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Unspoken (Woodlands #2)(23)
Author: Jen Frederick

“If you touch me, I’m pretty sure I’m going to wreck the car,” he explained, after giving me my orders. I didn’t tempt him because I wasn’t sure that if I started, I would care if the car was wrecked.

Once we were inside my bedroom, his lips were on mine before I could open my mouth. Every kiss I’d experienced before had been innocent compared to this. From the first lick of his tongue against my lips, this kiss conveyed bone-deep want. Bo’s mouth was hot and wet upon mine. He ravaged me, biting and sucking on my lips, his tongue seeking out every crevice and surface until I felt as if he were consuming me.

Bo lifted my legs around his hips, and I wrapped myself around him. With one hand under my butt, he used his other to push up my shirt up to expose my bra. The sheer strength it took to hold me up like this took my breath away and shot a bolt of excitement straight to my core. I whimpered with need.

He shushed me and bent his head to lick between my br**sts, pulling down one lacy cup with his teeth to suckle hard on my nipple. I clutched his head to my chest so tightly I was sure I was suffocating him, but I didn’t care. By the way he pressed in tighter, he didn’t seem to mind.

My legs were splayed open, but I wasn’t getting enough relief. I canted my h*ps upward and wiggled against him, trying to find relief for the ache between my legs. In answer, Bo’s hand left my breast and went to the juncture of my legs. Through the denim and the lace of my panties, I could feel his hand, but this sensation only made me want a closer, stronger touch. Bo undid my snap and my zipper, grunting his disapproval.

“You should wear a skirt, always,” he instructed, lowering me onto the bed and pushing my jeans down just far enough so that he could insert his hand between the denim and my flesh. He braced one hand on the side of my head and held his body suspended over mine. I didn’t reply. I was too busy feeling. Feeling his mouth, his stroking tongue. Feeling his hands, his seeking fingers.

There was only one thought in my mind: How can I get closer to him?. He began rubbing me in circles, and I pushed up against his hand, frustrated by the restraint of my jeans. His fingers dipped inside me, and I couldn’t stop a moan from escaping me. “Oh God. Bo.”

“I love that you’re so wet for me.”

I shivered, the pulse of my blood drumming so loudly in my ears I could barely hear him. He pressed the heel of his palm hard against my pelvis bone and his two fingers began a slow thrust inside me. I was dying, one infinitesimal centimeter at a time.

“So hot. Tight. Can’t f**king wait to be inside you.” Bo’s words were more grunts than complete thoughts. I understood. I had no ability to form complete sentences either. My sole focus was on the slick between my legs caused by the movement of his fingers thrusting in and out and the abrasion of his palm, rough and calloused against my sex. “I want to stay inside you for hours. Live here.”

All my nerve endings reached for something and then, like an explosion, sensation rushed down to my center and detonated. I was grateful to be lying down, because my legs felt like noodles, and I could only see sparkles of light.

Bo kept his hand firmly against me, drawing out as many shudders and shocks from my body as he could, and when I finally came down off my high, he withdrew his hand. He wiped his fingers on the sweatshirt that he’d discarded upon entering the room and applied soft soothing kisses on my lips, cheek and jaw. The hand that had caressed my core now moved in long strokes up and down the side of my body. I drew him down on top of me, wanting to feel his delicious weight press mine into the mattress.

As I felt his insistent erection against my stomach, I knew I wanted to give him the same pleasure, have him under my thumb just as he’d overpowered me with emotion and need. Bo pushed upright and lifted the heavy fall of my hair aside as I slid off the bed to kneel in front of him. “You don’t need to do this.”

I pressed my hand against his thighs and stared up at him. “I want to.”

The button had already come undone and I unzipped his jeans. Underneath he was completely nude, and his heavy c*ck fell forward, free of its constraints. I pressed my face into his hair and rubbed my cheek against the soft skin of his erection. It bobbed against my cheek. He smelled of male sweat and musk. I licked his skin between his leg and crotch and tasted the delicious salty flavor. His leg buckled, and Bo readjusted, bracing one knee against the bed, one hand hard against my shoulder. With his free hand, he stroked my hair tenderly.

I rained soft kisses down the hard length of him and licked the top softly. There was a spot of liquid on the tip and I lapped it up. Bo groaned, and the hand in my hair turned to a fist as he tightened his hold. His h*ps moved forward, as if wanting to be deeper inside, but he asked for nothing, waiting for me to set the pace.

I’d never enjoyed this in the past, but with Bo it felt natural and good. I inhaled his smell, felt the crisp hairs against my nose as I bent forward. Everything about this felt right. His shaft was thick on my tongue. I could hear him panting; it seemed as if he were breathing harder now than he had during the fight. I ran my tongue over the ridge as I mouthed him.

Bo reached along my arm and grabbed my hand. He brought it up to his shaft and wrapped my hand around the base. He moved his hand in short, hard movements, in the same rhythm as my mouth. It was unbearably exciting to have him touching himself over my hand. Under my hair, his other hand palmed the back of my head, providing support. When I’d gotten the gist of the movement he wanted, he brought his hand up from his c*ck and stroked my cheek, feeling the hollows as I sucked and pumped.

I could feel his balls tighten against the back of my hand as I twisted and pumped like he showed me. As I could feel his release coming, Bo pulled out of my mouth.

“Don’t you…”

“No, I want to finish inside of you.”

I dabbed my finger on the tip and tasted his pre-come.

“Jesus.” He gave a small rueful laugh. “Are you trying to kill me?”

“It doesn’t taste bad. Kind of salty.” I looked up at him. “I wouldn’t have minded if you came in my mouth. I thought that’s what guys like.”

He drew me to my feet and kissed me hard and full on the lips for a long time. “It felt great, just having you touch me. If you want to try this later, and you want to swallow, great, but we aren’t going to do that without you telling me you want to do it before we even start. Anytime we do anything, I want to know that you’re fully into it, not in the heat of the moment because you think I like it. Besides,” he flashed a quick grin at me, “I’m going to like everything with you. Now I need to take off your clothes and continue to debauch you.”

We looked depraved with both of our jeans unbuttoned and unzipped. My bra was half on, half off. Yet I didn’t feel an ounce of shame. The pleasure in Bo’s eyes only made me want to preen.

Bo pressed me back to the bed and pulled his shirt over his head in one motion. He paused, dumped what sounded like a thousand coins on my desk, and dropped his jeans. His c*ck was rock-hard, and it tented the cotton. I licked my lips, remembering the taste and feel of him in my mouth.

“Sunshine, if you keep looking at me, pretty sure I’m going to come prematurely, which my fragile ego might not be able to deal with.”

“I think that’d be kind of hot,” I admitted with an arched eyebrow.

“You’re not helping,” Bo growled, pulling me into a seated position.

Bo’s hands reached for the bottom of my t-shirt, and he swept it up and off. Another swift motion disposed of my jeans. He took a moment to give me a sustained look and dragged one long hand down my front, starting at my neck, ending at the core of me he’d played so expertly before. My panties were wet from my orgasm and my renewed arousal.

When I reached behind me to unclasp my bra, he stopped me.

“Let me,” he said and he undid the back clasp and pulled the straps down slowly, first one arm and then the other. Goose bumps covered me.

“Bo, please, now,” I urged him. I ached so much. I needed him inside of me.

He bent over, his large body covering mine, and licked the tip of my nipple lightly.

I hit him in the arm lightly. “Don’t be a tease.”

“So greedy,” he murmured, sucking at one nipple and then the other, the sensation causing my back to arch. I wanted more pressure, hard and now.

I reached between us and caught his heavy erection in my hand. His shaft pulsed and jerked against my palm. I rubbed him like he had taught me and he moaned.

“Yes, I am really, really greedy,” I whispered. This time I felt him shudder.

“What’re you greedy for? This?” he asked, pressing into my hand.

“Yes, Bo.” I tightened my hand around him and he growled his approval. But he pulled himself out of my grip, and I let out a mew of disappointment at the loss of the weight of him in my hands.

But my sense of loss was soon diverted by the attention he was lavishing on my br**sts. His tongue dipped around their swells, in the valley between them. Every part of my chest was marked by his lips, tongue, and teeth, from the upper curves of my br**sts to the hardened nipple points to the sensitive sides and the tender skin underneath.

“You ready?” he asked, looking up at me.

I wiggled my hips. Yes, I was ready. I wanted the touch of his flesh against mine more than anything. But instead of rising above me, he moved even lower. He pressed his face right between my legs and took a deep breath. Before I could even be self-conscious about our positions, Bo’s mouth was between my legs, his hands on my inner thighs, urging them apart.

“I want to live down here,” Bo said, stroking me lightly. “When you’re running your own business, I’m going to come into your office every noon and eat you.”

My choked laughter turned to moans as he began tonguing me in earnest. Flattening his tongue, he licked me in long slow sweeps. He worked one and then two fingers inside me, scissoring them, rubbing them against the front wall of my core until he hit a spot that made me jump away and cry out, but his other hand grabbed my hip and held me firm against his mouth. He began plunging his fingers inside me, rubbing against the small spot of flesh that was so sensitive, and I jerked with each movement. His tongue flicked my clitoris, and I could see his cheeks hollowed out as he sucked hard on my flesh.

The sensations he was drawing out were too strong, too powerful. I heard harsh gasps of breath in the air and realized it was me. My body was quivering and building toward something, a physical release that was so pleasurable it was almost painful. I could feel my inner walls spasming and I tried to draw away, but Bo wouldn’t let me; his tongue and mouth and fingers held me firmly as he drank down my orgasm.

My body felt boneless, and when Bo slid out from between my legs to kneel in front of me, I could only move my eyes, and even that felt like too much of an effort.

“Fucking delicious,” Bo said. His mouth was glistening from me but instead of wiping it off, he brought the fingers that he’d had inside of me and licked them clean. That dirty movement made me so hot that I felt a surge of energy. “I’m gonna want to do that for at least an hour next time.”

Dazed by the second orgasm so close on the heels of my first, I gripped Bo’s biceps and leveraged myself into a sitting position on my knees so we were face to face. His hands slid to my waist to steady me. I applied myself to mapping out more of Bo’s body, memorizing every hill and valley of skin and muscle and sinew and bone. He shuddered when I ran my fingers over his nipple, and his hands tightened on my waist as I pressed my tongue against him. With each lick and press of my mouth and fingers, Bo gave me sensory and auditory feedback. I learned what he liked and where he liked to be touched. What parts were sensitive and what parts were just nice. His sides were sensitive. His breath caught when I licked behind his ears. His knees were ticklish. When his c*ck bobbed up for attention, I looked up at Bo. “Let’s hope you know how to use that monster.”

He threw his head back and laughed with pure pleasure and happiness. “I do. I promise.”

He took charge then, leaning over to shake a condom from his jeans. He rolled down the rubber and then dipped his fingers between my legs to gather some of my natural lubrication. I watched in fascination as he rubbed his fingers over his erection and then as he guided himself between my legs.

“This is an amazing sight, isn’t it?” Bo whispered. I nodded in agreement. It was incredibly erotic. His body was braced over mine, the veins in his big arms standing prominently against the skin. A film of sweat covered his upper torso and arms. Everywhere I looked, I saw Bo’s hard, straining body around me. Above me, beside me, and between my legs.

He slowly eased into me, the wetness of my two orgasms and the sweat of our bodies making his path smooth and slick. I drew up my legs so that he could seat himself even deeper and he groaned his approval. “Fuck yes, Sunshine. Take me deep.”
