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Twice as Hot

Twice as Hot (Tales of an Extraordinary Girl #2)(39)
Author: Gena Showalter

Stopped dead.

Rome sat at the edge of my bed, dark, dangerous and glaring.

Chapter Twelve

I clutched the terry-cloth towelso tightly my knuckles creaked. My hair was dripping down my back.

My skin was damp, flushed from the steam and, now that I’d seen Rome, tingling. Any other time, I would have dropped the cloth and beckoned this man over. Any other time, we would have laughed and loved, and I would have marveled at the bliss that was my life.

Fine, I would have taken it for granted. Now, however, I knew better. Knew how quickly something prized could be stolen.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, the question emerging shakily. "Did something happen?" Nothing but bad news could have parted him from his precious Lexis, the hateful side of me thought. Just call me Bitch McBitcherson, the paranormal name I currently deserved.

"No, nothing happened." Rome pushed to his feet, unfolding his big, strong body from its semicrouch. I was used to his height, loved it even, but just then he appeared intimidating. Menacing. A scowl darkened his features, and I could hear the rumble in his throat.

His cat wanted free. To fight or to play? Sadly, I couldn’t tell anymore. But I still reacted.

Suddenly trembling, I backed up a step. My heart skidded out of control, beating so hard it was like a hammer in my chest. He’s not affecting you. You’re just hungry, remember? Hungry for food, I hastily added.

"Rome, you have to tell me what you’re doing here."

Remaining silent, he stalked to me. There was lethal power in every step, and for a moment I could have sworn I was transported to a jungle, the swish of trees and the howls of the monkeys in my ears.

This time I backed up until I hit the wall.

Only when he was a whisper away did he stop, his body threatening to press into mine. His wild scent filled my nose, a decadent reminder of what I didn’t have…what I might never have again. Oh, I loathed those kinds of depressing thoughts. Where was my determination? Still, I tried to hold my breath. When that didn’t work, I tried to move around him. But he had me completely pinned, surrounded by his strength and heat.

"Belle," he said softly.

I had to strain my neck to look up…up…at him – and found those crystalline irises swirling with fury.

Hewas mad at me? "How’d you get in here, Mr. Break In?" I demanded, pointing out his sin before he could point out mine, whatever it was. "This is private property and you no longer belong."

"Hardly. This is the address on my driver’s license, so I knew I’d have a key. I used the only one I didn’t recognize, and what do you know, the door opened."

"Well, you can just give the key back. You don’t live here anymore." He arched a brow, his fury fading to…amusement? Still he didn’t back away from me. "Says who?"

"Says me." My head tilted to the side. "Says Lexis, I’m sure." The fury returned, stronger than before, nearly sparking. "I’ll come over any time I damn well please."

"Why?" I asked – again – then cursed under my breath as the answer popped into my head. He was here to monitor me, as he’d told John he would. I would have been happy about that if I didn’t so easily recall the way he’d sworn never to kiss me again. "Never mind. I’m buying a vicious dog. He’ll chew you up and spit out your bones."

"I’m sure he’ll try. "

Infuriating, conceited man. Did he know what a turn-on that was? Probably. I tried another approach.

"As you can see, I’m fine. I’m not causing any trouble or using any of the elements irresponsibly. You can go."

The rumbling started up again. "I’m not going anywhere. There was a box on your porch when I arrived.

I took the liberty of opening it," he added, not even pretending to be ashamed.

Another present? And he had dared to open what was clearly meant for me? "You had no right!" Rather than defend his actions, he continued throwing words at me as if they were weapons. "It was from your secret admirer."

Deep breath in, deep breath out. Calm is your friend. "Well, what was it?"

"Lingerie. With the words Wonder Girl sewn onto the ass of the panties." Totally not what I’d expected him to say, and my lips curled into a slow grin.

His eyes rounded like saucers. "You think this is funny?"

"Well, yeah." I probably should have been offended. I mean, really. Lingerie most likely given to me by a man I’d never even met. A man who’d stolen my fiance’s memories, no less. But part of me realized that if it was M-Squared doing the sending, he was finally tapping into Rome’s psyche and learning about me. What I liked, what I didn’t. That was just the sort of gift I would have swooned over had Rome given it to me.

"Where’s the box?" I asked.

His mouth straightened into a mulish line as he braced his hands beside my temples. "Don’t worry about that. I’m taking care of it."

If I inhaled deeply, my ni**les would brush his chest. "I’m not worried, I just want to see them."

"Too bad. Now listen. I stopped by the lab on my way here. There were no prints on those chocolates, but they were a very expensive brand, so we’ve got agents hacking into the distributor’s database to see who made the order and from where."

Mmm, chocolate. Was that my stomach rumbling? "Sounds like a plan." I flattened my palms on him to push him away, but his heart beat faster and harder than I had imagined, and I could only stand there in wonder, savoring the feeling. And though his shirt kept me from actual skin-to-skin contact, the heat of him enthralled me. "Now back off?" It was a question when it should have been a demand.

Rome didn’t. Rather, he pressed closer. So close my hardened ni**les finally, blessedly brushed his chest. I gasped; he hissed in a breath.

"Memory Man," he said, voice strained, "has probably been in this house. With my memories, he’d know the best ways inside."

"So we’re one hundred percent sure it’s him? And really, you fortified the place with all kinds of security."

"Not one hundred percent, no, but we’re pretty damn confident. And he’d know exactly what security measures I used and how to bypass them."

"Oh." How easy it would be to slide my hands up and around Rome’s neck. How easy to draw his head down for a kiss…"Well, he hasn’t hurt me. If it’s him." Was that breathless temptress me?

"Not yet. But let’s say that he wants you to fall in love with him the way you fell in love with me. I mean, we know he liked my memories of you. And if we’re right, he’s trying to romance you, win your heart.

When you fail to react the way he wants, he could become angry."
