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Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down (Vikings Underground #2)

Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down (Vikings Underground #2)(26)
Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon

“I would like to go.”

The men stilled. All gazes flew toward the entrance of the den.


Nikolas’s heartbeat had picked up at the mere sound of her voice. Looking upon her, dressed in the nearly see-through silk tunic of their people’s women, no less, damn near made his heart beat out of his chest.

She looked utterly breathtaking in a blue tunic that began just at the cle**age line and draped to her ankles. The gold rope that crisscrossed at her h*ps kept the hemline from falling to her toes. The elastic band that circled the entire upper portion kept her br**sts from spilling out of the sleeveless, slinky slip of a dress. Her stiff ni**les poked against the sheer material of the tunic.

Nikolas blew out a breath. The gown offered no protection from his lust, and he had the achingly swollen erection to prove it.

“I’m an excellent strategist.”

Nikolas forced his gaze away from her body and up to her face. Not that it helped matters much. Her features were so strikingly exotic in their beauty that he stayed hard anyway. “I’m sorry?” he said, snapping out of the fantasy that involved riding her for about twenty-four solid hours.

“Above the ground, that’s part of what I did during times of war—strategize. I decided how many troops would go where and allocated the necessary funds to see it through.”

She had been a warrior in her world. In his lust, such knowledge had temporarily been forgotten. “I see.”

Ronda sighed. “I can take care of myself, if you’re worried I’ll get in the way.”

Of that Nikolas held no doubts. Never had he seen a woman—or a man for that matter—break shackles made from iron with just the crossing and uncrossing of her legs. And the high jump in the air with the series of kicks? Any potential attackers would swoon. Verily, Nikolas was the only warrior he knew with a fearsome wife. ’Twas odd, but in a pleasant way that filled him with pride. “It isn’t that, so much, as I’m certain you would not care to step foot in New Norway.”

Otrygg chuckled. “Mayhap you should let her go, milord. Like as not, New Sweden will seem a paradise in contrast.”

“What do you mean?” Ronda asked, glancing over to the older warrior.

“Let us just say,” Erikk interjected, gaining him her attention, “that the lot in life for the wenches of New Norway is considered barbaric by our people.”

Ronda’s eyes widened. She couldn’t imagine a place that treated women with even less respect than this one. She was currently dressed like a sex kitten, she held no true political rights, was supposed to call her husband “master,” and was taken to task by the female servants at every meal for not sleeping with her master and seeing to his manly needs. They might not speak English, but she had no problem translating the irate lectures—mainly because a lot of it revolved around pointing toward Nikolas’s bedroom and shaking their heads at her.

“Worse than this place?” Ronda shook her head. “What do they do to them? Put apples on their heads and use them for target practice with a bow and arrow?”

That got a laugh out of the three men. Ronda’s heart stilled. She’d never seen Nikolas wear a genuine smile before, and it suited him…better than perfectly. He even had a hint of a dimple.

“Not so bad as that,” Nikolas said, a twinkle in his eyes.

“Then I can handle it.”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Nikolas’s smile dissolved. “The Underground waterways are often treacherous. And when we arrive in New Norway, you will be expected to dress as their women do. And—”

Ronda held up a palm. “I’m not the type of woman who can just sit around all day and sew, okay?” And she highly doubted their manner of dress could be much worse than the ensemble she was currently wearing! She felt like the Queen of the Slut People. “If you want us to move forward together, then you’ve got to respect that.”

Nikolas’s heart thumped in his chest. She was hinting at a truce. Mayhap even more.

“I’d really like to go, Nikolas. Please.”

He sighed, then said, “Have the servants prepare you a satchel of clothing.” He really had to stop this business of acting the in-love milksop whenever she was near. Frowning, he began walking away. “We leave within the hour.”

Chapter Nine

True to his word, they left within the hour. And Ronda got to see more of the underworld kingdom.

The longboat they boarded looked like classic Viking handiwork straight out of antiquity, but on a smaller scale. Nikolas had told her that they were preparing to travel through a man-made underground waterway that was only big enough for two boats to pass each other simultaneously.

The lower deck contained two sleeping chambers, a crude kitchen, and a common area. The upper deck featured six fixed oars that warriors manually maneuvered—three on each side—and two rows of chairs in the middle.

Nikolas put a cloak around Ronda’s shoulders. “There’s a chill in the air this far below, so I don’t advise removing it.”

She nodded, already feeling goose bumps. “Yes, I feel it.”

He smiled, then helped her to her seat aboard the longboat.

Six imposing Viking warriors, each wearing a hooded black robe, were already in position at the oars. They reminded her of the boatman on the fabled river Styx. “The bottled oils are already loaded?” she quietly inquired, settling in next to Nikolas.

“Aye. My men move quickly.”

“Huh. You sure don’t. I-I mean…” Her eyes rounded. Ronda couldn’t believe what she’d just said! The words had stumbled out of her mouth without her thinking about them; she just hoped he hadn’t caught the double entendre.

“I had the boat ready within an hour. Why would you call me slow?”

She frowned. He hadn’t caught the double entendre. She didn’t know whether to be frustrated or relieved.

“I was joking. Where did you learn English?” Obviously your tutors neglected to teach the delicate art of reading between the lines!

Okay, she sniffed, so she was frustrated. She blamed her raging hormones on her not having had sex since bright pink lipstick and gaudy blue eye-shadow had been in vogue.

And on the way Nikolas had been staring at her through heavy eyelids in his den.

“Most men of the laboring class know how to speak it. A way to have one up on the overlords, I suppose.” He shrugged. “My English is simply different from yours. Every people possess their own dialect.”

“How did you learn it, if it’s the second tongue of laborers? I thought you were an overlord.”

Ronda could have sworn she felt him tense up beside her.

“I was not born within the class of nobles,” Nikolas said softly. “I was born the second son of a fifth son. ’Tis a long, complicated, and boring tale. Suffice it to say I grew up amongst the laborers.”

“You worked your way up in the ranks instead of inheriting it?”

Again, the tensing. “Aye.”

Ronda smiled as she found his gaze. “That’s very cool.”


“Yeah, cool. You know—umm…sort of a cross between admirable and desirable.”

Silence. His eyelids grew heavy again as their gazes held. “I think you are cool too,” he murmured.

She couldn’t help it. She had to grin. The way he had said it was just too cute. Her eyes sparkled as she held his stare. Reaching up to his face, she tucked a lock of hair behind one of his ears. “Thank you,” she whispered back.

They reverted to silence as the boat took off. Ten men at the rear who were standing on the dock gave it a push. Within seconds of hitting the water, the longboat neared a ramp. The oarsmen began rowing, heading toward a dark tunnel.

“Hold on!” one of the men called out. “Here we go!”

Ronda yelped as the longboat went racing downhill like a water ride in an amusement park. She instinctively reached for Nikolas’s hand to steady herself. Laughing, she glanced up at her husband.

“This is cool?” He smiled.

“Yeah! But in a different way!”

The longboat raced downhill for thirty seconds more before the waterway evened out and turned flat. The oarsmen then returned to rowing and steering the vessel toward their destination.

An hour later, Ronda was yawning. Two hours later and she could barely keep her eyes open. “How much longer until we get there?” she asked Nikolas.

“Another ten hours or so.”

“Ten hours? Good grief! I had no idea the Underground was so vast.”

His blue gaze flicked over her features. “Why do you not go below and get some rest? There won’t be much to see beyond tunnels for another seven hours or so.”


“What about you?” Ronda finally asked, her voice soft. “Don’t you need some rest too?”

If he missed this double entendre, she’d have to write him a book called Reading Between the Lines 101.

“I’m not overly tired.”

Somebody get me a typewriter!

“Nikolas,” Ronda sighed. She ran a hand through her blond curls. “I really don’t want to be alone down there.”

Again, silence.

“Mayhap ’twould be, uh, cool…if I lie beside you?”

“Very cool.” She smiled.

The lower deck was lit up by lightbulbs on wall sconces—something she’d noticed in their dwelling, as well. “I see you’ve discovered Thomas Edison in New Sweden.”

“Thomas Edison?” Nikolas inquired as he led her toward the bedchamber.

“Yes.” Ronda pointed up at one of the lights as they passed by it. “The guy who invented lightbulbs in the year 1879.”

Nikolas sniffed at that. “Our people have had the bulbs you speak of since 1622. ’Twas invented by Milo Torgysson.”

“No kidding?”

He grunted his acknowledgment. “Aye.”

The bedchamber turned out to be quite cramped and sparse. Then again, there wouldn’t be much need for lavishness on a longboat. The warriors didn’t spend months on them sailing the oceans, only a couple of days here and there on the underground waterways.

Taking a deep breath, Ronda removed her cloak and worked up her nerve. She had spent an entire week thinking and rethinking things, changing her opinions again and again, until she had at last made up her mind on how life would be from here on out. Once she made up her mind, she didn’t change it. It was just the way she was and had always been: stubborn and steadfast to the bone.

She wanted to carve out a meaningful, happy life for herself. She didn’t want to spend any more time brooding over what could have been. She realized that Nikolas would never let her go—he couldn’t. And it was not as if her life had been all that exhilarating prior to her capture. She’d asked for some excitement in her life, and she’d gotten it. In spades. Whatever the circumstances leading up to her marriage, it was time to accept that she was indeed married.

“Soooo,” Ronda said, her cheeks pinkening a little as she stood on one side of the bed, her husband on the other. “What do your people wear when they go to sleep?”

Nikolas stilled. “Nothing.”

She blew out a breath. Finally they were getting somewhere. She’d never tried seducing a man before; usually it was the other way around. The role of seducer was difficult. You could never be totally sure if the other party wanted you or would reject you.

“But I understand if you wish to sleep in your tunic. ’Tis cold down here.”

Ronda sighed. How was that to be interpreted? Either he didn’t want her or he was letting her set the pace. Unfortunately, there was only one way to find out the answer.

Slipping out of her sandals and undoing the gold rope at her waist, Ronda kept her eyes lowered to the ground. “In your world,” she whispered, lifting the tunic dress over her head and tossing it aside, “what does a beautiful woman look like?” She’d never felt so vulnerable in her life, standing totally nak*d in front of a man, eyes downcast rather than courageous, and basically asking him if he liked what he saw.

“Like you,” he said thickly. Her gaze flicked up. “Leastways, they aspire to. I’ve never seen a woman so beautiful as you.”

His blue eyes were heavy-lidded as he studied every curve of her body. His gaze lingered at her shaved mons before roaming up to her br**sts. “And I’ve never seen ni**les that look so ripe.”

Her heart thumped. “Is that why you picked me?” she murmured, the dampness between her thighs increasing.

His gaze flicked up to her face. “Nay.”

She blinked. “Then why?”

“Because,” Nikolas said softly, “you are full of fire and life. I couldn’t bear to see one of those men break you and extinguish all that you are.”

Ronda’s gaze wandered over his face, memorized it. “That’s the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me.” She drew in a shaky breath. Uncharacteristically, she felt the beginnings of tears welling up in her eyes. She quickly batted them away. “Thank you.”
