Read Books Novel

Under the Dome

‘He’s right,’ Norrie said. ‘Do it.’

But here was an interesting thing. They had tested the Geiger counter plenty around Joe’s house, and it worked fine – when they tried it on an old watch with a radium dial, the needle jerked appreciably. They’d each taken a turn. But now that they were out here – on-site, so toispeak – Joe felt frozen.There was sweat on his forehead. He could feel it beading up and getting ready to trickle down.

He might have stood there quite awhile if Norrie hadn’t put her Hand over his. Then Benny added his. The three of them ended up pushing the slide-switch together. The needle in the COUNTS PER SECOND window immediately jumped to +5, and Norrie clutched Joe’s shoulder. Then it settled back to +2, and she relaxed her hold. They had no experience with radiation counters, but they all guessed they were seeing no more than a background count.

Slowly, Joe walked around the bandstand with the Geiger-Muller tube| held out on its coiled phone receiver-type cord. The power lamp! glowed a bright amber, and the needle jiggled a little bit from time to time, but mostly it stayed close to the zero end of the dial. The little jumps they saw were probably being caused by their own movements. He wasn’t surprised – part of him knew it couldn’t be so easy – but at the same time, he was bitterly disappointed. It was amazing, really, how well disappointment and lack of surprise complemented each other; they were like the Olsen Twins of emotion.

‘Let me,’ Norrie said.’Maybe I’ll have better luck.’

He gave it over without protest. Over the next hour or so, they crisscrossed the town common, taking turns with the Geiger counter. They saw a car turn down Mill Street, but didn’t notice Junior Rennie – who was feeling better again – behind the wheel. Nor did he notice them. An ambulance sped down Town Common Hill in the direction of Food City with its lights flashing and its siren wailing. This they looked at briefly, but were again absorbed when Junior reappeared shortly after, this time behind the – wheel of his father’s Hummer.

They never used the Frisbee they had brought as camouflage; they were too preoccupied. Nor did it matter. Few of the townspeople heading back to their homes bothered – looking into the Common. A few were hurt. Most were carrying liberated foodstuffs, and some were wheeling loaded shopping carts. Almost all looked ashamed of themselves.

By noon, Joe and his friends were ready to give up. They were also hungry. ‘Let’s go to my house,’ Joe said. ‘My mom’ll make us something to eat.’

‘Great,’ Benny said. ‘Hope it’s chop suey.Your ma’s chop suey is tight.’

‘Can we go through the Peace Bridge and try the other side first?’ Norrie asked.

Joe shrugged. ‘Okay, but there’s nothing over there but woods. Also, it’s moving away from the center.’

‘Yes, but…’ She trailed off.

‘But what?’

‘Nothing. Just an idea. It’s probably stupid.’

Joe looked at Benny. Benny shrugged and handed her the Geiger counter.

They went back to the Peace Bridge and ducked under the sagging police tape. The walkway was dim, but not too dim for Joe to look over Norrie’s shoulder and see the Geiger counter’s needle stir as they passed the halfway point, walking single file so as not to test the rotted boards under their feet too much. When they came out on the other side, a sign informed them YOU ARE NOW LEAVING THE CHESTER’S MILL TOWN COMMON, EST. 1808. A well-worn path led up a slope of oak, ash, and beech. Their fall foliage hung limply, looking sullen rather than g*y.

By the time they reached the foot of this path, the needle in the COUNTS PER SECOND window stood between +5 and +10. Beyond +10, the meter’s calibration rose steeply to +500 and then to +1000. The top end of the dial was marked in red. The needle was miles below that, but Joe was pretty sure its current position indicated more than just a background count.

Benny was looking at the faintly quivering needle, but Joe was looking at Norrie.

‘What were you thinking about?’ he asked her. ‘Don’t be afraid to spill it, because it doesn’t seem like such a stupid idea, after all.’

‘No,’ Benny agreed. He tapped the COUNTS PER SECOND window. The needle jumped, then settled back to +7 or 8.

‘I was thinking a generator and a transmitter are practically the same thing,’ Norrie said. ‘And a transmitter doesn’t have to be in the middle, just high up.’

‘The CIK tower isn’t,’ Benny said. ‘Just sits in a clearing, pumpin out the Jesus. I’ve seen it.’

‘Yeah, but that thing’s, like, super-powerful,’ Norrie replied. ‘My dad said it’s a hundred thousand watts, or something. Maybe what we’re looking for has a shorter range. So then I thought, "What’s the highest part of the town?’"

‘Black Ridge,’Joe said.

‘Black Ridge,’ she agreed, and held up a small fist.

Joe bumped her, then pointed. ‘That way, two miles. Maybe three.’ He turned the Geiger-Muller tube in that direction and they all watched, fascinated, as the needle rose to + 10.

‘I’ll be f**ked,’ Benny said.

‘Maybe when you’re forty,’ Norrie said. Tough as ever… but blushing. Just a little.

‘There’s an old orchard out on the Black Ridge Road,’ Joe said. ‘You can see the whole Mill from it – TR-90, too. That’s what my dad says, anyway. It could be there. Norrie, you’re a genius.’ He didn’t have to wait for heT to kiss him, after all. He did the honors, although daring no more than the corner of her mouth.

She looked pleased, but there was still a frown line between her eyes. ‘It might not mean anything. The needle’s not exactly going crazy. Can we go out there on our bikes?’

‘Sure!’ Joe said.

‘After lunch,’ Benny added. He thought of himself as the practical one.


While Joe, Benny, and Norrie were eating lunch at the McClatchey house (it was indeed chop suey) and Rusty Everett, assisted by Barbie and the two teenage girls, were treating supermarket-riot casualties at Cathy Russell, Big Jirn Rennie sat in his study, going over a list and checking off items.
