” Dominic agreed. “If anything scares you, Kinley, all you have to do is say stop.” They would find a more appropriate safe word when they had adequate time to establish the dynamics between them, but for now he wanted her to know that any negative word would work.

“What scares me is that Riley hits like a girl.”

Dominic sucked in a sharp breath. Oh, god, he was in love with her.

And Riley was at least in lust. He smacked her ass with a stinging crack three more times. The sound pinged through the air, mingling with her little gasps.

She shuddered across his lap but didn’t try to move off. “That was better.”

“She’s going to top from the bottom,” Riley said, shaking his head.

She would try. And he would allow it from time to time, when it suited him. But not today. “That was four. Where are we, Kinley?”

“I’m getting antsy, Sir.”

Her word for aroused. He liked it when she was antsy. “Let’s see if we can move this along, then. I prefer aroused begging.”

They took turns smacking her gorgeous ass, each carefully spreading out the slaps. Over and over, keeping careful count, they turned her backside pink and hot.

Kinley moaned and cried out. She flailed a bit, her legs moving restlessly, but made no move to get away. She strained for breath, her chest sawing up and down with effort. Her skin turned a delicious rosy red.

Dominic ran a hand down her heated backside. “You’re doing quite well, pet.”

“Why do I like this?” She wrapped her hands around his calf, holding on to him, her voice thick with both bewilderment and arousal.

How should he explain? He’d never had to before, as they tended to play with experienced submissives.

“What do you feel right now?” he asked.

“Pain. Excitement. A weird sense of pride. Pleasure. I don’t know. It feels like…everything.”

He bounced a glance up at Riley. “And you were worried she wouldn’t be able to handle our needs.”

“She really does like it.” Riley sounded almost astounded as he knelt down to her. “Sweetheart, what you’re feeling, besides arousal, is the connection between a Dom and a sub. You could get it with a lover in other ways, but this is how we find it. We play. We grow together. We share these parts of ourselves.”

“It’s about honesty.” Dominic ran his hands over her ass. “I want to know how you feel. I want to know what you like and what you don’t. So many people don’t talk about their sex lives—or anything else important. We’re going to talk, pet. We’re going to communicate often. We take this seriously.”

“I want it to be serious,” she gasped out.

“Good to hear.” They hadn’t been quite so serious with any of their other subs, but everything was damn serious with her. Kinley was a woman who needed sex to mean something. He’d enjoyed the women who didn’t, but everything was different with her.

Law walked back in the room carrying a large leather case. He stopped and stared down at Kinley’s ass. “How many?”

Dominic smiled with a deep satisfaction. She’d been magnificent. “Forty. And she could take more.”

“Not right now,” Kinley shouted. “I need something else. Can someone touch my pussy?”

He smiled. She was so damn open. There wasn’t a bit of artifice about her. She simply said what she meant and didn’t embellish. Dominic repressed a grin but sent her a fond glance. Her honesty made him feel…safe, like she would always be exactly who she was with them. Riley, especially, should be relieved. No more nasty Simone-like surprises.

Though Kinley’s ass was a beautiful flushed shade, he had a deep instinct to push her. Law’s thumbs-up told him that he’d brought all the instruments to further their intimacy. When Dominic tried to gesture back, he found Law’s stare was glued to her ass.

“Pass me a plug and some lube,” Dominic requested.

Kinley gave a little moan, a singular sign that he was in tune with her body and her wishes. Pleasure surged through him. Dominic realized how far gone he was for this woman.

She gave him pleasure by the simple act of agreeing with him. They were in sync. He could call himself the Dom, but he’d spent his life looking for the woman who could move him and make him want to surrender his heart.

Kinley was that woman, and there wouldn’t be another after her. He and Law were similar in that respect. He would love once, and it was brilliant kismet that he and Law loved the same female. She wasn’t at all what he’d imagined when he’d thought of his ideal. She wasn’t always easy to handle. She wasn’t always controllable. Then again, she embraced Law, reassured Riley, and made him laugh. Who else would call him Dom Dom while pushing him to be a better man?

“I have everything.” Law dropped the bag on the desk and stood over Kinley’s prone body. “Fuck, that’s beautiful. She’s so rosy.” He traced the line of her ass with gentle fingers.

Law was right, and Dominic wasn’t sure how to keep her with them—to bind her to them—completely. He needed more time to draw her in. More time to bring them together.

But their time might end once the FBI arrived. They would likely separate them all and interrogate each of them while they studied the evidence. Once that was behind them—and who knew how long it would take—then the media circus would begin. Kinley might well want privacy and some time to herself. Here in Alaska, the concept of her father’s betrayal and her sister’s possible jail time were almost theoretical. But once home, she would be confronted with those realities. They would hit her hard. She might find trust difficult then. If she couldn’t count on the people who shared her blood, how could he, Law, and Riley expect her to cleave to them after only a few days? Without reality pounding on their door, the rapport and sex had been relatively easy. But it wouldn’t be long before all of that could change…

For the first time, Dominic hoped Jansen stayed out of jail long enough to win her trust, her love. Maybe if they proved how good they could all be together, she would stay.

“Touch her pussy. Give her a taste.” He was in charge now.

Law dropped to his knees, obviously willing to give her what she needed. He moved between her legs, shoving them wide and spreading her cheeks. “Want me to prep her now?”

“Yes.” There was no reason to wait. They needed to move on her as quickly as they could. Kinley was an affectionate woman. The sooner they had taken her in every way possible, the sooner she would feel surrounded by their devotion. The sooner she would give them her heart.

“It’s time to prep her. It’s time to take her,” Dominic insisted. “Now.”

Chapter Fourteen

Kinley stayed perfectly still as she tried to figure out exactly what Dominic meant by “prepping her now.” She was pretty sure it had something to do with her backside, because they’d been paying special attention to that.

After her spanking, the cheeks of her ass were throbbing, and she kind of liked it. But that wasn’t the only thing she enjoyed about being with them.

Connection. Riley had used that term, and Kinley understood immediately. She needed the connection that came from this kind of sex. They said it was serious, and she felt the gravity as they surrounded her and communicated with her through pleasure. Dominic had assured her that they would talk about sex precisely because it was important. Kinley was beginning to understand why.

“What are you going to do?” Most likely, she would have been silent in the past and simply accepted whatever they gave her. Perversely, despite the fact that they intended to dominate her, Kinley wanted to know their plans because being the one to accept them would make her feel more powerful.

“Bluntly put, I’m going to open your asshole up for our cocks,” Dominic explained. He held up a small, oddly shaped piece of plastic. It was tapered at the end, then flared out to form a bulb that rounded into a graceful oval. There was a long flat piece at the end that seemed to be some kind of handle. “I’m going to take this plug that Law sterilized and sink it deep inside your ass. If it acquiesces, then we can take you now. If you have a stubborn little anus, it could take a week or two.”