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There's Something About Lady Mary

There’s Something About Lady Mary (Summersby #2)(2)
Author: Sophie Barnes

“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind,” Ryan said with a smile as he handed Percy his glass. He studied the man who’d always been like an uncle to him. Percy was one of his father’s oldest and closest friends and if that wasn’t enough, he was also the permanent secretary of the Foreign Office. It was unlikely that, with Ryan’s father out of town, he would pay a visit for no other reason than to be sociable. Something was afoot; Ryan was certain of it.

“As glad as I am to see you again, Percy, I have the distinct feeling that you’re not here to inquire about my health,” Ryan said as he gestured toward one of two green silk-clad armchairs. “Please have a seat and tell me why you’re really here.”

Percy paused for a moment while the hint of a smile played upon his lips. He gave Ryan a short nod. “Very well then,” he said as he sat down in the proffered chair and placed his glass on the small, round side table next to him. “I admit that I have an ulterior motive for coming here today.”

“I am listening,” Ryan told him with genuine interest as he sat down in the other chair and turned an expectant gaze on Percy.

“A number of years ago,” Percy began, “I made a promise to an old friend that if anything were to happen to him, I’d keep a watchful eye on his daughter. Apparently, this friend of mine was under the impression that his daughter would be in some sort of terrible danger if anything did happen.” A pensive look came over Percy’s face. He paused, narrowing his eyes on Ryan. “As it happens, he passed away almost a year ago from a gunshot wound he sustained at Waterloo. From what I understand, he was hit by a stray bullet while attending to a wounded soldier—dratted business, really. He was a good man and an excellent surgeon, the best I’ve ever seen. Such an unfortunate and unnecessary loss.

“The funny thing is, in spite of my inquiries, there hasn’t been the slightest trace of his daughter since then. I sent word out to a couple of agents who were already stationed in Belgium at the time, but they were unable to find her. It almost seemed as though she’d evaporated into thin air—until yesterday, that is, when she finally resurfaced right here in Mayfair after a two-year absence from England.” Percy paused for emphasis as his eyes met Ryan’s. “I was hoping I might be able to convince you to assist in this matter.”

“You do realize I no longer work for the Foreign Office, right?”

“First of all, if this were an official matter, it wouldn’t be handled by the Foreign Office. The Home Office would take care of it. And second of all, this is a private matter regarding a promise I’m honor bound to keep. I’d like for it to remain classified.”

“You’re leaving me with very little choice here, Percy,” Ryan argued. “I was hoping to sow some oats this summer, perhaps even attend a few mandatory balls if I have to. What you’re suggesting hardly sounds like any fun at all.”

“Oh, do stop complaining, Ryan,” Percy told him fiercely. “I’ll wager you’ve sown a whole granary full of oats by now—enough, at any rate, for you to wait a while before jumping into bed with the next actress who comes along. Damn it, boy, I’m asking you for a personal favor here.”

“Very well then,” Ryan said, still lacking any enthusiasm for this unexpected venture. “What’s the chit’s name? And more importantly, who is she?”

Percy took another sip of his claret. A slow smile began to spread its way across his face. There was an impish gleam in his eyes as he turned his gaze on Ryan. “I’d be careful about calling her a chit if I were you,” he said. “After all, being the Marchioness of Steepleton, she is a couple of steps above you on the social ladder. And to answer your question, her name is Mary Croyden.”

Ryan stared at Percy with the very unpleasant feeling that he’d just been had. He should have known that Percy would keep an ace like this up his sleeve until he’d already agreed to help. If there was one thing Percy loved, it was the element of surprise. But Ryan was not about to be played the fool, especially when he very much doubted that the Marchioness of Steepleton was even a real title. “How on earth is that even possible?” he asked dubiously.

“Do I really have to explain it to you, Ryan? I would have thought that your father might have seen to the matter by now.”

Ryan groaned. “You know perfectly well what I mean, Percy. I’ve never heard of a Marquess of Steepleton, and now there’s suddenly a marchioness? Forgive me if I’m reluctant to believe such a thing, but it hardly makes much sense.”

“Hm. . .I suppose you’re right. You see, here’s the thing of it: the title went into obscurity for a number of years through lack of usage. For whatever reason he might have had, Lady Steepleton’s father was determined to make his own way in life, as far away from the social constraints of the upper classes as humanly possible. All the same, he did manage to ensure that his daughter would one day inherit the title from him.

“The point is, if he believed her to be in danger, for whatever reasons he might have had, then she’s more likely to be so now that she’s returned to London and claimed her inheritance. The sudden appearance of a marchioness is going to make the headline in every gossip column this country has to offer. If someone’s out to get her, they’ll be crawling out of the woodwork before you know it, mark my word.”

Ryan nodded thoughtfully. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so boring after all, he mused. He rather liked the image he envisioned of himself dodging bullets as he saved the marchioness from imminent danger. There might even be a swordfight or two, perhaps a race across the countryside at breakneck speed while a group of ruffians chased after them and. . .He suddenly blinked when he heard Percy’s voice practically yelling at him.

“Ryan? Are you even listening to what I’m saying?”

“Hm? Oh, I was just wondering how I might best handle the matter.”

“Yes, I’m sure you were,” Percy told him with a frown. “You need not worry yourself about that, however. I will ensure that Lady Steepleton receives an invitation to the first ball of the season, which happens to be this Saturday evening at Richmond House, by the way. As charming as you are, I’m confident you’ll have no trouble at all in befriending her.”

“And once I find her, may I tell her why I suddenly have such a keen interest in her?”

“Ryan, you and I both know that women hate the feeling of being watched, even if it is for their own good. If she so much as suspects that your interest in her lies only in protecting her from supposed harm, she’ll most likely make it her mission in life to avoid you for the remainder of her days.”

“I see your point,” Ryan muttered as he mulled that over.

“You’re a handsome lad, Ryan. Surely it won’t be impossible for you to convince her that you are genuinely interested.”

“But I’m not,” Ryan said with a frown. “Am I to understand that you wish for me to give this woman a false impression of my true intentions?”

“It is for her own good, you know,” Percy remarked.

“Look, you know how much I despise dishonesty, Percy, and to take advantage of any woman’s desire to form an attachment just feels wrong.”

“Well, I hate to break it to you, Ryan, but spying is a pretty dishonest business.”

“Must you always mock me?” The frustration in Ryan’s voice was practically scratching at the walls. “Fine; if it will keep her alive, then I’ll agree to do whatever it takes—though I’m by no means pleased about it, I’ll have you know.”

“I am so happy to hear it,” Percy remarked rather drily as he drained his glass of its last few drops before jumping to his feet. He looked eager to be gone, no doubt before Ryan changed his mind. “I’ll see to it you get an invitation to Richmond House as well then, shall I?”

“That would certainly be an excellent idea,” Ryan replied, his words dripping with sarcasm as he walked his father’s friend to the door.

“Listen,” Percy said, turning back around on the threshold and placing a solid hand on Ryan’s shoulder, “I know this isn’t exactly the sort of thing you want to get tangled up in right now, so I appreciate your help.”

Ryan nodded. “It’s my pleasure.”

“Oh, I hardly think so,” Percy chuckled, turning about and starting down the steps that led toward the pavement. “But thank you for saying so.”

Ryan remained in the doorway a moment longer until Percy had hailed himself a hackney and climbed in. Well, perhaps he ought to ask Hutchins to press one of his black tailcoats. After all, he now had a marchioness to impress.


Mary stood at the edge of the wide marble terrace behind Richmond House, looking out over the garden and enjoying the feel of the cool night air as it wafted against her skin. She’d gone out there to escape the oppressive heat of the ballroom, which she imagined to be far worse than in the hottest of the British colonies. But to be perfectly honest, the stifling heat was not her only reason. She’d also come outside to escape the hoard of overly eager gentlemen who, it seemed, had swooped down upon her like vultures the moment she’d made her entrance. Each of them wanted to dance with her, or if not dance, then at least bring her something to drink or eat—anything at all that she might be in need of. One gentleman had even offered to bring her an ice from Gunter’s in Berkeley Square, declaring that it wouldn’t be any trouble at all and that she’d be sure to find it refreshing. Before Mary had managed to speak a single word to anyone, she was juggling three glasses of Champagne and a plate piled high with canapés.

Then, of course, there were all the unmarried ladies who, feeling threatened by the overwhelming amount of interest the men were showing the new marchioness, had begun their critical dissection of her. They had started at the top of her head and worked their way down to her shoes, conveying each of their opinions to one another in a low whisper that had snaked its way around the room. Apparently they’d concluded that her hair was the color of mud, her eyes the size of teacups, and her mouth too vulgar to appear in polite society, while her figure bore too much resemblance to an upside down pear. And if that weren’t enough, the word plain was mentioned so repeatedly and with such a degree of intonation that Mary couldn’t help but feel herself the most flawed woman in the whole wide world.

The worst of it was that she’d been looking forward to this evening ever since both her housekeeper, Mrs. Hodges, and her maid, Emma, had told her how vital it was to her social standing that she make an appearance at the first ball of the season. She’d initially thought to shy away at home, but when the two women had insisted, she’d decided to trust their judgment.

Once it had been decided that she would attend, she and Emma had truly enjoyed shopping for just the right dress to wear to the occasion. They’d found a small shop on Bond Street, where Mary had settled upon a white muslin gown with a yellow ribbon running just below the bustline. It wasn’t the most extravagant dress perhaps, but Mary felt that it suited her quite well. She hadn’t felt at all plain in it when she’d admired herself in the mirror earlier that evening; it was a very refreshing change from the mourning colors she’d been wearing since her father had died. In fact, she’d actually felt rather regal. But the evening wasn’t turning out the way she’d envisioned it. Instead of making a few friends as she had hoped, she was now standing by herself on the terrace, terrified of going back inside. In truth, all she wanted to do right now was flee.
