Read Books Novel

True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(19)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“What I’ve seen so far of her, yes, of course I do. What is not to like, Mac? And I want to find out more. Which is why I rang you. She told me she’d had a horrific night on Saturday night, which would be that date. I tried finding out what happened, but she wouldn’t share. Then she got drunk, we played a question and answer game, and just when it started getting interesting, she bailed and hasn’t been online since,” I explain. “And she’s usually on at least once a day, and she isn’t replying to my messages. Unfortunately, I’ve now got more pressing things to deal with, like finding a new place.”

“What? What happened?”

“Would you believe that Zach was entertaining and forgot about the dinner he was cooking to impress her? Left him with a burnt dinner and a burnt kitchen.” I have to laugh because if I don’t, I’ll go crazy. Only Zach could be so focused on getting laid that he’d forget about dinner and burn the kitchen down. Right now I’m staying at a motel until I can find something else.

Radio silence comes back with a vengeance. So much so, that I pull the phone away from my head to check that the call was still connected.

“I got it. Be at my place 8 p.m. tonight.”

“What the hell, Mac? I can’t crash at your place. What will Daniel say?”

“Ah, actually, Daniel will be a very happy man. I’ll explain tonight. Promise you’ll be there.”

“Yes, I’ll be there. But what about Kate?”

“I’ll sort Kate out as well. All you have to do is turn up looking as hot as you usually do and everything will work out perfectly.”


“Zan, trust me. This will all work out.”

I hang up the phone, hoping like hell that Mac is right. Because right now, I’m out of options.

Chapter 10: “Too Close”


I get home just after six and walk through the door to find Mac at the stove, cooking. What the hell? Mac is not a cook, she doesn’t even bake. She’s definitely not a chip off her mother’s block because Mrs. Lewis can cook, and I mean cook. But Mac…well, she must have skipped the line in heaven when they were handing out cooking ability and gone straight to the big boobs line, or the high sex drive line. Either-or.

“Welcome home, honey,” Mac says cheerfully. Too cheerfully.

I eye her suspiciously. “Hey.”

“Oh, don’t be like that. Can’t your best friend cook you a nice dinner for once?”

“Yes, a best friend can do that when they can cook, and when their name isn’t Makenna Lewis.”

“Oh ye of little faith.”

“I have little faith because I’ve tasted your cooking if you can call it that.”

She turns around and faces me, putting her hands on her hips. “Well, lucky for us, Danny boy cooked this before he went back to his place.”

“Oh, thank the lord for Superman. He saves the day again,” I reply with a huge grin. “You could take lessons, you know. Surprise Daniel one night by cooking a tasty meal that doesn’t give him food poisoning.”

“It was one time! God, you guys will never let me live that down, will you? It’s not my fault that the shrimp were past their expiration date.”

I walk into the kitchen and grab a wine glass, pouring myself a nice big glass of Merlot. “It kind of is, you know. Number one rule of cooking, fresh ingredients. Oh, and the ability to actually cook helps a lot too.” I wink before ducking a flying dish towel.

“I miss wine,” she says, eyeing my glass with envy as she takes a seat at the kitchen counter.

“C’mon, you wouldn’t change it for the world.”

“Nope, to be honest, I wouldn’t. And after the ultrasound in a week or so, we can finally confirm that it is a girl and not a boy, and I’ll be a happy mama,” she states proudly, rubbing her rounded belly with glee.

“You’d better be careful. Some of that southern twang is rubbing off on you,” I giggle, knowing that she’ll take the bite.

“I’ll have you know that I love that southern twang rubbing off on me. Anywhere, anytime.”

“Gross! It’s bad enough I have to listen to it. I don’t need to be told about it, especially when I’m not getting any.”

Mac suddenly gets a suspicious look on her face, a look that fills me with dread and also makes me wonder what the hell she’s up to.

“What’s this all about, Mac? You, cooking me dinner, planning an impromptu girls’ night in…what’s the deal?”

She feigns shock and gasps in mock horror. “I’m hurt, and frankly, disappointed that you’d doubt my intentions, Kate. Can’t I have a nice night in with my best friend? Since Daniel and I got back together, I know I’ve been a bit slack at this whole roommate thing, so I wanted to make up for it. You’ve always been there for me through everything, and I think it’s time I was here for you.” Her voice breaks.

I put my glass down and round the kitchen counter, wrapping my arms around her from behind. “I know you’re always here for me. Whether you’re with Daniel at his place, or with him here. You’re like the sister I never had, and Daniel is like my adopted big brother. Please don’t feel bad because you’re happy. You deserve happiness,” I add, with an extra squeeze. My eyes fill with tears. I’m going to end up being a blubbering mess.

“Now, can we stop this cry fest and eat? I’m starving!” Mac announces.

Having eaten our way through garlic bread, lasagna and a delicious baked cheesecake for dessert, both Mac and I are parked up in the living room, claiming a couch each as we lie down in food comas, watching some crazy game show on television where people are training to become ninjas.

“I could never be a ninja. My big belly would get in the way,” Mac muses.

“I don’t want to be a ninja. Although, I’d always be willing to date a ninja. Can you imagine the positions that they could get into? Oh my god, I just thought of one. The reverse saddle ninja!”

Mac sits up excitedly and faces me, bending one leg under the other. “No, wait! Can you imagine a ninja doing downward facing doggie style? They could probably hang upside down from the roof while f**king you. That would be awesome,” she says with a laugh.

“I know! Instead of the Vibrating V, it would be the Ninja Nooner, or Ninja Nookie!” I say, struggling to talk through my laughter.

Mac looks at her phone briefly before putting it down and looking at me.

“Everything okay?” I ask, looking at her phone.

“Oh… yeah, great. Just checking the time. But right now, we need to talk about you.” Mac sits up and rests her hands on her stomach. I’m kind of envious of her right now, but I won’t admit that.
