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True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(22)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Sure, whatever you need to do. I don’t want to be in your way or anything.”

“Zan, it’s good. I’d rather have someone here then come home to an empty house every night. And Mac needs to do this, to move on with her life. It’s not as if she’s got time to waste, right?”

He watches me stand up, his eyes a mixture of confusion and concern that shoots straight through me. Fuck! This is going to be the longest two weeks of my life.

“Well, goodnight then. Let me know if there’s anything you need or can’t find. My home is your home and all that,” I say hurriedly, waving my hand around in the air.

“Goodnight, Kate. Sleep well,” he murmurs behind me as I walk away.

Well, I’m glad that wasn’t awkward or anything.

Popping my head into Mac’s room, I see her sitting on the bed zipping up her suitcase when I hear Daniel’s voice come from the living room. Looks as if I escaped just in time.

“You and I will need to have a talk tomorrow,” I say in a loud whisper. She looks up at me and gives a half-hearted smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes because they’re filled with tears.

I’m being totally selfish.

My best friend is taking another step in her journey to living in a healthy and committed relationship, and moving in with the man of her dreams is bringing back bad memories from a past where the man wasn’t what he seemed, and a story that didn’t end well. “Aww hon. I’m sorry. I wasn’t even thinking about it until just now.”

A sob escapes her throat as I rush to her side and cuddle her into me. “I’m…. happy… it’s just….. just….. oh, I don’t know! The end of an era!” She waves her spare arm around dramatically.

“I’m not going anywhere, Mac. You’re moving out to start your new life with Superman and your little super baby. Daniel is nothing like the men of your past. He is the man of your future, and there isn’t anybody else I’d trust more to send you off to live with. He’s it, hon. He’s your happily ever after, so enjoy it. Then sit back and watch the tragedy that is my never ending search for mine.”

She giggles and looks over at me, wiping her eyes profusely. “Damn leaky eye syndrome. They should warn you about this shit in sex ed. Don’t worry about the boobs, swollen va-jay-jay and cankles…that I can handle. This leaky eye crap? Nope.”

“God, I’m gonna miss the Mac crazy train every day.”

“I’ll still be here, like, all the time. You do know that, right? You’ll have to wrench my house keys out of my hot puffy sausage fingers to get them back.”

“You do not have puffy sausage fingers. You’re beautiful, Mac. Now, how ’bout we talk about Zander.”

“He was caught short, and since you already know him, I figured it would be okay. I’m sorry, I can ask him to leave if you want-“

“No! I mean…it’s okay. He’s your friend, and I know he’s a good guy. I’m sure he’ll be a great temporary roomie. A heads up would’ve been nice though, Mac, that’s all I’m saying.” I shoot her a fake angry frown with squinty eyes, which just makes her grin like an idiot.

“Duly noted. Well, I better go save Zander from Daniel. I know he’ll be sweet, but he is an ex-lover, and as understanding as Danny boy is, I don’t want to tempt fate. By the way, please tell me you can come with me to the ultrasound?”

“Of course, I’ll just schedule my lunch break around it. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Okay.” We stand up, and I wrap my arms around her just as I feel a little kick against my stomach. “Oh my god!” I say, my voice cracking.

“It seems our mini superhero loves her Aunt Kate too,” Mac says with a smile.

And just for a moment, I think of Mac and her baby, and forget all about the fact that the man of my fantasies-the God of Gorgeousness and the witness to my most mortifying drunken behavior to date-will be sleeping in the room next to me for the next few weeks.

Fun and games.

Chapter 12: “Walk of Shame”


After Kate goes to bed-a clear avoidance tactic which I let her have-I sit in the lounge taking in my new surroundings. I hadn’t been looking forward to coughing up for a hostel or motel room for the time it was going to take for our apartment to be repaired, but since my family now lived in Indiana, there weren’t many other options.

There is a fairly new 40 inch television in the corner of the room with a brown wooden entertainment center. The couches are arranged so that both the three-seater couch and the armchair are facing toward it, and between them is an oak coffee table with a magazine rack full of chick magazines. I’m just about to pick up a Cosmo magazine which has an article proclaiming a ‘three date rule’ being the key to meeting Mr. Right, when the front door opens and a tall guy in workout gear strolls in.

“Hey, man,” he says, greeting me. “You must be Zander.”

He isn’t smiling, but he isn’t trying to kill me, so I’m still not sure whether this is the famous Daniel or not.

“I’m Daniel, Mac’s boyfriend.” Mystery solved.

He steps forward holding his hand out. I stand up and shake it, trying not to make this any more awkward than it has to be.

“So I hear you’re getting a new roommate?”

“Yeah, took me long enough,” he replies with a chuckle.

“Congrats. I’m happy for you both.”

“Thanks.” He walks over to the fridge and pulls out a beer. “Do you need another one?”

I pick up my bottle and gulp down the rest. “Never say no.”

“Sucks about your apartment. Insurance covering it?” he asks, walking over and handing me a bottle.

“Yeah they are. I’m just glad the smoke alarms went off, otherwise who knows what would’ve happened.”

“True,” Daniel murmurs, turning his head when footsteps sound against the wooden hallway floor.

I look sideways to see Mac walking toward us with a huge suitcase being dragged behind her. Daniel slams his beer onto the kitchen counter and rushes to her side. “Gorgeous, no heavy lifting. Remember that bit? It means No. Heavy. Suitcases.” He glares at her, but it loses its intensity the moment she grins at him.

“I only did it because my friendly neighborhood superhero was nowhere to be found.” She leans forward and goes to kiss his cheek, but just before she makes contact, Daniel turns his head, and their lips meet. He wraps his arm around her waist as the kiss becomes more than a simple hello. I look away and take a mouthful of beer. I don’t feel uncomfortable because I know why he’s doing it.

Although there is no way in hell Mac and I will hook up, he’s staking his claim, making it clear that she’s with him now. I get it because if I were in his shoes, I’d do the same thing, but the woman I want to get to know better is in her room avoiding me.
