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Tricks (Take It Off #6)(52)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Now that the deal was signed, Charlotte and I planned to build one right next to them. Thoughts of Charlie warmed my blood, and I got the familiar rush of happiness and craving I also felt when I thought of her. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. A fact Honor reminded me about every single day.

Not that I needed reminding.

A shadow fell across the sand and I smiled. “About damn time. Did you have to go to the store for the beer?” I said, looking up at Nathan.

“I asked Nathan to stay up at the house with Honor for a couple minutes,” Charlie said, holding the blowing hair back from her face.

Damn, she was gorgeous. Long, tan legs, tangled, golden hair, and eyes that were like a siren to my lost ship.

“Hey, darlin’,” I drawled, patting the sand beside me. “Did you have fun shopping with Honor?”

She cleared her throat. “Actually, we didn’t go shopping.”

There was something in her tone that put me on alert.

I turned so I could face her completely, parting my legs and sliding so she was in between them. “What’s going on?”

“I would have said something before. I just… I wanted to be sure.”

She was starting to scare me. She looked a little scared herself. “Charlie, you can tell me anything.” I tucked a strand of hair behind her hear.

“I’m pregnant,” she said, the words bursting between her lips and being carried away by the wind.

It took a moment to register, for me to understand.

“You’re pregnant?”

She glanced at me, a small smile playing on her lips. “We haven’t exactly been careful.”

Well, no, we hadn’t. I pretty much wanted her anytime, anywhere, and she never turned me down.

Her hand went protectively to her belly, the belly that now held my child. “Tucker?” she asked, her voice a little unsure.

I gave a shout of joy and scooped her up, letting her tight ass fill my lap. My hand slid over hers, and I grinned. “You’re giving me a baby.” I couldn’t keep the wonder out of my tone.

“Are you happy?” she asked. “I know it wasn’t planned.”

I grabbed her face and kissed the shit out of her until my chest screamed for air. “The best things in life are never planned.”

She laughed.

“I can’t think of anything I want more than my child growing inside you.”

She smiled. It was a smile that rivaled the glittering ocean beneath the sun.

“Are you happy?” I asked, leaning my forehead against hers.

“So happy.” Her eyes grew misty.

“Pregnancy hormones already?” I teased. “Guess I’m going to have to start carrying tissues in my pocket to dry your eyes.”

She giggled. “I’m actually twelve weeks already.”

I put my hand back against her belly once more. “You’re a stealthy little one, aren’t you, son?”

“Son?” she asked, lifting her brow.

“It’s a boy,” I said. I could feel it in my bones.

“I hope he’s just like his daddy,” she whispered.

I kissed her.

“Is it safe to come down?” A voice carried down from above.

I ripped my lips from the mother of my child and looked up to where Nathan and Honor were standing arm and arm, looking down at us.

“Get the cigars!” I yelled. “We’re having a baby!”

Nathan’s shout of joy filled the air.

Charlie laughed. She was absolutely glowing. “I love you so much.”

“Not as much as I love you,” I replied. I was getting damn good at saying pretty words.

“This life is so much better than the one I mapped out for myself,” she said, resting her head against my shoulder.

I couldn’t help but wrap my hand around her belly again. “Stick with me, babe. It’s going to be one hell of a ride.”

And it was.

