Read Books Novel


Torch (Take It Off #1)(28)
Author: Cambria Hebert

He chuckled, taking in my expression. “Relax, I told them last night I would be late on account of the police coming by today. Their visit is technically work related.”

Relief poured through me. “Do you have to spend the night tonight?”

Since I’d been here, he had yet to pull an overnight shift, but I knew it was something he often did. It was only a matter of time before he announced he wasn’t coming home. The thought of him not being here tonight was very disappointing for two reasons:

One, I didn’t relish the idea of being in his home alone.

And, two, if he wasn’t here, I couldn’t look at him without his shirt.

“Normally, yes,” he began, and I hid my regret, but then he said, “But a couple of the guys agreed to take my night shifts so I could be here.”

It made me wonder how much he told the guys he worked with about my situation. Surely they were curious after responding to three incidents involving me. I wondered what his relationship with them was like. Was it a formal “yes, sir” “no, sir,” or was it more friendly and open?

“Oh, well, I hope it isn’t taking them away from their families.”

His eyes softened at my concern over his coworkers’ lives. “It’s not. I’ve taken a lot of the overnight and weekend shifts the past year since I was separated and divorced from Taylor. They owe me.”

His mention of Taylor left me feeling a little sick. I didn’t like to think of her perfect Barbie hands touching him.

I murmured some sort of agreement and then moved past him to go tame the nest of hair on my head before heading out.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he said, catching me around the waist and towing me backward.

“To brush my hair?”

To my astonishment, he began to nuzzle the side of my neck. I felt his deep inhale of breath and thought, Did he just smell me?

Tingly shivers raced across my skin, all the way down to the floor where my toes curled against the linoleum. Brushing away my hair, his lips moved across my neck, pressing moist, gentle kisses to my extremely sensitive flesh. One of his arms wrapped around me from behind, pulling me fully up against his body. It certainly didn’t escape my attention that there was something very hard and very large poking me in the back.

Apprehension slithered like an unwanted guest up my spine. I had no idea how something like that was supposed to fit into someone like me. My body certainly didn’t seem to think it would be a problem, but my brain wasn’t so sure.

I turned my head to the side and he moved up, capturing my lips in an all-encompassing kiss. Slowly, he spun me around so I faced him and he could fully claim my mouth. Before pulling his head away, he cupped my butt, giving it a gentle squeeze and then looking down at me with a thoroughly satisfied smile on his face. “Good morning.”

Something had changed between us. Last night was the first time since our morning kiss in the kitchen. I’d thought after that kiss he wasn’t interested because of the way he pulled away. But now… now we felt closer. The magnetic energy that pulsed between us was harder to ignore.

“What’s the matter, Freckles?” he said, pressing a light kiss to the tip of my nose.

“What changed?” I blurted out.

He drew back. “Changed?”

“You seemed like you were trying to keep distance between us before, but after last night…”

“I should get a medal for managing to keep my hands off you that long.”

“It was only a few days,” I reminded him dryly.

“Felt like a lifetime.”

“So those first kisses… you liked them?”

His eyes widened. “You thought that I didn’t?”

“Well, after that you didn’t touch me.”

“Shit,” he swore beneath his breath and ran a hand over his head. “I liked it too much. The sparks between us are so hot, I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to stop. I was afraid I would scare you off. Thank God I did because you’re so innocent.”

Innocent? Ugh.

I folded my arms across my chest. “So what changed your mind?”

His smile was sexy and filled with innuendo. “I realized you could handle the heat.”

I still wasn’t so sure, but I didn’t tell him that. “Well, you are definitely hot.”

He grinned. He had such a big ego. “How hot?”

I shook my head. “So hot your touch leaves torch marks on my skin.”

He whistled between his teeth. “Damn. I’m good.”

I patted his chest. “I’m going to get ready.”

I ended up just pulling my hair up into a topknot on my head, not even bothering to try to tame the frizz. It was one of the reasons I was going out. I needed some serum to help tame it. And I also needed some body lotion, some more disposable razors, and a few other girl necessities. If Holt was going to be touching me a lot more, then I needed to look good.

I shoved my feet in a pair of flip-flops and grabbed the canvas navy-blue purse I got off the clearance rack at Target, containing my library ID, a lip gloss, and new bank cards. Thankfully, the bank got new ones to me immediately to save me many trips to the bank itself.

I still didn’t have a wallet or any of the other items I used to carry around, but it was better than nothing at all.

I made it all the way to the front door when I realized I was forgetting something essential.

I didn’t have a car.

It was still being looked at for evidence.

Holt came out of the hallway a few minutes later, dressed for work in a pair of dark jeans and a white button-down shirt, sleeves rolled up around his elbows and collar open at the throat.

“What’s the matter?”

“I forgot I don’t have my car.”

“Well, that is a problem.”

I shrugged. “I’ll call a cab. While I’m out, I’ll stop by and bug the police for my car.”

“You’re not taking a cab.”

“Why not?”

“Because I have no idea who drives those things. They probably don’t even have real driver’s licenses.”

I snorted. “Yeah, right. Isn’t that illegal?”

“So is arson and murder,” he said seriously.

I felt the color drain from my face.

“I’m not trying to scare you.” He sighed.

He didn’t really; I was already scared.

“You can take my truck.”

My eyes about fell out of my head. “I thought no girls were allowed to drive your truck.”
