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Under the Boardwalk

Under the Boardwalk (Costas Sisters #1)(32)
Author: Carly Phillips

“Hey, buddy.”

Since Connor didn’t normally call from his post at the bar, Quinn was surprised. “I was just on my way downstairs. What’s going on?”

“Our mutual friend looks exhausted. Ariana has broken more than a few glasses, and I’m thinking she needs to get out of here early, if you get my drift.” Connor’s low chuckle sounded through the phone line.

“Thanks. I’ll check it out.” Quinn wondered what was going on with Ari and headed to the bar to find out.

He took one look at the woman in the skimpy cocktail waitress outfit, noting the lack of makeup and the dark circles under her eyes, and he’d seen enough. He grabbed her elbow. “Come with me.”

She met his gaze, startled. “I can’t leave with you. I have work to do.”

“And there’s plenty of people here who can cover for you.” Quinn leaned closer. So close he could smell the shampoo in her hair and the scent that kept him awake at night. His groin tightened and the desire to make love to her overwhelmed him. “Let’s go.”

“Okay,” she said, surprising him. “Just let me get my purse.” She tilted her head, meeting his gaze.

The same need that beat like a drum inside him shimmered in her glassy eyes. When it came to attraction and desire, they were definitely on the same page. His libido kicked into high gear. Only her complete and obvious exhaustion had him breathing deeply and reminding himself she had more important things going on than thinking about sex.

Once they’d reached the lobby of the casino, where the throngs of people and the glittering lights and mirrors made them just one of the crowd instead of the object of the other employees’ curiosity, he pulled her into an empty corner. “You look like hell.”

She laughed but even that sounded strained. “Way to flatter a lady.”

He flattened his palm on the mirrored wall behind her. “What’s going on?” he asked in a low voice.

“I’m just tired,” she said with a sigh. “My parents started construction on the house this morning, which works well for people on a normal schedule, but with my night shifts, I couldn’t get any sleep today.”

He slanted her a disbelieving glance. “Somehow I don’t think that’s all that’s bothering you.” He raised her chin with his hand, looking into her weary eyes. “You can talk to me.” He wanted to hear what was really going on with Ari—and he wanted to help. Not in the I’m-a-cop-and-it’s-my-job kind of way, either.

Ariana looked into his sincere gaze and she believed his words. She needed to take him up on his offer and confide in him. Maybe it would let him trust her in return, but if not, she still wanted to let him wrap his arms around her and make her feel better, if just for a little while.

“I really am exhausted, but it’s not just physical. It’s emotional, too. It started with Zoe disappearing,” she explained. “Then it was the stress of coming home. You must realize I have family issues.” She felt ridiculous complaining about family when he had none, but when he squeezed her shoulder, urging her to continue, she instinctively knew he understood. “Then last night everything hit me all at once,” she went on.

She drew a trembling breath and he waited patiently. “Watching Sam fall apart like that got to me. I mean, she’s so young and vulnerable and she has no one. While I have a sister whom I haven’t spoken to in years for stupid reasons and now she’s missing.” Her voice cracked and her eyes watered. Embarrassed, she sniffed, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “On top of that, I couldn’t fall asleep last night and then the construction woke me today. . . God, I feel like a basket case.” Her voice quavered and she shook badly.

“You’ll have a chance to fix things one day,” he promised her, determination and something so compelling in his voice, once again, she couldn’t help but believe him.

“Add a little sleep and you’ll feel much better.” He brushed a stray tear beneath her eye with his thumb, and she shuddered at his comforting yet oh-so-seductive touch. “Come. You can crash upstairs for tonight and tomorrow. I think I have the perfect solution to your construction problem.”

Going up to his room could only lead to one thing, and despite her exhaustion, her palms grew damp at the heady thought.

He let out a frustrated groan. “Look, you need sleep, so will you change your mind if I promise not to touch you?” he asked, obviously misreading her silence.

“If you make that promise, I’ll definitely change my mind.” In other words, if he didn’t touch her, why bother going upstairs? she thought wryly, and bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing.

But there was nothing funny about her desire or her feelings for this man. “I don’t want you to keep your distance and I definitely don’t want you to keep your hands to yourself.” She forced herself to be the bold and brazen woman she imagined her sister to be, then held her breath and waited, hoping Quinn would react the way she wanted him to.

His eyes darkened and he lowered his head until his lips hovered over hers, just enough to tempt her with his coffee-scented breath. Her heart pounded in her chest and an overwhelming rush of arousal trickled through her, slow, steady, and increasingly warm and exciting.

“You’re a tease,” she told him, then let her tongue dart out and caress the outline of his mouth.

A low groan rumbled from deep in his throat and he pulled her against him. Having gone this far, Ariana wasn’t about to back down now. Hoping to take Quinn off guard, she slipped her tongue between his barely parted lips. Kissing him felt like coming home, a sensation and experience both foreign and welcome at the same time. She entwined her arms around his neck and pressed her br**sts against his chest to ease the aching need building there. All the while his tongue tangled with hers, letting her know he wanted her every bit as much as she wanted him.

The kiss went on, long and leisurely one minute, more hot and demanding the next. Her stomach swirled with the exquisite sensations he created and her body craved his.

“Sweetheart, I think we’re making a scene,” he said, barely breaking the kiss.

“So?” Her blood flowed like warm liquid and she wanted more of the boneless feeling he provided. She wanted more of him.

“So we need to go upstairs.”

The next thing she knew, he had lifted her into his arms. Ignoring the shocked stares of the strangers around them, he carried her into the private elevator reserved for Damon’s closest associates. Soon she found herself in Quinn’s hotel room, and he lowered her to the bed.
