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Torn from You

Torn from You (Tear Asunder #1)(35)
Author: Nashoda Rose

Then what did he fuckin’ do …? He led her into the worst sludge of the world—his father.

He’d brought her gift-wrapped to his father. “Jesus.”

“Logan?” Emily’s hand rested on his arm, still small and delicate, just like the first time he met her.

Looking at her now, he didn’t know why he hadn’t fallen in love with her the moment he laid eyes on her. She was perfect—the way her lashes dropped to cover half her eyes when she was thinking, how her br**sts peaked perfectly beneath her shirt, and her thighs, damn her thighs were rock solid. He felt every bit of them on his bloody bike.

But it was way more than that. His girl had a strong empathy for horses, and the way she was around them, it was sexy as hell. God, she couldn’t see how beautiful she was which drove him crazy, but when she was with those horses, her uncertainty or insecurity or mistrust vanished. Determined as hell, yet still sensual and … feminine. Her determination was playing against him right now, but despite that he respected her more for it, Jesus, he’d dragged her into hell and hurt her.

She didn’t see her strength, but he saw it from the beginning. God, he prayed every fuckin’ day that Raul or Alfonzo or Jacob wouldn’t break her. And he’d been so fuckin’ proud of her when she stood up to his piece-of-crap father, and even though it was the worst play she could’ve done, a part of him wanted to pull her into his arms and cry— Because she wasn’t broken. Emily never gave up.

Logan groaned, as he wrapped her into his arms and sighed when she came willingly. Jesus, he loved this woman. He’d thought of nothing except her for two years. She didn’t know what went down after he let her go, and he’d never tell her; she didn’t need that tainting her life. But it was her that gave him the strength to survive the hell Raul put him through. Deck … He owed Deck his life for getting him out.

He squeezed her to him. “You looked hot, Mouse. Out there with that stallion … I’m buying you more horses.”

“I can buy my own horses, Logan.”

He loved when she called him Logan. Eme and his mother were the only ones who called him that. Now he was called Logan by two remarkable women in his life that survived his father. And Deck. Deck survived his father too and risked his life. He got him out of there and witnessed the shape he was in. Deck wanted him to tell Eme what happened, but he couldn’t. She had enough horror in her life; she didn’t need to hear his horror. He’d shield her from that forever if he could.

“I know you can, it’s not the same thing.”

He caressed her cheek, and she leaned into his touch, her eyes closing as she sighed.

“Rescue horses.”


“You want to buy horses? Save the ones that need it.”

That was his Emily. “Whatever you want.” He kissed her forehead. “Trophy, Emily. You’re a trophy.”

Chapter 24

When they pulled up to the house, Crisis and Kite were sitting on the porch drinking beers, and Ream was leaning against the railing.

I unsnapped my helmet and passed it to Logan who placed it on the handle bars beside his. I quickly ran my fingers through my hair while avoiding his eyes. “I’ll, ah … see you later. I better check on the horses.”

I turned, my heart in my throat and the familiar ache pulsating. Being with Logan today had been … it was like the sun burning through the fog of my mind. And there in the brightness stood Logan and he was protective and strong and willing to do anything to repair us. Did I trust him? I believed him, so why was I hesitating on trusting him?

Logan tagged my hand and reeled me back in.

“No more running.” His thumb casually stroked the back of my hand, and it felt good. Really good.

“I’m not running—”

“You are.” He tugged, and I was up against his chest, breath seized, and he was watching me with those sexy heart-stopping eyes. “Why, baby?” His hands squeezed mine, and I felt that familiar warmth of his protectiveness come over me. He knew when I needed soft, encouraging words, or rough, harsh commands. He liked control; I got that and he did it well, I wanted that escape he gave me when I didn’t have to think and just felt. God, he knew me better than I knew myself. In Mexico there had been no trust; now our relationship had to have it more than anything.

“Logan. The trust between us, it’s still—”

He stopped me, leaning in and kissing me on the lips. It was hard, and it was sweet. When he pulled back, the soft skin on our lips held briefly together like when you touch your tongue to a dry ice cube. “Trust is built. Ours just needs to be rebuilt and it takes time. But baby, we’ll do it together.”

And for the first time, I gave into him completely. I let go of my head shit and what happened and took in what he was giving me—him. And God, it felt like the elephant sitting on my chest finally got up and walked away.

All chatter stopped, and three sets of eyes landed on me and Logan as we walked up onto the porch.

“Sweetness, looking mighty fine on that bike.” Crisis winked. “I’m thinkin’ now I need to get myself one.” His slight draw was sex on wheels with that voice and look. “Pussy tight against—”

Logan interrupted abruptly. “And you know Kite.” I nodded to him, and he smiled. With those cheekbones and brilliant green eyes, he must have broken hearts in every bar they went. “Emily. Good to see you again.”

Kite had ink all over his arms, and the left side of his neck was a hawk or eagle in flight. He had a shaved head and several piercings, one being on his left eye brow. He looked scary, but he’d been sweet when he’d protected me against Matt’s wraith that night we snuck in to watch Logan’s underground fight.

“Hey, Kite.”

“And you know Ream.”

“Um, yeah. We met briefly at Georgie’s and again last night.” Kat’s sexy, hot monster that lacked a smile but oozed in sex appeal.

“Be right back.” Logan went inside, and the screen door slammed shut behind him.

I sat on the wooden swing chair, and it creaked.

“Haven’t seen Sculpt look so relaxed in months.” Kite winked at me.

“He’s been a fuckin’ a**hole,” Crisis said.

“You’ve been the a**hole. With that shit you pulled with that chick’s boyfriend. Not doing us any favors,” Ream said. “You know you can leave the band any time you want.”

Whoa. I was uncertain what was going on, but Ream was glaring at Crisis, and Crisis was smirking.

The screen door creaked open, and Logan came out holding two cold beers. He passed me one then sat beside me, his thigh right up against mine. He put his arm around the back of the swing, his fingers weaving into my hair as he played with it.

“Sculpt says you’ve been doing well with the talking to horses thing,” Kite said.

“Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it talking to horses. But yes, I communicate to them in their language—body language you could say.”

“Know any other body language talkers, Emily? This horse could use a real talking to.” Crisis looked down at himself, and both Ream and Kite sprayed beer out their mouths.

Ream wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Don’t pay attention to him, Emily. He’s just pissed his little pony didn’t get any last night.”

Logan stiffened. “Jesus, guys. Enough.”

“Ream, what the fuck’s your issue? On your monthly again?” Crisis set his beer down hard on the table beside him. “You all pissy because Kat asked me to go riding tomorrow and not you? Bet you’re wondering what kind of riding we’ll be doing.”

Ream was clenching his fists, and Crisis was smiling as if he wanted to fight. Logan leaned into me, his arm around shoulders pulling me closer as he whispered, “Baby. Shit, I’m sorry.”

Crisis took a long drag of beer. “Logan was brooding and quiet, Emily. I swear the only time he spoke was when we got up on stage. I don’t know why the f**k it took him ten months to get back here. Jesus, if I was screwing something hot like you, I’d have been back to Toronto f**king pronto.”

“Jesus, Crisis. Cool it.” Logan glared at him and was shaking his head back and forth.

“Two years you mean,” Eme corrected.

Crisis’s brow rose and he raised his beer to Logan. “You’re up, buddy.”


He swept my hair back with his fingers then trailed a caress down the side of my face. “Took a while to get back. Needed some time alone after that shit.”

“What Deck was talking about?”

He paused and I thought he wasn’t going to tell me then he said, “Yeah.”

I didn’t push it. It wasn’t the time or place to talk about it, but I was glad that he didn’t close me down this time.

“Sweet mother of God, look at her.” Crisis stood, his eyes on Kat who was walking toward the house. She had on a pair of tight faded cut-off jeans, an even tighter turquoise tank top, and a pair of leather paddock boots. “I so need to get into her pants.”

Ream caught what Crisis was looking at, and I saw the instant tension go from his jaw right down to his feet. His eyes narrowed, and his brows lowered. His hands clenched the railing, and if the wood had any give in it, the thing was breaking under the pressure.

Kat walked up the steps.

“Fuck, babe. Lookin’ good. That sweet ass can sit in my saddle anytime,” Crisis said.

Kat laughed, but she didn’t object and sauntered close to Crisis and snagged his beer, chugging back half of it before setting it back down on the table. That was becoming a habit of hers. Her slow, long lick of her lips had Crisis groaning.

“Jesus, Kat. Put some f**king clothes on.” Ream’s voice was bitter and cruel “You gonna screw everyone in the band like some groupie?”

Holy wow. Ream was raging mad. Like bull fighting mad. I could see his temples throbbing, and his lips were pursed together—tight.

Kat didn’t flinch, and I have to say I was proud of her. She smiled and put her arm around Crisis who instantly reciprocated by placing his hand in her back jean pocket and squeezing her ass.

“Least it’s only four of you. Not like you … f**king the hundreds of groupies who kiss your goddamn feet like they’re made of ice cream.”

“Oh they’re not kissing my feet, Kitkat. The ice cream is up a bit further,” Ream shot back.

“Yeah, cold and always melting.”

Insulting a man’s dick was the quickest way to him hating you, and it looked like that was what she was aiming for.

Crisis and Kite threw back their heads in hysterics.

“That’s only when you’re around,” Ream said.

Kat came at him, her cool finally breaking. Crisis snagged her around the waist as she kicked and shouted to let her go. He whispered something in her ear, and she settled down, but Ream was striding toward her and Crisis, and he was ready to pop a blood vessel.

“Not tonight, Ream. Let it the f**k go.” Kite slapped Ream on the back, his hand digging into his shoulder, halting him.
