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Tirade (Heven and Hell #3)(49)
Author: Cambria Hebert

I leaned down and inhaled some of the steam dancing above the liquid. Warmth filled me and I felt a light surge of energy. Before Sam could protest, I lifted the cup and drank. The water was scalding hot and I felt the burn all the way down my throat. My eyes watered at the temperature, but I took another smaller sip.

Sam stared at me, poised and waiting for something horrible to happen. But nothing did. Instead, warmth spread throughout my body, different from anything else I had ever felt before. It was as if I were being lit from within and for a moment, all the horrible things that happened to me melted away. Then a tingling feeling began to spread, starting at my toes and traveling up until my fingertips and head felt as if tiny people were dancing upon them. When I looked down at my hands, they were shimmering with golden flecks. My whole body was shimmering.

I had never felt so relaxed or alive.

“Drink,” Ana insisted, and I lifted the cup again. Suddenly, my broken ankle no longer hurt and the swelling and bruises faded away.

Sam stared at me in wonder as I healed; then he looked up at Ana with a new appreciation in his eyes. The mistrust was gone, replaced with genuine gratitude, and it completely transformed his face into something so beautiful I was struck breathless.

But then I got a vision of all the blood on the floor of his cell. I hadn’t even checked him for injuries. I choked a little on the liquid and Sam stood abruptly, his arms coming out on either side of my body as if he expected me to collapse.

I looked down into the cup at the shimmering water and noted there wasn’t much left. I already felt better than I had felt in so long and it seemed selfish to drink the rest, especially after everything he had endured. I smiled to let him know I was fine and lifted the cup toward him. “Your turn.”

He began to shake his head and I glanced down toward the dagger wound still festering in his bicep, but it was partially covered. I lifted the sleeve of his shirt and examined the wound. It was swollen and red around the edges. Carefully, I lowered the shirt and looked back into his eyes. Without taking my eyes away, I lifted the delicate cup up to his lips and tilted until the liquid met his mouth.

His honey-colored eyes watched me as his lips parted and the drink slid down his throat. I watched as he swallowed and prayed there was enough left to heal him. He took on the same glittering glow and I felt the transformation in his body the minute it took place. He was healed.

Satisfied, I turned to Ana and handed her the cup. “Thank you.”

The effects of the tea were still flowing through me and I felt overly warm, but more wonderful than I had in a very long time. “Why did The Devourer bring us here?” I asked Ana.

“I told you, I have been waiting for you. He recognized you right away. There has been no one before you to trust such a beast.”

“About that,” I said, straightening on the stool. “He looked so… different on this side of the island.”

Ana smiled. “That’s because here, on the island, you see The Devourer for who he is on the inside, not as he appears in hell and to those who only know how to hate.”

“But he appeared ugly and scary when we were in hell.”

“Yes, because that’s what you expected to see. But you knew there was more to him, didn’t you?” Ana asked, placing my cup in the sink and walking out of the kitchen. She sank into one of the cloud-like couches.

I guess I had always sensed something good within The Devourer.

“She feeds it candy,” Sam said, his voice laced with amusement.

Ana laughed. “What kind?”

“Snickers.” A small smile played on my lips as Sam and I sat on the couch opposite her.

“I’m afraid I have never had this candy that you speak of,” Ana said.

I drew back in shock and fished through my bag to pull out the one remaining candy bar that wasn’t melted. I slid it across the wooden coffee table between the sofas. Ana picked it up and tore the corner off the wrapper. She stared at the chocolate bar for several seconds before she bit into it and chewed slowly. Her eyes closed and then she looked up. “This is magical!” She laughed.

“I actually prefer a Milky Way,” I told her.

She wrinkled her forehead.

“We’ll bring one of those next time,” Sam said and Ana nodded around another bite of candy.

“Do you live here alone?” Sam asked.

Ana nodded. “Yes. I am the only one who knows of this place, other than God… and now you. I am the keeper of life here in hell. It is my job to hold up the glamour and protect the flower.”

“Glamour?” I asked.

“The island is hidden behind a heavy glamour. No one would be able to see it even if they knew what they were looking for. All that can be seen here is the dragon’s lair, which most try to stay away from.”

“But, we could see it,” I said.

“That’s because you were meant to. Normally a person would have to come through the cave and step onto the island itself before they were able to see through the glamour. Once they see it, they will always be able to. But you, you were able to see it because you have a purpose here, a purpose I can help you with.”

“What is our purpose?” I asked Ana.

“I’m not entirely sure, only that I will assist you. In time, I am sure you will know.”

I hated answers like that. “So why did The Devourer bring us here if none of us know why?”

“You needed healed and you needed to know I am here to help you. There will come a time when you might need me. My door—or island—is always open.”

“If I came back would you still be here?”

“Oh, yes. I will always be here.” Ana smiled.

“We should be going,” Sam said, standing from the couch.

“Of course.” Ana stood, her green eyes meeting mine.

“Thank you for sharing the flower with us. I’ll never forget it,” I said, rushing to Ana and hugging her hard. She returned my hug with a strength that surprised me.

Before going out the cottage door, Ana stopped us. “Please remember that this place must be kept secret at all costs. If anyone found out about the flower… Well, I guess you know how badly things could go.”

We nodded. “We understand.”

“No one must know of this location. When you leave here, you must act as if there is nothing here at all. If someone is given a hint of my location and they stumble through the glamour…” Her voice trailed away.

“Of course.” Sam assured her. “Your secret is safe with us.”
