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Twice as Hot

Twice as Hot (Tales of an Extraordinary Girl #2)(15)
Author: Gena Showalter

"Hello, everyone." Grinning, Cody leaned a muscled shoulder against the door frame, so beautiful he could have been a painting come to life. Hell, in this supernatural world of ours, I wouldn’t doubt if that were the case. "Hello, gorgeous," he added, gaze on me.

My brow puckered in confusion. Was he talking to me? Surely not. He’d never spoken to me like that before. The only women Cody wouldn’t seduce were those that belonged to his friends or those who were looking to get married. I was both, so I was definitely off-limits.

Or had been, I thought sadly. This sucked.

"I need a moment with the women," Rome said stiffly.

"Well, I need a moment with Belle."


Cody laughed now. "So you’re saying you’re her man? If that’s the case, I’ll leave." Rome’s jaw clenched. He remained silent.

"Fine, then. You’re no longer her man," Cody said, "so you can’t speak for her anymore. Not that you could have before," he added with another laugh.

"Get lost," Rome retorted.

"I believe the little lady told you to f**k yourself. Rather than tell you the same, I’ll just ask Belle what she’d prefer to do. Stay here and receive a lecture about giving naughty girls the spankings they deserve, or come with me and have fun."

My head lashed back and forth between them as they spoke. Rome bared his extra-sharp teeth in a scowl, but Cody never lost his grin. These two men were friends, colleagues, yet here they were, locked in some sort of tug-of-war. Not over me, but over power. Surely. Why?

"Miss Jamison…Belle," Rome said, and hearing my name on his lips was heaven. Nearly my undoing.

"Tell Cody you want to stay. We need to talk."

Giving in to him now would have undermined my take-no-crap stance. Besides, as Cody predicted, he probably wanted to yell at me for hurting his previous and future wife. Ugh. No way. I’d seriously vomit.

Then I’d burn something. That didn’t mean I wanted him to spend time alone with Little Miss Know-It-All, though.

Hating myself, I faced Rome. "I think we’ve said all we need to say to each other. Unless you’ve remembered something?"

He gave an abrupt shake of his head.

Not one to miss an opportunity, Lexis rushed to his side before I could latch onto her arm and petted his shoulder. "Let her go. She’s caused enough trouble today." Next she whispered something in his ear.

A muscle began ticking under his eye, his gaze never leaving me.

My insides twisted in disgust. What the hell was she telling him? That I was the devil and I’d attacked her for no reason? That she’d begged for mercy but I didn’t possess any?

"Belle," Cody prompted.

Do it. Spin.I spun. Each step measured, I walked to Cody, knowing the distance between me and Rome was growing. I was shaking, my eyes a bit watery. Any minute now, raindrops would pour from the ceiling. You are such a baby. Hold your head high. My chin lifted.

When I reached Cody, he wrapped one of his arms around my waist and tugged me into the hard length of his body. I would have gasped, but he smothered the sound by pressing my mouth into his chest.

Then he whispered to me, "I’d be willing to bet Rome’s eaten up with jealousy right now and it’s killing him."

Looking up at Cody, not daring to hope, I freed my mouth enough to say, "Really?"

"I’d place my substantial savings on it."

"I thought you wanted to speak with her, not eat her whole," Rome sniped.

Dear God. Cat Man was indeed in a snit. I grinned up at Cody, happier than I’d been in days. "He can do both," I said without looking over my shoulder. "I’ve always loved a man who could multitask."

"My kind of woman," Cody said, grin widening. "And why do you care, anyway, Masters? You’re done with her." To me, but just as loudly, he said, "I was listening to your earlier convo with Kitty over there and wanted you to know you were right. I leave my women so sated they can’t even speak. I’m willing to let you find out for yourself."

I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.

"I told you. I need to speak with her. About the Desert Gall case," Rome added tersely, "and how it connects with our last mission."

"Don’t worry," Cody said. "I’ve already talked to her about that."

"Rome," Lexis said. "Take me home. Please. My head is throbbing and I need to get cleaned up. You heard Cody. He’s got things under control."

I pictured the two of them alone. Perhaps showering together, as Rome and I liked to do. My stomach clenched painfully, amusement forgotten. "Cody, will you take me to the nearest clinic? I need someone to dig the knife out of my back. Lexis might need it again. And the good doctor might want to give me a tetanus shot. I think she bled on me."

Stunned silence.

I often had that effect.

"Rome," Lexis said, and this time her tone was pure I’m-pissed .

Not wanting to hear his response, I whirled on them and said, "Actually, it doesn’t matter if Cody has things under control or not. I’ve been placed in charge of this case, which makes me your boss. Both of your bosses. And I expect both of you to begin interviewing Desert Gal’s victims in the morning. Then I expect you to report to John’s office at noon. We’ll compare notes and decide what to do next. Oh, and a word of warning. Fail to show, and I’ll introduce you to Mean Belle." No longer appearing stunned, but rather braced for whatever slipped out of my mouth next, Rome snorted. "You mean we haven’t met her yet?"

"Not even close."

Chapter Five

Cody drove me home , though we didn’t speak. We sat in silence, the radio switched off. I wasn’t ready to talk or listen – to anything – and he probably sensed it. What were Rome and Lexis doing? Not knowing was killing me. It was like having a knife in my chest, the blade slowly inching deeper while the hilt was twisted round and round.

He parked in the driveway, and we made our way up the porch. Mine and Rome’s. Not that he’d remember. Jerk.

A tiny flicker of anger popped up and said hello. At least my hands didn’t catch fire again. In fact, I wasn’t producing ice, wind or dirt, either, though my emotions were in turmoil. Jealousy, love, hate, sadness, hope and helplessness were all storming through me. Odd. Maybe my powers were on a break.

Maybe they were on the fritz again. I mean, I’d never been further away from Rome’s love than I was now.

I sighed. Maybe I shouldn’t have walked away from him. Maybe I should have stayed on his ass and reminded him of why he adored me. My eyes widened with the thought. Of course! Of course that’s what I should have done. Constant visual and auditory reminders were the best ways to trigger his memory.
