Read Books Novel

Under the Dome


The sign over the door of Dipper’s said WELCOME TO THE BIGGEST DANCE FLOOR IN MAINE!, and for the first time in the roadhouse’s history, that floor was crowded at eleven forty-five in the morning. Tommy and Willow Anderson greeted people at the door as they arrived, a little like ministers welcoming parishioners to church. In this case, the First Church of Rock Bands Direct from Boston.

At first the audience was quiet, because there was nothing on the big screen but one blue word: WAITING. Benny and Nome had plugged in their equipment and switched the TV’s feed to Input 4. Then, suddenly, Little Bitch Road appeared in living color, complete with brightly colored leaves swirling down around the Marine sentries.

The crowd broke into applause and cheers.

Benny gave Norrie a high five, but that wasn’t enough for Norrie; she kissed him on the mouth, and hard. It was the happiest moment of Benny’s life, even better than staying vertical while doing a full-pipe roughie.

‘Call him!’ Norrie demanded.

‘Right on,’ Bennie said. His face felt as if it might actually catch fire and burn, but he was grinning. He punched REDIAL and held the phone to his ear. ‘Dude, we got it! The picture’s so radical it – ‘

Joe cut him off. ‘Houston, we have a problem.’


‘I don’t know what you folks think you’re doing,’ Chief Randolph said, ‘but I want an explanation, and that thing’s shut down until I get one.’ He pointed at the PowerBook.

‘Pardon me, sir,’ one of the Marines said. He was wearing a second lieutenant’s stripes. ‘That’s Colonel Barbara, and he has official government sanction for this operation.’

To this, Big Jim offered his most sarcastic smile. A vein in his neck was throbbing. ‘This man is a colonel of nothing but troublemakers. He cooks in the local restaurant.’

‘S}r, my orders – ‘

Big Jim shook his finger at the second lieutenant. ‘In Chester’s Mill, the only official government we’re recognizing right now is our own, soldier, and I am its representative.’ He turned to Randolph. ‘Chief, if that kid won’t turn it off, pull the plug.’

‘It has no plug that I can see,’ Randolph said. He was looking from Barbie to the Marine second lieutenant to Big Jim. He had begun to sweat.

‘Then put a boot through the darn screen! Just kill it!’

Randolph stepped forward. Joe, looking scared but determined, stepped in front of the PowerBook on the carton. He still had the cell phone in his hand. ‘You better not! It’s mine, and I’m not breaking any laws!’

‘Get back, Chief,’ Barbie said.’That’s an order. If you still recognize the government of the country you live in, you’ll obey it.’

Randolph looked around. ‘Jim, maybe – ‘

‘Maybe nothing,’ Big Jim said. ‘Right now this is the country you live in. Kill that cotton-picking computer!

Julia stepped forward, grabbed the PowerBook, and turned it so that the iVision camera was taking in the new arrivals. Tendrils of hair had escaped her businesslike bun and hung against her pink cheeks. Barbie thought she looked extraordinarily beautiful.

‘Ask Norrie if they see!’ she told Joe.

Big Jim’s smile froze into a grimace. ‘Woman, put that down!’

‘Ask them if they see!’

Joe spoke into the phone. Listened. Then said:’They do. They’re seeing Mr Rennie and Officer Randolph. Norrie says they want to know what’s happening.’

There was dismay on Randolph’s face; fury on Rennie’s.’ Wlio wants to know?’ Randolph asked.

Julia said, ‘We’ve set up a live feed to Dipper’s – ‘

‘That sinpit!’ Big Jim said. His hands were clenched. Barbie estimated the man was probably a hundred pounds overweight, and he grimaced when he moved his right arm – as if he’d strained it – but he looked like he could still hit. And right now he looked mad enough to take a swing… although whether at him, Julia, or the boy, he didn’t know. Maybe Rennie didn’t, either.

‘People have been gathering there since quarter of eleven,’ she said. ‘News travels fast.’ She smiled with her head cocked to one side. ‘Would you like to wave to your constituency, Big Jim?’

‘It’s a bluff,’ Big Jim said.

‘Why would I bluff about something so easy to check?’ She turned to Randolph.’Call one of your cops and ask them where the big gathering in town is this morning.’ Then back to Jim again. ‘If you shut this down, hundreds of people will know you closed off their view of an event that vitally concerns them. One their lives may depend on, in fact.’

‘You had no sanction!’

Barbie, ordinarily quite good at controlling himself, felt his temper fraying. It wasn’t that the man was stupid; he clearly wasn’t. And that was exactly what was making Barbie mad.

‘What is your problem, exactly? Do you see any danger here? Because I don’t. The idea is to set this thing up, leave it broadcasting, then clear out.’

‘If the missile doesn’t work, it could cause a panic. Knowing something failed is one thing; actually seeing it fail is another. They’re apt to do any darn old thing.’

‘You have a very low opinion of the people you govern, Selectman.’

Big Jim opened his mouth to retort – something like And they have justified it time and again would have been Barbie’s guess – but then remembered that a good portion of the town was watching this confrontation on the big-screen TV. Possibly in HD. ‘I’d like you to wipe that sarcastic smile off your face, Barbara.’

‘Are we now policing expressions, too?’ Julia asked.

Scarecrow Joe covered his mouth, but not before Randolph and Big Jim saw the kid’s grin. And heard the snicker that escaped from between his fingers.

‘People,’ the second lieutenant said, ‘you had better clear the scene. Time is passing.’

Julia, turn that camera on me,’ Barbie said.

She did so.


Dipper’s had never been so packed, not even at the memorable New Year’s Eve show in 2009 featuring the Vatican Sex Kittens. And it had never been so silent. Over five hundred people stood shoulder to shoulder and hip to hip, watching as the camera on Joe’s PowerBook Pro did a dizzying one-eighty and came to rest on Dale Barbara.
