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Twice as Hot

Twice as Hot (Tales of an Extraordinary Girl #2)(74)
Author: Gena Showalter

Rome kicked off his shoes and lay down. I tossed mine beside his and did the same, nuzzling up to him.

He threw an arm and a leg over me, my back to his chest, holding me tight, as if I were a precious treasure he needed to guard.

My weapons were uncomfortable, just as he’d predicted, but I didn’t remove them. An agent – a true agent – had to be ready for anything at a moment’s notice. A few minutes passed, but they seemed like an eternity. I rolled the other way, but was still uncomfortable. I rolled back to him.

"My mind is wired," I said. "I’m not sure I’ll actually be able to sleep."

"We’ll talk for a minute and wind you down, then."

"’Kay. ‘Bout what?"

"About the fact that I like the thought of making you mine," he whispered, breath trekking over my cheek. "I like the thought of you being Belle Masters. I didn’t realize just how much until you told me the wedding was canceled."

I…I…must be dreaming. Must have fallen asleep without realizing it. This was too surreal to take seriously. Unless he was belatedly trying to sweet-talk me into that nookie. "Don’t talk like that. Besides, who said I’d be taking your name?"

"Why not?" Warm fingers caressed my wrist, along each of my fingers.

"Why not take your name?" Lexis’s words chose that moment to invade my mind: You’re going to continue to plan your wedding, but he’ll want nothing to do with it. Another man will court you, but Rome won’t care. Do you hear me? He won’t care! You’re going to date this other man. It’s him you’ll marry. Him. Not Rome. Him. One thing she’d said had come true so far: another man was indeed courting me. But everything else…wrong. Rome obviously cared about the wedding (somewhat).

I did not plan to date Jean-Luc (at all), much less marry him (ever), didn’t view him romantically (even a little). I couldn’t imagine that changing, either.

Had Lexis lied to me, then? I wouldn’t put it past her. She was clearly willing to do anything to win her ex back.

"Oh, you’ll take my name. Why not talk like that to you?"

"Just…let’s wait until things are a little calmer before discussing it," I said. The subject cut me up and left me raw, and I needed to be at my best right now.

"All I’m trying to say is that, if Memory Man never returns my memories of you, I still want a chance with you. I want to date you, get to know you again."

A flash of white-hot tears stung my eyes. I could only hope the ceiling wouldn’t start raining next. "And if you ultimately decided you didn’t want me?" The question sprang from my deepest fears, unstoppable, pain-drenched.

"Right now I can’t imagine not wanting you." He sighed. "Go to sleep, Belle. Your mind isn’t quite so wired." It was true. While we’d been talking, he’d obviously been filtering, the darling man. Just then, I was drained. "We’ll figure everything out later."

"Wake up , Viper . You’re sooo not Sleeping Beauty."

The voice floated through my mind, familiar, beloved. Smart-assy. "Tanner?" Slowly I cracked open my eyes. The lights were on, golden bulbs illuminating Tanner’s gorgeous features and blue hair. "Tanner!" I sat up and threw myself into his arms, squealing with delight. He was here, in the flesh, healthy and whole. "Let me look at you." I pulled back from him, studied his face. He’d lost a little weight, his cheeks a little more hollow, but his skin was flushed with vitality and his blue eyes sparkling.

He shook his head, tsked under his tongue. "Any excuse to get me into your arms, you hussy." I slapped his shoulder, but couldn’t hold back my grin. "I’m glad to see your hospital stay didn’t dampen that dazzling wit. So where’s my surprise? You said you were bringing me one."

"I’m right here."

The female voice came from the corner of the room and drew my attention. My gaze landed on beautiful, angelic Elaine. I swung my focus back to Tanner, shock flowing through me. "How?"

"John relented," Tanner explained. "Strapped her to a lie detector – he didn’t trust my word for it, said I was biased – and she passed. It’s something we should have done to Reese the lying vampire a long time ago, but whatever. John allowed her to join the agency and help us on this case."

"I thought she wasn’t interested in joining another agency?"

"I, uh, changed her mind."

I looked back at Elaine. She was once again covered from neck to ankles in black cloth. Her shirt possessed a long hood that I suspected could be drawn up over her face to shield even that energy-draining skin. I remembered all too well what had happened the last time it had been exposed.

She gave me a half smile, hesitant and unsure.

"I’m glad you’re here," I told her sincerely.

The smile grew, and she threw a quick, longing glance at Tanner. "Me, too."

"Did you get your meal and your iPod? I will kill John when I return if he failed to do as he told me he would."

"I did, thank you. No need to kill anyone."

"Oh, and guess what? I’ve renamed her Super Absorber," Tanner said.

I tried not to cringe. "You realize that name makes her sound like a tampon, right?" His brow furrowed. "No way."

"Yes, way."

Elaine nodded reluctantly, as if she hated to disappoint him. "It does. I’m sorry. I should have told you, but you were so proud."

Tanner threw up his arms. "Fine. I’ll keep thinking."

"Rome will – " Hey, where was Rome? Frowning, I swept my gaze over the bed. The covers were rumpled, but empty. "Anyone seen Rome?"

Tanner nodded and motioned Elaine over to him.

The girl inched her way toward him, feet dragging, as though she was afraid to get too close. When she reached his side, he wound his arm around her waist, not the least bit frightened by what could happen despite all he’d been through. I stiffened, she gasped.

A minute ticked by in silence.

Tanner didn’t tremble, didn’t fall and gradually I relaxed. I felt sad for them, though. Obviously he’d moved on from Lexis (hip hip hurrah!) and just as obviously he and Elaine had feelings for each other.

But they were doomed. They could never touch each other, skin to skin, which meant they could never… Stop right there. I did not want to imagine Tanner having sex. Although, I supposed there were ways around it. Phone sex, self-pleasure in front of each other, full-body condom. Uh, stop. Now.

"Cat Man was on the airstrip when we landed," Tanner said, drawing me from my reluctantly lascivious thoughts. "Unlike you, he knows how to roll out the red carpet. Told me where to find you." So he’d left me here to sleep while he’d gone off to work. Someone needed a spanking in a big way.
