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Twice as Hot

Twice as Hot (Tales of an Extraordinary Girl #2)(76)
Author: Gena Showalter

Jean-Luc didn’t need time to think. "Yes," he said, nodding. "For you, anything."

"Keep the f**king memories," Rome suddenly shouted. "You’re not dating her. Or joining our team." I think he meant to shove me aside and leap at Jean-Luc, maybe even rip out his throat, but I jumped in front of him, eyeing him imploringly. "This has to be done, Rome. For you. For us." I only hoped it didn’t prove to be our undoing.

Jean-Luc wrapped his fingers around my forearms and gently moved me off to the side. That enraged Rome all the more, animal sounds once again emerging from his throat. The moment I was out of the way, the two men leaped at each other in a tangle of limbs. Fists swung, teeth snapped, legs kicked.

I inched toward the wall, watching as Rome’s skin began to be replaced by black fur, his animal taking over. I needed fear, needed to freeze them before they killed each other. Killed each other – yes, good.

That image brought a storm of ice inside me that melted the rage that had been boiling.

But just as an ice ball formed in my hand, Jean-Luc disappeared. I froze in place, too shocked to move.

Rome froze, too, half man, half cat.

"Jean-Luc?" I called. I knew where he was. I knew what he was doing, but some part of me was afraid this wouldn’t work.

But suddenly Jean-Luc stepped from Rome’s body. Rome collapsed onto the ground, laboring for breath. Jean-Luc, too, was panting. He looked to me, sweat running from his face.

"It’s done," he said. And then he, too, collapsed.

Chapter Twenty-Four

We placed themin separate rooms, across the hall from each other, both tied to their beds, and I divided my time between them, checking on them, waiting. Their vitals were good, so I wasn’t worried. I was just impatient. Again. My entire life now seemed to revolve around Rome waking up.

Finally, about an hour later, Rome regained consciousness.

"Belle!" His roar nearly shook the entire building. "Belle!" Currently I was in the hall, between the two rooms. Hearing him (who hadn’t?), I rushed forward, my heart drumming erratically. My gaze landed on him the moment I hit the doorway. His eyes were bright, wild, his lips pulled back from his sharp, gleaming teeth. He was struggling against his bonds, about to rip free. All the while he shouted my name.

But when he spotted me, he stilled. "Belle," he said, and it was as though his beast was speaking for him, all guttural and tormented, no longer in a frenzy but ready to pounce. "Set me free. Now." Slowly I approached the bed. I was trembling. Did he remember me? Did he love me again? Took me several tries, a spring of blasted tears screwing with my vision, but I finally loosened the bonds. He jerked me into his arms a second later, crushing me against him.

"Oh, God, baby. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for what I’ve put you through. Can you ever forgive me? I love you. I love you so much, I would die without you. I can’t believe I treated you that way. Oh, God, baby. I’m sorry."

He did. He remembered. My tears spilled free as I hugged him back with every ounce of strength I possessed. "I can’t believe you’re back. You’re really back."

"And I’m not going anywhere ever again." He scattered little kisses all over my face, my neck, then he rolled me over and pinned me to the mattress. He peered down at me, his expression fierce. "Tell me you forgive me. Or if you can’t, tell me you’ll give me a chance to make it up to you. I’ll do anything. You want flowers, candy, lingerie? They’re yours. I hate myself for what I did to you. I love you more than anything in this damn world and to know that I hurt you like that…" My chin was trembling, so it was hard to work my next words out of my mouth. "You already bought me lingerie. Though you later decided I’d be better off going commando. But anyway, all I want, all I’ve ever wanted, is your heart." You’re supposed to make him work for forgiveness, remember?

"Oh, baby, you have it." He kissed me, hard and deep. "I love you so much." Another kiss. "I’m sorrier than I can ever express for what I put you through." Another kiss. "You deserve better than me, but I can’t let you go." Another kiss. "I love you so damn much." I tangled my hands in his hair, smiling, giddy, still tearing like a silly watering pot. I’d wanted this moment so badly and for so long. And now, here it was. Now, Rome was mine. We were together, in each other’s arms.

"Now you won’t have to go on those dates with that man. " He sneered the last, even as he gently wiped my tears away with the pad of his thumb. "Don’t cry, baby. Please don’t cry." Some of my giddiness popped like a balloon, and my grin faded. "I won’t go back on my word. I’m going to date him, as promised."

Our gazes locked, and his was like fire. "Belle."

"Rome." Not even his sexiness could budge me on this. "It’s going to happen, so get used to the idea." He moved his jaw left and right, his eyes narrowing. "I’m willing to beg." I weakened. Rome begging? So appealing. But…"That wouldn’t change my mind. Not only will I date him, but I’ll also welcome him to our team. He knows Desert Skank better than any of us." Rome was so silent, so still, for a long while it was as if he was unconscious again. His heart kept a steady beat against my chest. His pupils thinned, revealing just how close his animal was to breaking free.

"You’re different," he finally said.

My brow furrowed in confusion. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"The old Belle would have told Memory Man to go f**k himself, that you’d lied to him and he’d gotten what he deserved for his actions in the first place. Now you’re willing to date him. To hire him. A man who hurt us both."

He was right. A tremor moved through me, a new fear suddenly springing to life. I’d always assumed the success of our relationship hinged on the return of his memories. But when he’d lost them, I had changed.

I was a different girl than I’d been a week ago. I was stronger, harder, more jaded. I was also a dedicated agent who knew loyal allies were few and far between and needed to be treated with care.

Would Rome like who I’d become? He’d seemed to be falling for me again, but then, he’d been a different Rome.

"Does this mean what I think it means?" a familiar voice suddenly asked.

My gaze swung to the door.

Tanner stood in the center, grinning. "The Viper – Cat Man nuptials are back on, I see. My bad for losing faith and canceling everything. While I’d love to stay and witness the rest of your reunion, you need to get up. We’ve got scrim ass to kick and two damsels in distress to save." He hadn’t called Lexis a bitch; that was an improvement. Probably proved how concerned he was – or how much he now liked Elaine.
