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Twice as Hot

Twice as Hot (Tales of an Extraordinary Girl #2)(31)
Author: Gena Showalter

"Fine," John said after a long pause, in which he’d probably been weighing each of his options. "Rome, you will monitor Belle. I’ll expect daily reports."

Yep. I’d been right about those reports.

Rome nodded, anger defused since he’d gotten his way. "You’ll get them." With their every word, the illusion that I was in charge of this mission was shattered, and it was beyond annoying. I had the most to win – and lose – if this thing went – Hey. Wait. If Rome acted as my

"monitor," he would have to spend all his time with me, and that’s exactly what I’d wanted to happen. I almost smiled – until a new thought occurred to me. No longer did Rome observe me through rose-colored lenses. What if I irritated him so much he decided he didn’t want to remember me?

"Lexis might not compromise a mission, but she’ll compromise me," I muttered. It was the only argument I could think of.

Rome shrugged those strong shoulders. "No, she’ll deal."

"And you’ll keep your hands to yourself," John stated matter-of-factly, pointing at me, then Rome. "I won’t have any more fires like this."

Outrage blustered through me. "You have no right – "

"No more fires," Rome interjected. "Nothing like this will happen again." It wouldn’t, would it? I narrowed my gaze on him. He’d liked my kisses, I knew that. But he hadn’t liked the consequences. Was I no longer worth the danger, then?

I could feel a hot poker jabbing at my chest, wanting out. Maybe he hadn’t liked my kisses, after all.

Maybe he’d lied; maybe he hadn’t been near climax. He wasn’t panting, wasn’t strained and desperate for release. His erection was gone.

If I wanted to keep the blanket draped over me rather than burn it away, I had to calm down. Again.

"Listen, Tobin mentioned that he had a friend who wanted to talk to me." Anything to change the subject.

"In fact, he said she wanted to talk. She. A woman. Tanner and I were listening in on his interrogation and Tobin said he’d never spoken with Desert Gal. Tanner verified that was a truth. Maybe this mystery woman is one of the women pulled from the warehouse. Or maybe she’s on the outside, working with Desert Gall or even secretly against her. Maybe she was the one taking care of the prisoners. Either way, we now know someone else is involved."

John sighed. "We really didn’t need another needle in our already massive haystack. I’ll have all the women from the warehouse who have already been questioned interrogated again, this time in regards to Tobin. Hopefully, our mystery girl is here. I don’t like the thought of someone else being out there, gunning for you."

Me, either. I glanced at Rome to gauge his reaction. His expression was blank again.

God, I hated this. How could he dismiss me so easily? Would he really act as if the kiss had never happened? Would he run back to Lexis because she was the safe choice?

Another flicker inside my chest. I had to stop this. Thinking about Rome rather than my case was what had gotten me in trouble in the first place.

I raised my chin. "I’ll do whatever you need me to do, John, to figure this out. Even dangle myself out there as bait." Determination seeped from my voice. One way or another, I wanted this case closed. As soon as possible. Until it was, I couldn’t concentrate fully on Rome. Or destroy Lexis.

"Good girl. I’m not sure we need to do something so extreme just yet, but I’ll keep it in mind. Now get cleaned up and dressed," John told us. "It’s time to get back to work, and you two have people to interview and a meeting to attend."

With that, he left us alone. And this time, when I told Rome I needed some privacy, he didn’t ignore me.

He left.

Chapter Ten

Before my shower , I decided to get a little personal business out of the way so that I would better focus on the case the rest of the day. Rome had brought me my purse, and I’d blessedly remembered to pack my cell, so as I made my way to a room John kept for agents who had to pull all-nighters, I called the dress shop and printer to reschedule, then called the caterer and pretended everything was fine. I even scheduled a day to come in and sample some of their main dishes. I cursed myself the entire time, but damn it, I’d pay for that food (with Rome’s credit card) even if the wedding didn’t happen.

It will.

But would it?

Yes! Stop arguing with yourself.

No way grilled cheese sandwiches and bowls of tomato soup – the extent of my culinary prowess – were going to be served to my guests. (Hey. Some of us were too busy saving the world to learn how to cook.)

When I hung up with The Golden Swan, I called Sherridan and asked her to bring a change of clothes.

Something better than my beautiful but ruined dress. Then I did something else that made me ashamed. I finally called my dad back and lied. Everything’s fine. Rome and I are great, I told him. Uttering that delightful gem made me nauseous, but he had a weak heart and I didn’t want him worrying about me.

We talked for fifteen minutes before one of his silver foxes hollered for him in the background. Seemed he’d kissed Maggie in the garden while dating Kate. Judging from the tone of Kate’s voice, there was going to be hell to pay. I smiled. It was good to know some things never changed, especially when so much else had.

"Take care of yourself, Dad."

"Always. Love you, baby Belle."

"And I love you." We disconnected, and I threw the cell into my purse. "Time for my shower," I muttered, padding into the small but clean bathroom. Maybe I could wash the guilt and the anger and the sadness away.

Halfway through my shower, soap in my eyes, Sherridan arrived with that change of clothes. As she held her choice up for my inspection, I slid the stall door open a crack and shook my head in wonder.

Shouldn’t be surprised, I supposed. Part of me had known she’d interpret my "something better" to mean "something as slutty as possible." It was her warped way of helping me win Rome back.

"Hurry it up, will you? I want to see you all dolled up."

"You see me dolled up every day." I rinsed off and stepped from the stall.

She had a towel extended. "More like hoboed up, if you want to get technical. You’re the worst dresser I know, always wearing the same lame outfits."

I grabbed the fluffy white terry cloth and wrapped it around myself. "Have I ever told you how amazing you are for my self-esteem?"

She blew me a kiss and breezed from the bathroom.

Sighing, I donned the tiny skirt, bright blue halter top and knee-high boots. Cool air stroked my too-bare, damp skin as I stepped into the room, a thick mist floating out behind me. I did not want to know where she’d gotten this stuff.
