Read Books Novel

Tryst #1

Tryst #1(3)
Author: Ella Steele

I push back. Eyes gleaming, I say, “I like to be spanked.”

His hand comes down hard on my ass. Both cheeks sting. He does it while he’s still in me. It makes me clench and my p**sy tightens around his dick. He gasps and does it again, harder. The impact of his hands feels so good that my p**sy clenches his dick harder. The warm sting of his hand sends shudders through me. They travel through my lower stomach and spread through my entire body. Every declicious tingle courses through me, making me slide my tounge over my teeth. I do it without thinking. It’s a reaction to him, to what he’s doing to me.

Without warning, Michael pulls out. It makes me crazy. My h*ps buck, but I can’t reach him. The belt cuts into my wrists as I pull against my restraints. I pant, watching him as he moves away from me. Lust is burning through my body. I can’t control myself. Pulling my wrists hard, I try to break free from the belt again, but I can’t.

He grins, watching me struggle, until I stop and look up at him. The expression on his face, the intensity of his eyes, makes my stomach flip. My breath hitches in my throat. Michael steps close enough to touch me, but he doesn’t. I’m panting. My eyes are begging him to do something—to make me come, to let me f**k him—anything.

“Tell me what you want, Ash. Beg me for it,” he breathes the words next to my ear. The reaction within me is quick and violent. His warm breath makes my cl*t throb and it feels like I’ll die if he doesn’t touch me, if he doesn’t finish what he started. He stands so close, nearly touching me, but doesn’t slide his fingers down my waist. He doesn’t touch my breast and tease my n**ples. It makes me want him even more. I feel like a chained animal, unable to think. “Answer,” he commands and I feel the sting of his hand on my ass.

My body is so tightly coiled that the slap makes me moan. I didn’t expect it, but before I could bite back my sounds, they flew past my lips. I gasp, shocked that I wasn’t able to muffle the noise or stop it in time. Michael’s hand flies a second time, harder. He watches my face as I wince under his hand. The sting is harder, and I know that I’m going to have a problem playing my cello on the hard wooden chair tomorrow night, but I don’t care. I cry out, saying his name, thrusting my br**sts toward him.

A wicked look twists his lips into a sexy smile, “Answer me.” His voice sounds like a growl and when I can’t do anything but pant uncontrollably, his hand lands a third time. But he doesn’t release me. Instead he grabs my cheek in his hand and squeezes. The sting intensifies from the way he grabs me. Michael’s beautiful body is covered in a thin sheen of sweat, as he handles me roughly. “Tell me what you want.”

My voice is a breath. Every desire races out in a rush, “I want your hands on me, in me. I want you to f**k me senseless until I can’t walk.”

“Beg for it, Ash. Beg me to f**k your senseless,” his grip tightens on my ass making my body press into his. A bead of sweat rolls down my spine.

My voice quivers as I beg him, no longer capable of maintaining any ounce of restraint, “Please, Michael—please. Fuck me. Fuck my p**sy. Fill me with come. Please baby. Please…” I continue to beg him, as he his hands slide over my h*ps and down between my legs. When he touches my cl*t I moan. Michael leans his head back, watching me. “Fuck me, baby. Please.” My h*ps buck into his hand. In response, he tightens his fingers on my clit. I cry out, “Fuck me! Please! Michael!”

When I say his name, he shatters. Before I know what happens, his hands are holding my wrists the pole over my head and his dick slams into my p**sy. He thrusts into me hard and deep over and over again. His hands slide down my arms as he thrusts into me, watching my br**sts bounce with each slam of his body. Pushing harder and harder, he watches them sway and bounce until he takes both in his hands and pinches my n**ples hard. I scream out, but it only makes him pinch harder.

His dick slams into me faster and faster. The heat between my legs is coursing through my body. It feels like I can’t be tamed. There isn’t enough of him to ever satisfy me. When his fingers clamp harder on my n**ples, my eyes fly open. He looks me in the eye as he thrusts into me once—hard. My back hits the pole and he holds me there, watching me. Lips parted, he breathes saying nothing. His hands gently push the hair back from my eyes. He stills for a moment and I can’t stand it. His dick is in my p**sy and no matter how much I wiggle, I can’t get him to f**k me.

With his entire body, he flattens me against the pole. His eye burn with lust, his brow drips with sweat. “Come for me, baby,” he breathes and pounds into me fast and furious. He doesn’t stop when I scream, he keeps pounding against me until my body can’t wind any tighter. Each time he sinks into me I feel higher and higher. I can’t breathe, but I don’t want him to stop. His body crushes me to the pole, as his dick slams into me again. He feels so sharp, so hard. I moan, and can tell how hard he’s pushing, how much I’m going to hurt later, but I don’t care. In the moment, it feels so good. My skin tingles and is slick with sweat. My br**sts bounce harder and higher with every slam of his dick. He’s everything I want, everything I need. And without another thought, I come. My scream rips through my throat. I can’t come quietly, not when he does this. Michael pounds me harder as the delicious swirling sensations erupt throughout my body. I feel him push into me hard and deep, and he comes a few moments later.

Spent, I hang from the pole shivering. Michael pulls away, breathless and looks me over. Lips parted, he just stares at me for a moment before undoing the belt. When my hands fall to my sides, my arms burn. Michael takes me in his arms and carries me to the bench. He sits me down in front of him and rubs out the sore muscles in my arms and shoulders. My head droops to the side as he does it. Every inch of me is tingling. I don’t want the moment to end, but Michael stops.

He says, “We’ve both changed, Ash.” I turn and look at him. He’s glowing, covered in a thin layer of sweat. I want to lick it off, but I just nod. He turns his big blue eyes away and says, “I guess I should get going.”

“You’re leaving?” I ask, crestfallen. Suddenly I feel very nak*d, and pull the throw blanket off the bed and wrap it around my shoulders.

He nods, “This was a one-time thing, Ashley.” He gets dressed, slowly like he wants me to say something, but I don’t know what to say.

Finally, I ask, “Does it have to be?”

“What do you mean?” he sounds interested.

I twist my hands and look up at him, “This was the reason we broke up—”

He nods, “But you said no questions, so I didn’t ask.”

“I know,” I say, “so let’s see where this goes. That’s safe enough, isn’t it?”

He watches me, his gaze sliding over my body and I can’t help but feel that he’d f**k me again right then if I asked him to. Part of me wanted more than that though. I want him to take me, to turn me around, and do what he wants. I swallow hard thinking about it. “You want me to act like I own you? Like you’re my little sex slave?”

I nod, “Yeah. That’s exactly what I’m asking.” I stand and walk in front of him. His shirt is unbuttoned, untucked. I slide my hands under the hem and tug at his waist. “You up for it?”

He laughs, “Ashley, you have no idea what you do to me.” Grinning at me, he leans in and kisses me hard. When he releases me I gasp, and stumble back. His hands steady me. He lifts my chin and I look into his eyes, “Tomorrow night, this starts at work—as soon as I see you. You’re mine. You do as I say, no questions asked.”

I smile up at him and wonder if I’m really ready for this. I have no idea what he has in mind or what he wants to do, but I can see the knowing look in his eye that tells me he already has plans for us. “I can handle anything you dish out.” A sexy grin spreads across my lips.

Michael takes me in his arms and kisses me hard. When he releases me, he says, “I look forward to it.”
