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Tipsy (Take It Off #5)(31)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Unable to take another second, I delved my finger deep within. She cried out and her legs began to quiver. I worked my finger out and then slid it back in, this time adding another so I was using two to penetrate her body.

The muscles of her vagina squeezed around my fingers and my cock jerked. Keeping my fingers inside, moving at a steady rhythm, I lowered my face and drew the swollen clit into my mouth. I sucked it gently, licking at it with my tongue.

When her thighs pressed in around my head and she started panting, I pulled away. She made a little helpless sound that I found endearing.

Julie reached between us and grabbed my face on either side, pulling me up so she could look into my face. “I want more, Blue.”

She released me and sat up as I sat back. Her hands were on my pants in seconds, fumbling with shaky fingers until I sprang free and pointed directly at her. She didn’t bother with my jeans; she had what she wanted and her lips slid down over me before I was prepared.

A long shudder moved through my body, and my head fell back. The heat of the fire warmed the side of my body, and colors exploded behind my closed eyes.

She worked me with her hands and mouth as I knelt between her legs. I fumbled with my pants, yanking out a condom from my back pocket and then shoving the jeans down my thighs and pulling her up to take her mouth with mine while I kicked the pants off the rest of the way.

I used the weight of my body to guide her back onto the floor, and her hands clutched my backside, urging me to the center of her body.

“Wait a minute, sweetness,” I murmured, pulling back so I could hurry to smooth the condom over my twitching length.

Once it was on, I rested my elbows on either side of her head and held myself just inches above her. She looked up, her eyes heavy with need, but there was more than that. It was almost as if she were slightly in awe of the feelings churning between us.

It was almost overwhelming. This moment had been in the making from the instant I leaned down into her window. The sexual tension, the immediate attraction I felt for her was unlike anything I ever experienced.

It’s exactly why this wasn’t a booty call.

Julie was never going to be someone that could satisfy me with a late-night call and an hour in the sack. The minute I dipped into her, I was going to be lost.

Her hand came up and cupped the side of my face; her other hand wound around my waist and her little fingers curled against my skin.

The same exact second I joined our lips, I thrust inside her in a single, long, hard thrust.

The kiss broke because both of us moaned. Our lips vibrated with the force of the sound. I held still, feeling her walls stretch out around me, letting the sheer bliss of being inside wash over us both.

She was the first to move, a slight rock of her hips, and then she was patting me on the bottom, giving me instructions to go.

I braced myself on my hands and started to move. Every single thrust sent energy soaring over my nerve endings, prickling over my scalp and making my bones tremble.

Her inner walls spasmed with every plunge, and she moaned, tossing her head back and forth as she clawed at the skin around my waist. Julie began to move, wrapping her hands around my biceps, planting her feet into the floor and raising her pelvis so she could meet each of my thrusts with her own.

It was freaking epic that I stopped moving all together, but the sensation continued on and on and on. I held myself suspended as she worked my rod like no one before. The way she bucked against me, grinding down and milking every ounce of hardness I could give.

Julie collapsed against the blanket, giving me a shy smile before her eyes drifted closed, and I noted the sheen of sweat glistening over her body.

I started to move, swirling around inside her with a swivel of my hips. Her hands knotted in the blanket as I slid one of my palms beneath the small of her back and tilted her lower half upward.

I dove in so deeply that she cried out. Our pelvises were touching and I bore down on her and started to rock. Her little moans turned into a whispered plea, and I felt the exact moment she fell over the edge because she pulled me with her.

Together we spiraled into a passion-laden freefall as the orgasm tore me up from the inside out.

“Blue,” she moaned, saying my name over and over again.

When the last tremor of pleasure rippled through me, I collapsed onto the floor, rolling beside her and scooping her into my arms, fitting her against my side. Our skin slid against each other, slick with sweat.

I pressed a kiss to her damp forehead and she sighed.

Sex with her was quite literally the best I ever had. It was almost bittersweet. Sweet because I felt like my body had searched for that kind of closeness, that kind of release since I figured out girls didn’t have cooties. And bitter… bitter because it took me so long to experience Julie, bitter because I wanted more… and bitter because after tonight, I might never see her again.



He stayed until darkness began to give way to a shadow-filled sky. We lay by the fire for as long as we could, not really talking.

Okay, we couldn’t talk.

Because we were making out like teenagers.

I knew when he was going to leave by the way tension slowly creeped into his body and invaded our moment. I didn’t ask him to stay. I knew he couldn’t. I didn’t tell him I would miss him, even though I would. And I didn’t pout because pouting never changed anything.

Instead, I pulled on his shirt (it smelled just like him) and padded barefoot into the kitchen and hit brew on my coffee pot. The rich, deep smell of brewing coffee filled the kitchen as strong arms wrapped around my midsection, pulling me against his hard body.

“You in the habit of drinking joe in the middle of the night?”

“It’s for you,” I said, enjoying the husky tone to my voice. My body had never felt so liquid, so loved. “It’s cold out and I don’t like the idea of you out there driving at this hour.”

He spun me around and pinned me up against the counter, fitting a muscular thigh between my legs. “I don’t want you worrying about me,” Blue said seriously.

I didn’t bother telling him I wouldn’t worry. I wasn’t into lying. “How long until I see you again?”

He let out a long sigh and cupped my face in his palms. “I don’t know.”

I kissed him.

We kissed until the coffee beeped and made its final brewing sounds. I pulled away to fill a stainless steel travel mug almost to the top. I glanced over my shoulder. “Cream?”

“If you have it.”

I pulled out a bottle of Vanilla Fire creamer and added a healthy dollop. Using a butter knife, I swirled the coffee and cream together as the fragrant steam hit me in the face. I was so getting up early enough to have coffee in the morning. I was going to need it after spending half the night awake in his arms.
