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Tryst (Take It Off #8)(24)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Gavin fell over on top of me, his body shaking with what I hoped was complete satisfaction.

“Talie,” he moaned, holding himself still. Inside me, I felt the jerking of his cock as blood pumped through him.

“Wait.” He groaned and slipped out.

I tried to grab him back, but he was up off the couch and disappeared in seconds. I heard a door open and close and then he reappeared carrying several foil packets.

He already had one opened and covering his length, so the others he tossed on the coffee table.

“This isn’t going to be slow and gentle,” he said.


Gavin plunged into my wet depths, and I wrapped my legs around his waist like he was a wild bull and I was a cowboy. He hammered inside me, in and out, in and out. My mouth formed a silent O and pretty much stayed that way as sensation after sensation rippled over me. His breathing turned laborious and he reached down, wrapping his hand around my shoulder.

Using my body as leverage, he plunged so deep inside me that I cried out. Then he tilted his hips so his pelvic bone was fused against my crotch. Gavin rotated his hips and all the pressure of his position bore down on my clit and an orgasm like no other ripped through my body.

It was like a tornado. It spun through my body, lifting everything and flinging it aside. If I didn’t have skin and bone to hold me together, there would be nothing left.

I barely registered Gavin’s shout of release because I was too far gone with my own. I felt him pulsing inside me, and even though he was wearing a condom, the thought of him coming inside me was almost enough to make me orgasm again.

Blood rushed in my ears and my heart beat thundered. It took a long time for me to come back to reality. When I did, Gavin was lying on top of me, his weight pressing me into the cushions.

I reached around and squeezed his butt, just because I could.

Oh, please. You would too.

He laughed and lifted his head, resting his forehead against mine. “That was fucking awesome.”

I sighed. I thought he might kiss me; I really wanted him to.

But he didn’t.

Instead, he pushed up off me and got to his feet.

How could he stand already? My body was still experiencing aftershocks from what we just did.

Gavin didn’t say anything, but disappeared into the bathroom again, where I heard briefly running water and a toilet flush. I sat up, looking for my bottoms and seeing them lying across the room.

He appeared, no longer naked but dressed in a pair of tight black boxer briefs. He didn’t have an ounce of fat on his body. He was utterly gorgeous.

He walked around and picked up my bottoms and tossed them over the couch to me.

I quickly pulled them on, suddenly feeling self-conscious about lying there naked. After retying my top around my neck, Gavin appeared before me, reaching out to take my arm and bringing it up for him to study. The markings were still very red and the skin was puffy with a rash.

“How’s this feeling?”

“Better,” I said. I’m pretty sure that kind of sex would have taken away the pain from being run over by a bulldozer.

“It’s going to look like this for a couple days yet.”

I nodded.

Now that the intense attraction between us had been acted upon, a small amount of awkwardness descended.

I just had wild, hot, monkey sex with a stranger.

All I knew about him was that he lived on snack cakes (and how was it fair that he still looked like a freaking fitness model?) and lived at the beach.

Oh, and I knew he didn’t like me.

Beyond our insane sexual chemistry, we could barely hold a conversation without arguing.

“Thanks for taking care of this,” I said, pulling back my arm avoiding his stare.

“If it starts to look worse or the pain intensifies come back over here and let me see it.”

He was dismissing me.

Well, that was fine. It’s not like I was expecting some grand gesture. In fact, I was glad he didn’t act as if we meant something to each other. We didn’t.

“I’m sure it will be fine,” I said, standing up and moving around him to walk toward the door.

“Talie,” he called.

My heart leapt and my stomach fluttered. I turned back. “Yes?”

He came forward, his eyes like blue fire. I watched his lips, waiting for him to say something. Anything.

“Don’t forget this.” He held out my ruined cover-up.

I took the fabric. “Thanks.”

“Sorry about ripping it.”

I wanted to be mad. Not about the ruined clothes, but about something else. But I couldn’t. He gave me a lopsided boyish smile, and I completely forgot about how awkward and weird this was.

“It was worth it,” I retorted and winked. Then I let myself out the backdoor and walked down onto the sand.

I didn’t glance back. Not because I didn’t want to, but because I knew he wouldn’t be standing in the window, watching me walk away.

For some reason seeing him not care I left wasn’t something I wanted to observe.



A couple days passed peacefully. I spent time walking along the shores, browsing through the little beach shops and tanning in the sand.

Considering the awful luck I’d been having, everything was perfect.

Except for one thing.

My body turned against me. I craved him. I’d always been a fairly sexual person, enjoying the act and the pleasure that came from it. But it was as if Gavin had awakened some sort of slumbering nympho.

Almost obsessively, I thought about the time he spent inside me. Every time the breeze brushed roughly against my skin, I thought of his hands. Every time the water caressed my ankles, I thought about his mouth on my breast. When the sun would beat down on my body as I sunbathed, I thought about the heat he instilled in his kiss.

I pretty much walked around in a knot of sexual need. The problem with one-night stands was that they were only one night. It wasn’t enough. One night with him was like a tease. Torture at its best. I was supposed to be here, thinking about my life, deciding where to go from here, but instead, all I could think about was how it felt to have his pulsing stiff cock inside me.

I was a slut.

A dirty ho.

I liked it.

Just as I was walking in from the beach, I heard my cell ringing on the counter. I tossed down my towel and rushed to grab it. On my way past, I saw Salty, who gave me a look that promised death later. “Don’t worry,” I told him. “I’ll be out of here tomorrow.”

“Hey,” I answered breathless.

“Are you avoiding me?” Claire demanded on the other end of the line.
