Read Books Novel

Under the Dome

Sitting there, listening to the AAAAAAA, Carter remembered one of his dad’s sayings: Hoard a penny and lose a dollar. That was Rennie right down to the floor. Rennie the Emperor of Used Cars. Rennie the bigshot politician. Rennie the drug kingpin. How much had he made with his drug operation? A million dollars? Two? And did it matter?

He probably never would have spent it, Carter thought, and he’s sure as shit not gonna spend it now. Nothing to spend it on down here. He’s got all the sardines he can eat, and they ‘re free.

‘Carter?’Big Jim’s voice came floating through the darkness.’Are you going to change that out, or are we just going to listen to it buzz?’

Carter opened his mouth to holler they were going to wait, that every minute counted, but just then the AAAAAAA finally quit. So did the queep-queep-queep of the air purifier.


‘I’m on it, boss.’With the flashlight clamped in his armpit, Carter pulled the empty, put the full one on a metal platform that was big enough to hold a tank ten times this one’s size, and hooked up the connector.

Every minute counted… or did it? Why did it, if it was going to come down to the same choking conclusion?

But the survival-watchman inside thought that was a bullshit question. The survival-watchman thought seventy-two hours was seventy-two hours, and every minute of those seventy-two hours counted. Because who knew what might happen? The military guys might finally figure out how to crack the Dome open. It might even disappear on its own, going as suddenly and inexplicably as it had come.

‘Garter? What are you doing back there? My cotton-picking grandmother could move faster, and she’s dead!’

‘Almost done.’

He made sure the connection was tight and put his thumb on the starter-button (thinking that if the little generator’s starter-battery was as old as the batteries that had been powering the emergency lights, they were in trouble). Then he paused.

It was seventy-two hours if it was the two of them. But if it was just him, he could stretch it to ninety or maybe even a hundred by shutting down the purifier until the air got really thick. He had broached this idea to Big Jim, who had vetoed it out of hand.

‘Got a dickey heart,’ he had reminded Carter. ‘The thicker the air is, the more likely it is to play up on me.’

‘Carter?’ Loud and demanding. A voice that got up in his ears the way the smell of the boss’s sardines got up his nose. ‘What’s going on back there?’

‘All set, boss!’ he called, and pushed the button.The starter-motor whirred, and the gennie fired up at once.

I have to think about this, Carter told himself, but the survival-watchman thought differently. The survival-watchman thought that every minute lost was a minute wasted.

He was good to me, Carter told himself. He gave me responsibilities.

Dirty jobs he didn’t want to do himself is what he gave you. And a hole in the ground to die in. That too.

Carter made up his mind. He pulled his Beretta from its holster as he walked back into the main room. He considered putting it behind his back so the boss wouldn’t know, and decided against it. The man had called him son, after all, and might even have meant it. He deserved better than an unexpected shot in the back of the head and going out all unprepared.


It wasn’t dark at the far northeastern end of town; here the Dome was badly smudged but far from opaque. The sun glared through and turned everything a feverish pink.

Norrie ran to Barbie and Julia. The girl was coughing and out of breath, but she ran anyway.

‘My grampy is having a heart attack!’ she wailed, and then fell on her knees, hacking and gasping.

Julia put her arms around the girl and turned her face to the roaring fans. Barbie crawled to where the exiles were surrounding Ernie Calvert, Rusty Everett, Ginny Tomlinson, and DougieTwitchell.

‘Give them room, people!’ Barbie snapped. ‘Give the guy some air!’

‘That’s the problem,’Tony Guay said. ‘They gave him what was left… the stuff that was supposed to be for the kids… but – ‘

‘Epi,’ Rusty said, and Twitch handed him a syringe. Rusty injected it. ‘Ginny, start compressions. When you get tired, let Twitch take over. Then me.’

‘I want to, too,’Joanie said.Tears were streaming down her cheeks, but she seemed composed enough. ‘I took a class.’

‘I was in it too,’ Claire said. ‘I’ll help.’

‘And me,’ Linda said quietly, i took the refresher just last summer.’

It’s a small town and we all support the team, Barbie thought. Ginny – her face still swollen from her own injuries – began chest compressions. She gave way to Twitch just as Julia and Norrie joined Barbie.

‘Will they be able to save him?’ Norrie asked.

‘I don’t know,’ Barbie said. But he did know; that was the hell of it.

Twitch took over from Ginny. Barbie watched as drops of sweat from Twitch’s forehead darkened Ernie’s shirt. After about five minutes he stopped, coughing breathlessly. When Rusty started to move in, Twitch shook his head. ‘He’s gone.’ Twitch turned to Joanie and said, ‘I’m so sorry, Mrs Calvert.’

Joanie’s face trembled, then crumpled. She let out a cry of grief that turned into a coughing fit. Norrie hugged her, coughing again herself.

‘Barbie,’ a voice said. ‘A word?’

It was Cox, now dressed in brown camo and wearing a fleece jacket against the chill on the other side. Barbie didn’t like the somber expression on Cox’s face. Julia went with him. They leaned close to the Dome, trying to breathe slowly and evenly

‘There’s been an accident at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico.’ Cox kept his voice pitched low. ‘They were running final tests on the pencil nuke we meant to try, and… shit.’

‘It exploded? Julia asked, horrified.

‘No, ma’am, melted down.Two people were killed, and another half dozen are apt to die of radiation burns and/or radiation poisoning. The point is, we lost the nuke. We lost the f**king nuke.’
