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Under Fire

Under Fire (Elite Force #3)(6)
Author: Catherine Mann

“What happened then?” His thumb stroked her wrist, right over her racing pulse.

“A representative from the local branch of both offices took notes and said their people would look into it. We thought maybe things would get moving. They hadn’t called Brandon unbalanced. They seemed to take him seriously. We waited to hear more… and nothing.”

“Maybe they’re investigating still.”

“I would like to think so. Except then I got a threatening phone call that came from a ‘caller unknown’ number telling me to back off and keep my mouth shut or there would be consequences.”

His thumb stopped moving, his eyes narrowing.

Panic bubbled low again as she remembered the disguised voice, the death threats. She gripped Liam’s hand. “I reported it to everyone we’d spoken to. Base security said there was nothing they could do, since I’m a civilian. Local police said they didn’t have enough to investigate, even if they did have enough manpower, which they don’t, thanks to chasing drug lords and human traffickers twenty-four/seven. I went to the CIA again. They were polite, brief, and obviously completely unconcerned. I figured they wouldn’t believe me if I told them I thought I heard clicking sounds on the phone line, like it was being bugged.” She winced. “Are you ready to have me committed yet?”

“I’m still listening, aren’t I?” He squeezed her hand.

She sucked in a bracing breath, the scent of ammonia cleaner hanging in the air. “Two days ago, someone tried to poison my dog.”

“You think the CIA is after your dog?” he asked in a voice too calm, as if he thought she’d gone over the edge.

So much for help and comfort.

“No, I don’t think the CIA went after Disco, but someone did. Someone who didn’t like the questions Brandon and I stirred up.” She tugged her hand free. “You do think I’ve gone bonkers.”

He spread his hands wide. “Come on, Rachel. You have to admit, all of this sounds improbable.”

“I know.” God, did she ever know. And she hadn’t realized until now how very solitary her life had become, completely focused on work, until she’d realized how few people she could turn to for help. She leaned in urgently, grabbing his hand this time. “Still, Liam, I heard what I heard on the phone. Then my dog was suddenly ill in a way that could only be poison. Even the vet said so. The timing couldn’t be coincidental.”

“Have you considered the man who told you that wild conspiracy story could have had a psychotic break? He was unstable to begin with. Could he could be the one threatening you?”

“Yes, I thought of that initially.” Although it hurt her heart to the core to think of his pain-filled eyes, to think he might actually try to harm her. “But one of the threatening calls came while I was with Brandon, so unless he’s got a partner, it isn’t him. A partner for him seems unlikely, since he’s cut himself off from everyone except me and his dog.”

“Okay, then.” While his eyes didn’t declare outright belief, he wasn’t walking away. “Does he know you’re here?”

“No. I didn’t tell anyone. I just dropped off my other dogs at the doggy day care and paid for a week before I left to drive up here. Why do you ask?”

“Do you think he would talk to me?”

“At this point, I can’t answer that. He was really freaked out by that phone call I got when we were together working with his dog.” She gnawed her lip before telling him the rest, risking what little faith he still seemed to have in her rationality. “I actually was going to come to your house, but halfway here, I realized someone was tailing me, someone in a silver sedan.”

“Holy crap, Rachel!” He sat up straight in his seat, muscles bunching with tension under his uniform, long legs tensed for action. “You should have called the cops again.”

“That hasn’t gone so well for me lately, in case you haven’t noticed.” Her joke fell flat. But then, she wasn’t feeling all that lighthearted. “Regardless, I was scared to lead the person straight to your house, so I went to the base instead, which worked, since the silver sedan peeled away once I got to the front gate. Hopefully, they’ll think I just went to the military authorities again.”

“Why hide in my car? Why not just wait for me to come out of work?”

The way he said it made her plan seem ridiculous now. Should she have just waited for him in the lobby at work? But she hadn’t wanted to announce to the world she was with him. She’d been thinking of his safety.

Sort of.

Yet just being here, she’d put him at risk. “I thought I was protecting you. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest plan.” She thrust her fingers through her still-damp hair and wanted to just tug, she was so frustrated. “But I’m not some freakin’ agent or cop or trained military professional. I’m a dog trainer. Give me someone to find or a canine to teach, and I’m good. But something like this mess? I’m in way over my head…”

The enormity of what had happened to her life kinked the tension so tight inside her, she shot to her feet, ready to bolt but feeling like a cornered rabbit with nowhere to go. Liam stood, clasping her shoulders and pulling her against him so fast she didn’t have time to tense up. She tucked her head under his chin and simply deflated against him, her hands fisting in his camo jacket. His arms banded around her, as muscled and hard as she remembered from their one kiss. Not that he made a move on her now.

He didn’t offer bullshit platitudes either or pat her back. He just held her while she breathed in the musky scent of him and absorbed some of his strength. She’d come to the right place after all. To Liam. A clock shaped like Texas hanging on the wall tick-tick-ticked away the seconds in time with Liam’s heartbeat against her ear. One breath at a time, she willed down the panic to a manageable level. She tuned in to the world beyond her fears, taking in details like the feel of Liam’s fingers in her hair as he cupped her head.

“Christ, Rachel,” his voice rumbled hoarsely through his chest, “I’m so damn glad you’re okay.”

She squeezed her eyes shut as if to somehow hold on to the sound of him longer. She was a strong woman, damn it. She’d only lost control twice in her life: when her mother passed away and when Caden…

She froze in Liam’s arms. Her hands fell from his chest.

And then he was gone. His arms, his warmth, his voice.
