Read Books Novel

Under the Dome

‘I had to give that up,’ Lissa said with a fretful smile. ‘Too many other things to do.’

"Very nice to make your acquaintance, Ms Jamieson,’ Cox said. ‘Look – this is a chance worth taking.’

‘If we felt differently, could we stop you?’ she asked.

This Cox did not answer directly.’There’s no sign that this thing, whatever it is, is weakening or biodegrading. Unless we’re able to breach it, we believe you’re in for the long haul.’

‘Do you have any idea what cavised it? Any at all?’

‘None,’ Cox said, but his eyes shifted in a way Rusty Everett would have recognized from his conversation with Big Jim.

Barbie thought, Why are you lying?Just that knee-jerk reaction again? Civilians are like mushrooms, keep them in the dark and feed them shit? Probably that was all it was. But it made him nervous.

‘It’s strong?’ Lissa asked. ‘Your acid – is it strong?’

‘The most corrosive in existence, as far as we know,’ Cox replied, and Lissa took two large steps back.

Cox turned to the men in the space-suits. ‘Are you boys about readv?’

They gave him a pair of gloved thumbs-up. Behind them, all activity had stopped. The soldiers stood watching, with their hands on their gas masks.

‘Here we go,’ Cox said. ‘Barbie, I suggest you escort those two beautiful ladies at least fifty yards back from – ‘

‘Look at the stars,’ Julia said. Her voice was soft, awestruck. Her head was tilted upward, and in her wondering face Baxbie saw the child she had been thirty years ago.

He looked up and saw the Big Dipper, the Great Bear, Orion. All where they belonged… except they had smeared out of clear focus and turned pink. The Milky Way had turned into a bubblegum spill across the greater dome of the night,

‘Cox,’ he said. ‘Do you see that?’

Cox looked up.

‘See what? The stars?’

‘What do they look like to you?’

‘Well… very bright, of course – no light pollution to speak of in these parts – ‘ Then a thought occurred to him, and he snapped his fingers. ‘What are you seeing? Have they changed color?’

‘They’re beautiful,’ Lissa said. Her eyes were wide and shining. ‘But scary, too.’

‘They’re pink,’ Julia said. ‘What’s happening?’

‘Nothing,’ Cox said, but he sounded oddly reluctant.

‘What?’ Barbie asked. ‘Spill it.’And added, without thinking: ‘Sir.’

‘We got the meteorological report at nineteen hundred hours,’ Cox said. ‘Special emphasis on winds. Just in case… well, just in case. Leave it at that. The jet stream’s currently coming west as far as Nebraska or Kansas, dipping south, then coming up the Eastern Seaboard. Pretty common pattern for late October.’

‘What’s that got to do with the stars?’

‘As it comes north, the jet passes over a lot of cities and manufacturing towns. What it picks up over those locations is collecting on th^ Dome instead of being whisked north to Canada and the Arctic. There’s enough of it now to have created a kind of optical filter. I’m sure it’s not dangerous…’

‘Not yet," Julia said. ‘What about in a week, or a month? Are you going to hose down our airspace at thirty thousand feet when it starts getting dark in here?’

Before Cox could reply, Lissa Jamieson screamed and pointed into the sky. Then she covered her face.

The pink stars were falling, leaving bright contrails behind them.


‘More dope,’ Piper said dreamily as Rusty listened to her heartbeat.

Rusty patted Piper’s right hand – the left one was badly scraped. ‘No more dope,’ he said. ‘You’re officially stoned.’

‘Jesus wants me to have more dope,’ she said in that same dreamy voice. ‘I want to get as high as a mockingbird pie.’

‘I believe that’s "elephant’s eye," but I’ll take it under consideration.’

She sat up. Rusty tried to push her back down, but he dared push on only her right shoulder, and that wasn’t enough, ‘Will I be able to get out of here tomorrow? I have to see Chief Randolph. Those boys raped Sammy Bushey’

‘And could have killed you,’ he said. ‘Dislocation or not, you fell extremely lucky. Let me worry about Sammy.’

‘Those cops are dangerous.’ She put her right hand on his wrist. ‘They can’t go on being police. They’ll hurt someone else.’ She licked her lips. ‘My mouth is so dry.’

‘I can fix that, but you’ll have to lie down.’

‘Did you take sperm samples from Sammy? Can you match them to the boys? If you can, I’ll hound Peter Randolph until he makes them give DNA samples. I’ll hound him day and night.’

‘We’re not equipped for DNA matching,’ Rusty said. Also, there are no sperm samples. Because Gina Buffalino washed her up, at Sammy’s own request. ‘I’ll get you something to drink. All the fridges except for the ones in the lab are turned off to save juice, but there’s an Igloo cooler at the nurses’ station.’

‘Juice,’ she said, closing her eyes. ‘Yes, juice would be good. Orange or apple. Not V8. Too salty.’

‘Apple,’ he said. ‘You’re on clear liquids tonight.’

Piper whispered: ‘I miss my dog,’ then turned her head away. Rusty thought she’d probably be out by the time he got back with her juice box.

Halfway down the corridor, Twitch rounded the corner from the nurses’ station at a dead run. His eyes were wide and wild. ‘Come outside, Rusty.’

‘As soon as I get Reverend Libby a – ‘

‘No, now. You have to see this.’

Rusty hurried back to room 29 and peeped in. Piper was snoring in a most unladylike way – not unusual, considering her swelled nose.

Up followed Twitch down the corridor, almost running to keep up with the other man’s long strides. ‘What is it?’ Meaning, What now?

‘I can’t explain, and you probably wouldn’t believe me if I did. You have to see it for yourself He banged out through the lobby door.

Standing in the driveway beyond the protective canopy where drop-off patients arrived were Ginny Tonilinson, Gina Buffalino, and Harriet; Bigelow, a friend whom Gina had recruited to help out at the hospital. The three of them had their arms around each other, as if for comfort, and were staring up into the sky.
