Read Books Novel

Twice as Hot

Twice as Hot (Tales of an Extraordinary Girl #2)
Author: Gena Showalter

Chapter One

Okay. Here’s the lowdown. My name is Belle Jamison. I’m twenty-five, happy, engaged and smart depending on who – whom? – you’re asking. (Sadly, my teddy bear of a dad is the only one who would pipe up with an affirmative She’s brilliant! ) I’m a former coffee wench (plus former bus driver, used-car salesman, factory worker, maid and a thousand other menial jobs), now employed by the mysterious and shadowy government agency known as PSI: Paranormal Studies and Investigations.

Oh, and I happen to control the four elements with my emotions. (If you ask my ultra-hot fiance, Rome, he’ll tell you that control is relative.) Anyway.

Before, I was an everyday, average, normal girl. Normal and wishing for more. I should have known better. Sometimes you actually get what you wish for, and the results are not what you expected. I’d wanted excitement. And yeah, I’d gotten it. But that excitement came with a death warrant.

See, a few months ago a crazy scientist secretly dropped a chemical into my grande mocha latte and that chemical…changed me. Belle Jamison, average no longer. Suddenly I could shoot fireballs from my eyes, freeze an entire room with a brush of my fingertips against a wall, cause a tempestuous rainstorm with my tears and start a level-five tornado with only a thought.

At first, I was upset. I mean, really. The ability to destroy the entire world and everyone in it is a huge burden to carry. But that burden also brought the sexy and insatiable Rome Masters into my life, so I don’t begrudge it too much. Anymore. Plus, now that I have a little influence over my gift – yeah, that’s a better word for it. Gift – people who piss me off "accidentally" get their eyebrows singed and that’s pretty damn fun.

Sure, Rome once tried to kill me. Or, as he’d say, "neutralize" the threat I’d become, as I’d had yet to perfect my new powers. Sure, I later accidentally-on-purpose Tasered the hell out of him. But now we can’t live without each other.

That might seem weird, but hey. Some people held hands to show their love; we drew blood. Or we would, if Rome was anywhere to be found.

"I swear, he has five seconds to call me or I’m going to torch his entire gun collection and use the melted metal to make a few necklaces. Maybe some earrings."

My best friend Sherridan looked up from the romance novel propped against her upraised legs. She lounged on the couch, a vision of curly blond hair, big blue eyes more often than not filled with sadness nowadays and curves that went on for miles. I wasn’t jealous. Really. "He’s called you, like, four times in the past week. And seriously, you should be embarrassed. I’ve never met anyone who has as much phone sex as you two."

My eyes narrowed on her. "How do you know about the phone sex?"

"Duh. I pick up the phone and listen."

I gaped at her.

Sherridan laughed. "Kidding, I was only kidding. But you should see your face. Hi-lar-ious! The problem is, you’re, like, freakishly loud. Seriously, earplugs don’t help. Cranking up my iPod to full blast doesn’t work. Despite myself, I’ve been really impressed with your skills." Color flooded my cheeks. This was the problem with roommates. But better Sherridan and Tanner, my other BFF, lived here where Rome and I could protect them from scrims – supernatural criminals – wanting to hurt us by hurting our loved ones. "Never mind my incredible phone sex. Rome was supposed to call me again last night. He didn’t. He hasn’t. That’s not like him. Do you think something’s wrong?"

"Stop worrying," she said with a wave of dismissal. "That he-man can morph into a jaguar, for God’s sake. He’s fine. He’s probably planning a surprise homecoming or something." Yes, Rome could morph into a jaguar – a sleek and sexy jaguar I loved to pet – all because of experiments he’d volunteered for, hoping to make himself stronger to better guard his loved ones. He could defend himself and he did like to please me, so a surprise arrival wasn’t a stretch, but…My hand fluttered over the pulse hammering in my throat. "Really? You think that’s what’s going on?" Was that neediness really mine?

"Of course."

She sounded confident. But then, she hadn’t battled people more monster than human. People who could walk through walls, shift into creatures of the night and leap at you with fangs and claws bared – or simply materialize in front of you with a knife in hand.

I had. Rome had. And I had no idea what he was up against this time.

Heart thundering in my chest, I stood in the middle of the living room and studied the home I now shared with him. I’d decorated it, so of course it was made of awesome. From the bright red velvet chairs to the beaded blue pillows tossed haphazardly about to the purple lace hanging from the windows, the place was a veritable rainbow. Rome hadn’t complained. First time he’d seen it, he had walked in, looked around and shaken his head with a wry smile.

"Should have expected it," he’d said, before pouncing on me for a few hours of undercover fun.

"He’s never not called me when he said he was going to call me, Sherridan." I didn’t dare refer to her as Sherri. I was the one with superpowers, but she would have found a way to peel the skin from my bones and wear it as a victory coat. "He has one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. He could be a pile of ash for all I know." Oh, God. Another thought like that, and I was likely to flood my beautiful rainbow living room.

Sighing, she shut the book with a snap. "All right. You need to vent, so I’ll listen to you vent. But do it quickly, because Rydstorm was about to plunder Sabine with his thick, hard – "

"Sherridan Smith! Tanner’s in the next room and from what I’ve been able to get out of him, he’s still mourning Lexis." Lexis was Rome’s still-infatuated ex-wife. When she’d realized Rome loved me – and would always love me, I added for my own benefit – she had turned to Tanner for comfort. The now twenty-year-old kid-boy- man had been all too willing to console her. Virgin that he was – is? – I think he’d even fallen in love with her. But then, about a week ago, she’d kicked him out of her house, claiming she didn’t want to see him again.

Tanner had been a mess ever since.

Lexis was the most powerful psychic I’d ever encountered, so I was willing to bet she’d had a negative vision about Tanner and had cut him loose because of it. While I (sometimes) liked her, though, we weren’t on friendly enough terms for me to phone her and ask.

Sherridan’s lips lifted in a slow, wicked smile. Her first in days, and that warmed me up inside. Between her and Tanner, I’d gotten my fill of doom and gloom. "If I know that pervert, he’s watching  p**n ." I couldn’t refute that. Tanner did like his  p**n .

"Besides," Sherridan said, "it’s not like his superpower is supersonic hearing." She was grumbling now.
