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True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(14)
Author: B.J. Harvey

Hell yes! Now that is what I’m talking about. Relaxed, playful Kate is in the house. Think Zander, what can I ask first?

Fireinthesky24: Shot one and two taken care of, shot three poured for when I get my first question wrong, haha. My roommate and her boyfriend are asleep, so it’s just you and me and my friend, Patron. Are you drinking too? Because I hate to drink alone. Ok, my turn first. Favorite color?

Nightdancer23: Favorite Color of what? ?

Fireinthesky24: Touché! Favorite color in general?

Nightdancer23: Blue

Fireinthesky24: Such a boy! Okay, favorite color on a woman?

Now, do I get straight to the point or skirt around it? Hmm…

Nightdancer23: Blue eyes, red hair ?

Fireinthesky24: Oh c’mon! Too cheesy! You’ll need to try harder to impress me!

Nightdancer23: Okay then, back at you. Favorite color?

Fireinthesky24: Red everything ?

Nightdancer23: *groans* my mind is going places it shouldn’t be ?

Fireinthesky24: Oooh, tell me!

Shit! I walked into that one! Okay, they say honesty is the best policy, right? Fuck, I’m starting to sound like a chick!

Nightdancer23: And onto the next question…

Fireinthesky24: No no no, mister dancer, tell me what you were thinking about. Maybe I want you to think about that ?

No way! Is she playing me at my own game? Surely not. Dammit, I can’t even text Mac to find out for me either.

Nightdancer23: Okay, then. Red lingerie on a body like yours would look sexy as hell.

Fireinthesky24: I’m too tipsy to come up with a witty comeback, but yes, I do own a lot of sexy red lingerie…

Nightdancer23: *bangs head on keyboard repeatedly* You do know that I’m going to have that image running through my mind for the rest of the night now, right?

Fireinthesky24: Glad to be of service ? Just add it to the bank.

Nightdancer23: Firebird, you’re killing me! Now it’s my turn. Favorite movie?

Fireinthesky24: General consumption or  p**n ographic?

Fuck! I need to start drinking, or else I’m going to be pulling myself off with one hand and typing with the other. I walk out of my bedroom and grab a beer from the fridge, popping the cap and taking a long swig before returning to my room and the naughty Kate on my laptop.

Nightdancer23: Both. Damn, you’re feisty and dirty when drunk. I’m liking it, a LOT!

Fireinthesky24: Yeah, I kind of let loose when I’m drunk. Last time I was this far gone was about six months ago at our local bar with my best friend and her stripper booty call. We started a drinking game, and because I liked him, I ended up trying to touch my elbows behind my back, pretty much thrusting my boobs in his face.

Seriously, that was one of the highlights of the night, other than kissing her. The taste of her mouth was addictive, almost intoxicating. More potent than a shot of any liquor. The way she moaned into my mouth as I took control of the kiss drove me crazy. All I could think about was making her moan again. My hands grew a life of their own as they gripped her hips, holding her gorgeous body hard up against mine as we continued to release the pent up energy into that one moment. By the time I got home, I was kicking my ass for not taking the chance to see where things with Kate could go.

This time, I’m not going to let the opportunity slip by again.


God, I’m so f**king drunk.

I’ve had five shots of tequila since I got home an hour ago. Add that to the two glasses of wine at the restaurant before Sleazy Spencer showed himself to be a wolf in prince’s clothing, not the other way around, and I’m having my own little drunk pity party. Yay me!

Married! I mean, seriously! SERIOUSLY! Who does that? Sleazy Spencer does, that’s who! Shit, that’s actually funny. I’m a funny girl when I’m drunk. I crack myself up.

Ok. Maybe I need to slow down the drinking.

I made the awesome decision to turn on my computer when I got home since Mac and Daniel were already in bed. As much as I wanted to, I didn’t want to be the needy roommate who barges in uninvited, and with those two, most likely at the most inopportune time!

Thankfully, nightdancer23 was there to chat to. And he’s actually been making me laugh and feel better. I’m still determined to get my damn tiramisu from that restaurant. Maybe I’ll go with Mac. It’ll probably be safer than going on another first date there. That waitress must be laughing her ass off at me. She must have known he was married, so why didn’t she observe the girl code and tell me?

I’m wondering what the punishment for violating girl code should be, when I see nightdancer reply. I wish I knew his name, but I guess that he would have told me by now if he wanted me to know. Maybe this is just one of those online friendships. I can’t believe I told him about thrusting my boobs in Zander’s face.

Nightdancer23: I’m sure he enjoyed it. Any red-blooded male with a pulse and a c**k would enjoy seeing that, but you would’ve made the show exceptional. Now I’m kind of wishing I wasn’t such a gentleman.

Fireinthesky24: Ah, why’s that? You don’t have a little dirty boy inside that SNAG exterior?

Nightdancer23: Oh there is definitely a lot of dirty inside, I’m just working on letting it out in the right situations.

Shit, maybe I’ve been reading his signals wrong. He must think I’m some drunken hussy trying to cock-tease him. I’m just about to type a reply when he replies.

Nightdancer23: Is this the right situation, Firebird?

Hearing him call me firebird again took me back to that hot as hell dream I had last weekend, the one in which Zander was the star of the show. I’ve never come as hard as I did in that dream. The things imaginary Zander did with his tongue were awe-inspiring.

Fireinthesky24: I’d say yes.

Nightdancer23: Well, this puts a whole new light on this conversation, doesn’t it ?

Fireinthesky24: I’m hoping so…

Nightdancer23: Favorite food?

Fireinthesky24: Right now I’m craving dessert because I missed out at the restaurant tonight.

Nightdancer23: I like dessert too, so many options, possibilities…

Fireinthesky24: Tell me what you’d do if I was there with you now and we had a bowl of tiramisu in front of us with only one spoon.

Nightdancer23: You’re not going to regret this conversation in the morning, are you?

Suddenly, I’m having flashbacks of that night at the bar with Zander. The guy coming on too strong, not taking no for an answer. Zander swooping in and punching the guy square in the jaw, knocking him out before grabbing my hand, lacing his fingers in mine and dragging me out of there. Then me, wantonly asking him to stay the night.

“Stay with me tonight,” I said, my body still pressed tightly against his as we both tried to catch a breath after the epic kiss.

He stood and stared down at me, frozen on the spot. I remember loving the way I had to strain my neck to look up at him, to kiss him. He blinked a few times then shook his head, taking a step back from me and grabbing my hand again. But when the realization hit me that he was turning me down, I wanted to run and hide.
