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Twice as Hot

Twice as Hot (Tales of an Extraordinary Girl #2)(93)
Author: Gena Showalter

"And all of that is what’s been making you so distant with me?"

"That, and you seemed to be pulling away from me."

A frown curved his lips into a half-moon. "If I seemed upset at the gym today, it was only because I was worried you would outgrow me. That you wouldn’t need me anymore. But I realized that’s okay. You don’t need me. You’re stronger than I am, and I like that. I’m proud of it. Of you. That was never clearer than when Dr. Roberts offered to free you from your powers but you weren’t sure you wanted him to. I didn’t want you to accept, either. They’re a part of who you are. Part of the girl I love. A girl who’s brave and sarcastic, loyal and determined."

"I – I – " Couldn’t form any intelligent words.

"I’m not done, Wonder Girl," he chided. "I wanted to strangle Lexis when I got my memories back and realized what she’d done to keep us apart. I wanted to beat myself for listening to her, even for a minute.

I wanted to kill Jean-Luc, with my memories and without, for looking at you as if you belonged to him.

And he’s lucky the dates are over. I planned to hunt him down tomorrow and put a bullet in his leg to keep him away. No one keeps us apart. Not even you. Not even me.

"I love who you are, yesterday, now, tomorrow, always. You’re complicated and yeah, powerful, but that doesn’t change the core of you. You’re strong, and did I already mention brave? You’re loving, giving and sexy as hell. You speak your mind, you never back down and you make my heart stop every time I look at you. I would be lost without you. And yes, I want kids with you, no matter how they’ll turn out. One day. Right now, I just want you all to myself."

His speech was a dream come true. Wondrous, amazing, surreal. Everything I’d ever wanted to hear and more. Once he’d stung my feminine pride. Now he’d utterly soothed it. The tears I’d expected tonight poured free, as if a dam had broken. But they were tears of joy. "I will never outgrow you. I will always need you. But I want to be clear. I’m it for you? The one and only?" I didn’t mean for the questions to squeak out, but they did.

He nodded. "My one and only. Now, enough talking. We’ve got some reuniting to do." He was on top of me in the next instant. I wrapped my legs around him as he fed me a kiss, his tongue plunging deep. My hands were all over him, and his were all over me.

It was heaven, the possession I’d craved all these many days.

"I love you," he said, nipping at my lips, my ears, kissing down my neck.

"I love you so much."

"We’re getting married."



"As soon as possible."

"And you’ll take my name." He swirled his tongue around one of my ni**les, then the other.

"I’m still undecided. I mean, you once called a pet Bone Crusher, so clearly you aren’t good with names. But why don’t you convince me of the merits of your plan?" I tangled my hands in his hair, ran my thighs up his sides. How could a man with so many hard muscles feel like velvet?

"Give me an hour. Maybe neither one of us will even remember our names, so it’ll be a moot point." Kneading my br**sts, he turned the hot, wet attentions of his tongue to my navel, swirling. I moaned at the heady bliss. And then he was licking between my legs, flicking my clitoris and driving me mad.

"Rome," I shouted as I came, my muscles spasming, my back shooting off the mattress, my nails digging into his scalp. "I – I still remember."

"Hang on." He surged up, impaling me deep. Another climax hit me instantly, hurtling me over the edge again and again and again. I chanted his name, only then realizing there wasn’t a fire desperate to escape me.

I truly had control of my powers.

"Woman," Rome grunted, pounding deep, hard, fast, and then roaring a sound of utter satisfaction.

When the last of our tremors subsided, we didn’t move. I couldn’t. Not because Rome’s weight pinned me down – though it did – but because for the first time in weeks, I was utterly satisfied. Happy beyond measure. And I didn’t want it to end.

"How embarrassing." He kissed the inside of my neck. "I only lasted five minutes. And I was the first to forget. Again."

"Well, I can top that, Cat Man. I only lasted three."

He laughed. "See, this is why I love you. You’re the biggest smart-ass I know." The sound of a woman’s blissful cries suddenly seeped through the walls, blending with the sound of our ragged breathing, and my laughter joined Rome’s. "Bet Tanner lasts longer than both of us combined." Rome gave another laugh, but the laughter soon faded. He cupped my face, forcing my gaze to remain locked with his. "You meant what you said? About marrying me?"

"Absolutely." I hugged him tight. "You’re mine, Rome Jamison, and I’m never letting you go."

"Rome Jamison. I like the sound of that."

"So do I." I rose up and straddled his waist. "Now, let’s try to set a new record for us. Let’s try to last ten minutes."

Chapter Twenty-Nine

I woke up bright and early , whistling under my breath as I made coffee for myself and Rome, the puppies playing around my feet. Rome was currently in the shower, where I’d left him after another round of hot and steamy loving.

We were together again, and we were going to get married, though I had no idea when. Both of us wanted it to be soon, but I had nothing planned and all of my appointments were canceled.

A dark slash in my periphery captured my attention and I turned, expecting Rome. Or Tanner – who had stayed awake laaaaate last night. I knew because the sounds he and Elaine had made had never ceased. I now knew beyond any doubt that Tanner had lost his virginity. Never would I be able to blot the many "Oh, Tanner, oh, yes, like that" pleas from my mind.

But instead of Rome or Tanner, I saw a familiar figure with white hair and silver-violet eyes tiptoeing toward the living room and the front door. I followed, brow scrunched in confusion. "Cody?" He stopped in his tracks, muttering, "Shit." Slowly he turned and faced me. A pair of shoes dangled from his hands. His shirt was wrinkled and his jeans unsnapped – as if he’d dressed in a hurry. He smiled sheepishly. "Well, this is awkward."

"Isn’t it, though?" I asked, hands on my hips.

"So, uh, hey, Belle. How are you?"

"Enough pleasantries. What are you doing here?"

He shifted uncomfortably, shrugged. "Came to see Sherridan."

"Why?" The question lashed from me, sparks of anger lighting. "I don’t think she wants to see you."

"Uh, you’d be wrong about that."
