Read Books Novel

Tryst #2

Tryst #2
Author: Ella Steele



The next night I can barely walk. I’m still sore all over, especially between the legs. Michael asked me to soak in a bath this morning and I did. It helped.

I set my case down backstage and look around for him. It’s still early. I straighten my white blouse, checking the buttons. The nipple chain brushes against my shirtfront and sends sultry sensations between my legs. I pause, smoothing my skirt.

I’m facing the wall, when I feel his breath on my neck, “How are you feeling, Ashley?”

I don’t turn around, “As good as can be expected.” I glance at him over my shoulder, and he’s grinning. My stomach twists as he looks at me.

He looks beautiful. A black tux clings to his body, showing off perfectly broad shoulders and a trim waist. “It’s going to be so difficult to sit through the entire show. I get hard just looking at you,” he breathes and leans into me. I feel his erection hard and ready against my ass.

A wicked smile runs across my lips, “Too bad.” My entire body flares to life and heats with him so close.

“There’s something you could do to tide me over. In fact, I think I’ll make it mandatory.” He’s speaking softly when another cellist walks by. I smile at her as she moves to take her seat in the pit.

I glance at Michael, “Yeah? What’s that?” I feel playful. I’m so happy to see him, so glad that he wants this as much as I do. I wonder if he’ll tie me up again later and my stomach swirls with anticipation.

Michael thrusts his hand out, “Your panties. Give them to me.” His dark brow rises as he extends his hand.

I hesitate and he says, “Sex slaves do what they’re told. Don’t make me punish you in front of all these people, Ashley. Hand them over.”

My cheeks flame red. “Fine,” I say. “I just didn’t expect you to ask for them. You caught me by surprise is all.” I start to walk to the ladies room to remove the tiny bottoms, but he grabs my arm.

“Do it here. Now.” His eyes gleam. Michael leans against the wall and folds his arms over his chest, watching my reaction to his words.

I didn’t think it was possible, but my face flares hotter, “I can’t do that!” I hiss.

His lips pull into a crooked smile and he pushes off the wall. When he pulls back his hand, I realize he’s going to spank me in front of everyone. I twist out of his reach before his hand comes down. I can’t shimmy out of my panties fast enough. My thumbs hook the black lacy under my long skirt. I step out of them and press them into Michael’s hand. He lifts them and presses them to his nose before looking up at me. A second later he places my panties in his tux pocket and leans in saying, “I’ll punish you later. In the meantime, I’ll watch you wrap your legs around that cello knowing how sore you are from last night and think about you sitting there with no panties in front of all these people.”

Heat instantly pools between my legs. I press my thighs together and look him in the eye. If my skirt weren’t so long, people could have seen that I was nak*d under the skirt. I nod once, and walk away, wondering what I’ve gotten myself into.

As we sit opposite each other, I watch Michael. He ignores me for the most part. I feel his eyes on me once in a while, usually when I feel how sore my ass is against the wooden chair. I wiggle, trying to make it feel better and find a comfortable spot. That’s when I glance up at the conductor and see Michael’s blue gaze. He watches me as he plays, his body swaying to the music. Everything about him consumes me and soon I find myself sliding my hand up and down my fingerboard, feeling the hard wood in my hands, and wishing it was him.

Thoughts like that flow through my mind and I can’t stop them. Not wearing panties in a place like this makes me come alive. The thought of what he might do later consumes me. We play, each of us lost in our own world of lust until the end of the last song.

When the last note is played, I get up and walk toward me case. My stand-partner, James, is a tall thin man. He walks with me talking about something he saw on the subway. I nod like I’m paying attention, but I can’t wait to wrap my legs around Michael. I just hope he’ll let me. I’m not certain about what I offered, if I can actually do it. I like to be in control. I like things to be the way I want them, but that was what caused us to breakup. We both wanted control.

James continues talking, “It was unbelievable. You’d think the cello case was big enough that it wouldn’t happen, right?”

I laugh, “Yeah. I know. Last night I was standing on line in the deli and almost smacked a few people in the face. You’d think they’d move.”

“Ashley,” Michael says behind me. I tense, feeling his eyes on my back. A shiver runs up my spine and pools between my legs in a delicious ache.

Slowly, I turn, “Michael. I’ll be ready in a second.”

Michael has his violin in the case and the case is already over his shoulder. He stands there with his hands in his pockets, watching me. Waiting.

James turns to him and offers his hand, “Hey. James Coffe.” Michael takes his hand and shakes it. “You filling in for someone?”

Michael nods, “Yeah, Harvey’s going to be out for a few days. Nothing serious.” As he says it, his eyes are on me. It makes my stomach twist. I know he’s thinking about what he wants to do to me when we get home.

“Good,” James nods. He lifts his case and says, “Enjoy your night, Ashley. See you tomorrow.”

I nod, knowing I’ll enjoy every second of it.

Michael watches me and I realize that the stage is nearly empty. They shut down the house lights and it’s grown quiet. Reaching for me, Michael takes me by the wrists and turns me toward him. His gaze is intense. It makes me shiver.

“Come with me,” he says, his voice deep and commanding.

“What about my cello?” I ask.

He grins, “Perhaps we’ll include it another time, but not right now. Leave it.” He pulls my wrist and I walk away from my instrument and follow Michael backstage. He holds up a steel door that leads down to the prop room under the stage. Inky shadows absorb every bit of light down there. My pulse jumps a notch.

Michael ushers me through the door, and pulls it shut behind him, locking it. Silence fills the stairwell. We stand at the top of a metal landing. “Michael,” I say nervously. “What are we doing?”

“No questions, Ash. Take my hand and come with me.” He reaches out and his warm fingers intertwine with mine. It sends jolts of electricity up my arm. As we descend the staircase, I wonder if I’m insane. I trust him, but it seems like he is planning on hav**g s*x in a public place—a place where both of us work. I promised I wouldn’t question him, so I don’t. I bite my lip and follow him into the darkness.

“This is the bottom step. Careful,” he says and helps me navigate the large room. A musty smell fills my nose. Michael stops and I feel his hands on my face. He pulls my mouth to his and kisses me like he’ll die if he stops. It takes my breath away and I no longer worry about my abandoned cello upstairs or where the stage hands are. The only thought I have is Michael.

His lips press to mine as his tongue slides inside my mouth. It makes desire swim in my stomach. I lean into him, moaning. Before I know what happened, I feel his hand on my backside. The slap wasn’t too hard, and it didn’t sting very much through the skirt. “Quiet,” he commands.

He kisses me harder, pressing my body against a wall. I can’t see anything. I can only feel. I feel his body pressed to mine. I can feel the curve of his toned muscles and the heat wafting off his body. He presses into me, and I feel like I can’t breathe. Every inch of me tingles and I want his hands on me, in me. Michael pulls away, and I feel disappointed.

A light shines in my face. I can’t see him. “Unbutton your shirt,” he commands.

Breathing hard, I find the first button and slide it through the hole. I repeat the action, heart pounding, wondering if anyone is going to come down here. Surly they can’t be done cleaning for the night. The door could open at any second, but Michael doesn’t seem to care. He stands in front of me perfectly calm, shining the light in my face so I can’t see him. When I unbutton the third, he says, “Strip for me. All of it off. Now.”
