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Trashy (Take It Off #10)(36)
Author: Cambria Hebert

The swollen, silky head of his penis probed at my entrance, seeking access inside my body. I was so wet he slid along my slit, unable to plunge inside.

I moaned because he felt so incredible, and I wiggled my hips, trying to help him find his way.

Adam untangled our lips and groaned. “Please tell me you’re on the pill,” he panted, his hips still thrusting against me.

“I am,” I replied, tilting my hips upward.

“I swear to God I’m clean, sweetheart,” he said as the tip of his head found my hole.

I gasped. The feeling of his skin on my skin was incredible. He was so smooth and tight. I desperately wanted him to push inside, to fill me up.

I made a little sound and rocked against him.

Adam grabbed my hip and stilled me, holding himself poised at my entrance. “Look at me, Roxie.”

My eyelids fluttered open, and I connected with the dark pools of his eyes. He was so close I could see the effort it took for him to not plunge inside me.

“Tell me it’s okay,” he rumbled.

I tightened the leg thrown over his hip and pushed myself closer. “I want you inside me, Adam. Right now. Just you. Nothing between us.”

One hard thrust brought him in deep. Both of us groaned, and I splayed my palm against his lower back and pressed him closer. I wanted him as deep as he could get.

He murmured my name, and I wiggled down, ducking my head against his chest. Adam wrapped an arm around me, holding me tight as he began to move. The fluid motion of his hips, the rocking of his cock inside me, made my brain feel fuzzy. I’d never had sex in this position before, but I loved it. I was completely against him, wrapped up in him. The steely length of his cock lay against my inner wall, and the way it slid back and forth against me built up an incredible pressure inside me.

My fingers curled inward and my nails dug into his skin. I pulled him deeper and he thrust harder.

“Adam,” I cried. My body was searching for release, craved it.

“That’s it, sweetheart,” he answered and pressed his lips against my forehead. “Come for me.”

The friction he created by all the rubbing against my inner wall created a spark, and suddenly it burst into a flame. The orgasm lit me up inside. My entire body began to tremble and I bore down on him, pumping my hips against his as ecstasy rolled through me.

I held on to him as the sensation went on and on. Adam made a sound in the back of his throat and thrust into me, holding himself there, rigid and still. I started moving, rocking my hips back and forth.

“Don’t stop,” he whispered as his body tightened.

Inside me, his head began to pulse, and he crushed me against him. I felt his hot seed pouring out, and I held on as I milked every last drop from his shaft. I loved the feeling of him leaving something inside me, of my body drinking in his essence.

I’d never felt so sated in my entire life.

“Holy fuck,” he muttered when breath returned to our bodies.

I pressed a kiss into his chest and snuggled closer. “Don’t leave me yet.”

A laugh rumbled through him. “Sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere. The feel of you around me is goddamn amazing.”

I yawned. The sleep I didn’t get the night before was catching up to me and being wrapped up in his warm embrace, feeling so relaxed, was making my eyes grow heavy.

But I didn’t want to go to sleep.

I didn’t want to miss a single minute with Adam.

“Get some sleep, Rox,” Adam said, as if he could read my mind.

“I don’t want to,” I whined, even as I yawned again.

He chuckled. “Oh, I won’t let you sleep long,” he promised. “I’m not done with you yet.”

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep with a smile still on my lips.



I pushed myself hard on my morning run, sprinting across the sand beside the water. The force of my step kicked up some sand on my calves, but I ignored it.

Getting out of bed to run at all had been an accomplishment because Roxie was right beside me. Even though I’d had her over and over throughout the night, when I opened my eyes and saw her hair across the pillow and her still slightly swollen lips so close, my cock jackknifed into position. Even though I wanted her again, I didn’t reach for her. She was likely already sore, and I didn’t want to hurt her.

She’d been hurt enough already.

So here I was out on the sand, trying to run off the worst of my need and anger. And yeah, the punishing pace would only get me back to her faster. I knew the old injury in my knee would probably hate me later for this, but it was a price I would gladly pay.

It was a scorcher, and I wiped my brow with the back of my hand, rubbing away some of the sweat. Usually, I ran as the sun was just rising, but I was late this morning and the sun was higher in the sky. Last night had been just too fucking amazing.

Roxie was a combination of naughty and nice all tied up into one total package. I had no idea she was so innocent. Her reactions to me and my touch were so honest that I couldn’t keep my hands off her. She kept reaching for me. The curiosity in her eyes for my body had me on the verge of orgasm the entire night. I wanted her touch, craved it, but I wanted to satisfy her more.

It became clear the more I touched her that her past experiences with the douche bag had not been that great. He’d been a selfish lover, taking but never reciprocating. I felt sorry she didn’t know what she’d been missing, but I was fucking thrilled I was the one to show her.

Even with all the pleasure we found last night, I still couldn’t forget the things she told me. I was still so angry, and it terrified me I always would be. Thank God the marks on her neck would fade. There was no way in hell I could look at them forever and not go after him.

And the need to go after that motherfucker was pretty intense.

I sent up silent thanks that I already had a restraining order slapped on his ass for the club. At least while Roxie was there I could breathe a little easier knowing she was safe.

I didn’t know what I would do if I saw him. Self-control wasn’t my best quality, and when it came to Roxie, I had a feeling I would be a loose cannon. She didn’t need that. She needed someone more stable, someone who could keep his shit together and be the rock she never had.

It made me crazy she’d been navigating life all by herself for years while trying to clean up the mess of the man who was too stupid to know what he had.

No more.

I realized that even though I told her I loved her, she never said it back. When I asked her to be mine, her eyes turned wary. But that was okay. I wasn’t going to give up on her. On us. I’d wait until she was able to say the words, and they would be even sweeter because I earned them.
