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Twice as Hot

Twice as Hot (Tales of an Extraordinary Girl #2)(69)
Author: Gena Showalter

His. For so long, that’s all I’d wanted to be. Yes, I was different now than I’d been when this whole ordeal started. I’d shifted my priorities. But as I’d learned while staring down at his unconscious body, my love for him had neither changed nor dwindled. And that he felt this strong a need for me, without truly knowing me…We were meant to be together. We had to be.

"We already know I can cage your emotions," he said, assuming that was what was holding me back.

"I’ve proven it."

"That’s not what I’m worried about," I countered, stepping backward. The backs of my knees hit the mattress.

Rome closed the distance again, his hardness pressing into my softness.

My blood was heating, my limbs shaking. Unable to stop myself, I arched into him, rubbing deliciously.

"Then what?" he demanded, teeth bared.

"The case comes first. It has to."

He tilted his head to the side, gaze roving over me, and nodded. "You’re right. But do you really think I’d be here if I thought I could be out there, saving Lexis? Sherridan? Right now, we’d only do more harm than good. We’ve got Cody on the inside, protecting the women. He won’t let anything happen to them."

"He’s the reason they’re in trouble in the first place." I trusted him again, still, whatever – I think – but that didn’t mean I agreed with his methods. "He’s let Sherridan be experimented on. He’s let Lexis be pushed around."

"To save their lives. To gain information. To earn Desert Gal’s trust." This time, it was Rome who backed away from me, hands fisted at his sides. "His reasons are for the greater good, guaranteed." With every step that separated us, my chest ached.

"I’ve got cameras all around this motel and they’re feeding directly to my phone. An alarm will trigger if anyone tries to enter this room." Another step away. "There’s nothing else we can do." He was right. So far, we’d done everything we could. Now, we just had to wait.

He stopped in the center of the room. "I want you, Belle. I want to be with you, and I know I told you I’d change your mind, but ultimately the decision is yours. I’ve treated you badly, and I’m sorry for that.

I’ve been hot and cold with you, and I’m sorry for that, too. I would understand if you walked away from me. I wouldn’t like it, but I would understand. So I’m not going to push you. Not now, at least.

When this is all over…the rules are going to change. But for right now, if you decide to be with me, I’ll be in the shower." With that, he turned on his heel and strode into the bathroom.

I heard the door snick shut, but didn’t hear the lock turn. I stood there, utterly torn. I could stay here and worry about my friends, possibly icing down this room, the entire motel, in the process, doing more harm than good. Or I could go in there where the man of my dreams was probably stripping even now, clothes falling away from that magnificent body.

The sound of water spraying into porcelain suddenly filled my ears. Brass rings slid against a metal rod as the shower curtain was swept aside. I began shaking. Heating. Preparing for Rome, only Rome.

Why are you standing here? Go get your man!We weren’t promised a tomorrow. We only had here, now.

Just like that, my decision was made.

Determined, I marched to the bathroom and flung open the door. Fragrant steam wafted around me, and a moment passed before I was able to make out Rome’s silhouette in the shower.

Without a word, I began stripping. My clothes, my weapons. Those clanged against the tile. Moisture beaded on my skin, and desire flooded between my legs. I had missed this man. I loved this man. I would have this man.

I threw back the clear curtain. Rome was facing me, waiting. Naked. Hard. Soap bubbles were scattered over his chest and arms, his legs long and muscled, his penis as deliciously thick as I remembered.

"Thank God," he said, piercing me with his gaze. Then that gaze slid to the bathroom floor and the weapons scattered about. He grinned, tender, aroused and amused all at once. "I knew you were armed, but I had no idea how much. Why does that turn me the hell on?"

"You’re warped." But then, so was I. Calves trembling, I stepped inside. Instantly warm water rained over me. My ni**les hardened, my stomach quivered.

"And you’re going to come, over and over again." He closed all hint of distance, hot, wet, and his arms wrapped around me. I knew we were an interesting contrast: his sun-kissed skin, my olive-toned. His black hair, my honey-colored. No, wait. My hair was also black. Well, streaked with black, since so much of the dye had already dripped off me.

"So are you," I said. "Going to come, I mean."

"Ladies first." His lips smashed over mine. Instantly our tongues dueled, rolling against each other. His skin was slick but soon mine was slicker, making for easy friction.

One of his palms settled on my breast, kneading. I felt a lance of pleasure dive straight between my legs.

Felt a flame light inside me, growing, blossoming.

Rome must have felt it, too, because he said, "I’ve got it. I’ve got it." As I allowed the fire to flow out of me, mingling with my breath, and into him, flowing down his lungs, binding us, I rubbed myself against his thick length.

He moaned. "Again. Do that again."

I arched, sliding up…down…This time, we moaned in unison.

"I missed this so much," I said.

He cupped my face, backing me up and pressing me against the cold tile. "Shit, you’re beautiful. How have I kept my hands off you?"

"You aren’t always the sharpest tool in the shed. Now tell me more about me." He chuckled softly, his gaze perusing me. "My pleasure. Your ni**les are like berries. Your waist perfectly flared. Your legs go on for miles and, damn, the core of you…" Two of his fingers traced a path between my br**sts, down my stomach and through the soft patch of curls between my legs.

I closed my eyes, my delight so intense I was swept into a maelstrom of need. I couldn’t quite catch my breath, was burning up, needy, achy, even the water caressing my skin so hot that it seemed every inch of me was under intense attack.

"Part those beautiful legs for me, baby. Let me see you."

I didn’t have to open my eyes to know he’d dropped to his knees. And I didn’t even think about hesitating or refusing. I simply parted my legs. I wanted his mouth on me, licking, nibbling, tasting me.

He sucked in a reverent breath a split second before that hot tongue flicked my clitoris. A groan of surrender escaped me, and I found myself reaching up, gripping the shower curtain rod to keep from gripping his hair and perhaps ripping him a few bald spots.

As his tongue continued to work its magic, he drove a finger into me. Deep, hard, enough to make my knees collapse, but he held me up with his other hand. He inserted another finger, then another, and rocked into me again and again. That decadent tongue never stopped moving on me. It was too much, not enough, everything I needed, everything I craved. A reason to live, a reason to die.
