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Twice as Hot

Twice as Hot (Tales of an Extraordinary Girl #2)(86)
Author: Gena Showalter

He arched a brow. "I’ve tossed you on your ass over fifteen times."

"And I’ve nailed you with a dirt ball once and an ice ball twice." Of course, he’d dodged all three so quickly they’d only nicked his arm – which had affected only his arm, damn it, rather than consuming his entire body.

Before meeting me here, he’d soaked himself in a clear, experimental chemical that slowed the progression of the elements. Apparently John had been working on it for a while. Since learning about me, actually. Just in case I turned on him, I suspected. Or maybe in case others like me were made. I only hoped bad guys didn’t get hold of the stuff. Anyway, the ice had melted in minutes and the dirt had smoothed away, all while Rome had subdued me with his other arm.

Arf. Arf.


The barking and growling drew my attention, and I foolishly glanced away from Rome. Merciless man that he was, he was in front of me in seconds, knocking my ankles together and sending me flying to my ass. Again.

He loomed over me, eyes narrowed in disappointment. "Don’t look away from your opponent. Ever.

You know better. And letting those two mutts break your concentration? You should be ashamed."

"Thanks for the tip," I muttered, staying put and trying to catch my breath. We’d been at this for hours, and my muscles weren’t used to the strain. "But if you ever call them mutts again, I will neuter you." My babies didn’t like my man and vice versa.

The night before, my first night home from the hospital, Rome had snuck into my house. Okay, I’d let him in. I hadn’t been able to help myself. Though I’d sworn we wouldn’t until we’d talked things out, we’d ended up making love. It had been desperate sex, life-altering, earth-shattering sex. The kind that affected you soul-deep.

Next morning, when I woke up, Rome had already left – no talkie-talkie for us, just hanky-panky – so I’d done what I’d promised: purchased not one but two vicious dogs. Minus the vicious. Okay, I’d bought two puppies. English bulldogs. Lovey – black and white, very rare – and Ginger – top half white, bottom half brown, like pants. They looked like little teddy bears, and I hadn’t been able to resist them.

Currently my girls were nibbling on bones in the corner of the gym, oblivious to the world around them.

Jean-Luc was watching them for me. I hadn’t been able to leave them home alone, and he was doing his best to romance me. Which apparently meant sticking to me like glue and doing whatever I asked. That didn’t bother me. After all, that had been my plan with Rome. Great minds and all that.

He was staying at a nearby hotel until he could find a permanent place – after his hard work on the Desert Gall case, John had hired him and he’d accepted – and had been waiting for me here at headquarters. He didn’t like me rubbing up against Rome, though. I’d heard him mutter a protest more than once, but he didn’t try to stop the lessons. That surprised me. I’d already confessed about my recent nocturnal activities with Rome. Though there were no promises between me and Jean-Luc outside our three dates, he’d looked so hurt I’d wanted to die.

Since returning Rome’s memories, he’d been nothing but sweet to me, nothing but helpful. The least I could do was stay away from Rome sex-wise until our three dates were over. Besides, by then I would – should – know if Rome and I could go the distance as a couple. If he would love me, despite anything. Despite everything.

I think that’s what I was most worried about. That he wouldn’t love me, wouldn’t respect me, when all was said and done.

Men! I was between a rock – Jean-Luc – and a very hard place – Rome.

"Up," Rome commanded. "You’re wasting time."

"Well, you’re consuming my personal space." I lumbered to my feet, facing him on my tiptoes so that we were nose-to-nose.

At least he didn’t attack me again. Or kiss me. Would I be able to resist? Even though I’d brushed my teeth, had coffee, two bottles of water and a bagel, I still had his decadent taste in my mouth. Still heard his groans of pleasure in my ears. Still felt his hands kneading my br**sts, rubbing between my legs.

"You’re panting," he said huskily. His eyes lowered, lingered on my br**sts, my hardened ni**les.

Every part of me, every organ, every cell begged me to lean the rest of the way into him. Miracle of miracles, I stepped backward. "Self-defense. Important. Lifesaving. Dr. Roberts is out there and needs to be stopped. Jean-Luc. The dates. Our future, up in the air." All the reasons we had to stay away from each other right now.

His expression became shuttered. "You’re taking too long to summon the elements. Time an opponent can use to slice your throat or inject you with a night-night cocktail. And you can’t rely on typical defensive moves because you won’t be fighting typical criminals. You’ll be fighting scrims, so the outcome will depend on who has the most power. You. Or them. What’s more, I thought we were doing this because you thought you didn’t need your emotions anymore." I kicked at the air with the tip of my tennie. "You’re right." Last night I’d told him about summoning the ice that had stopped Desert Gall without the use of my emotions. "But I can’t do it again. I’ve tried. Only my emotions are calling the elements and I can’t switch them off with a snap." He reached out, smoothed a wet strand of hair from my brow. A barely there touch, but I felt the warmth all the way to the bone.

For a moment, only a moment, there was a flash of his cat behind his face, skin melting away, fur taking its place. Then it was gone. "I’ve given this a lot of thought. Maybe you’ve never needed your emotions.

Maybe you only thought you did because of the sensations they evoke in your body. Think about it.

Anger makes your blood pressure rise, which makes you hot. Fear is numbing, so you become cold."

"That doesn’t tell me how to summon the elements without my emotions, though. I mean, even when I did this sans feelings in the past, I still needed the strength or idea of whatever emotion I wanted to summon." Well, not true. Last time, with Desert Gal, I’d been too numb, completely out of the equation.

"Maybe you summon certain elements with certain emotions because that’s the element you’re freeing at that time. You think fire comes with fury so you release the fire when you get mad." I anchored a hand on my hip. It was either that or grab on to him and never let go.

What he said made sense – but it also scared me. If I failed to prove him right, no big deal. I’d go back to the way things were. But what if I succeeded? To finally have control of my powers, to not be reliant on my emotions, to not have to worry about raging wildfires, torrential storms, mountains of dirt and unstoppable winds every time PMS took hold…

Ultimate power was something Rome despised. People became drunk with it, did whatever they wanted, damn the consequences. Proof – Desert Gal, who would spend the rest of her life in Chateau Villain, in a special dry-as-a-desert section designed for her. She’d wanted more, and more, and more, but more had never been and would never be enough.
