Read Books Novel


Unspoken (Woodlands #2)(25)
Author: Jen Frederick

“I hope not.” I frowned. “If you don’t see yourself wanting to be in an office, then you should look for something you do enjoy.”

He glanced at me and rolled onto his back, settling his shoulders against the headboard.

“Come here.” He motioned for me, and when I didn’t immediately move, he pulled me on top of him so I straddled his legs.

“What’s up?” I teased, my hair forming a curtain around us.

“I’m looking for something I enjoy doing” was his smart-ass comeback.

He pushed me lightly on my back so I would press harder against him. Looping my arms around his neck, I asked, “Is it biology or boredom that makes you horny?”

“It was philosophy, and no, you make me horny.”

He moved his h*ps against mine, slowly rocking his hard c*ck against me. I couldn’t hold back the corresponding movement, swaying to meet his gentle thrusts.

His hands cruised slowly up and down my sides, his blue eyes darkening to navy with want. He paused at the bottom of my t-shirt; a question lit his eyes. I lifted my arms in silent assent to his unasked question. Pulling my shirt up, he twisted it in the back so that the cotton caught on my braless br**sts. Then he jerked the shirt up, and my br**sts bounced from the quick release.

He laughed, low and delighted, at the movement. “I love your tits.” He framed them with his hands, pushing them together, a thumb over each small nipple.

“Tits? Nice,” I said a little breathlessly.

“What would you rather I call them? Breasts? Boobies?” His voice was muffled as he pressed his nose and mouth against the plumped-up flesh. “Tatas?” He licked one nipple and looked at me with a wicked, mischievous smile.

“More action, less talk.” I pushed his head back toward to my breast as all thoughts of biology, careers, and class were chased away. He acquiesced and placed his mouth over my breast, sucking in the nipple, rolling it gently between his teeth. He moved from one breast to the other, the cold air replaced by his hot mouth providing a heightened response. I felt like every part of me was standing at attention as he licked and sucked and my body strained to offer itself up to his marauding mouth, tongue, and teeth.

I clutched his head against my chest and moved more quickly, rubbing harder and harder against his cock.

“Use me, Sunshine.” He pushed up against me.

Releasing my br**sts, he dipped one hand beneath my shorts. Feeling the wetness that had pooled between my legs, he groaned. “Fuck.” He rubbed me with the flat of his hand, coating his palm and fingers with my desire. “Pull me out,” he ordered.

I pushed down the thick elastic of his gym shorts. His c*ck was engorged, deep red, almost purple, and pointed straight up in the air. There was a pearlescent drop on the top, and I rubbed my finger across and then tasted the pre-come. Licked it right off my finger as Bo was watching.

Bo’s groan was even louder, and the hand at my waist clenched more tightly.

“You’re doing that on purpose!” he growled at me.

“What?” I tried to look innocent, but with my br**sts bare and his hand down my shorts, that wasn’t an easy feat.

“You know what.”

“We really should be studying,” I admonished. “We have midterms coming up.”

“We’ll study after,” Bo said and rolled me under him.

Sheathing himself with a condom, he sat back on his haunches between my legs.

“I think this should be our biology study,” Bo said absently. He held his cockhead at the entrance of my opening with one hand, rubbing the head in short movements up and down. I moved restlessly as he played with me, but his other hand held firm at my pelvis.

“What?” I gasped. My interest in discussing our class subjects had waned completely. I wanted him to slide right into me and fill me up. I pushed my h*ps up to hurry him along.

“We’re supposed to write about the differences between men and women, right?” I wasn’t sure he required a verbal response. With his attention fixed at the juncture between my legs, I wasn’t sure I was capable of one. I made a “mmhmm” sound, and he went on. “I’m hard. You’re soft. We both have n**ples. I love sucking yours.” He stroked the wet tender folds that surrounded him, eliciting a moan from me. “You’re pink and I’m—” He groped for the right word.

“Plum-colored?” I offered breathlessly, as he teased and spread me open. I wiggled my h*ps a little to invite him to push inside, but he ignored me.

“Yeah, plum-colored,” he murmured. Then he began pushing his broad head inside me, slowly stretching me, rubbing along my sensitive nerves. “Your body stretches to take mine in.”

We both watched as he shallowly shuttled his c*ck in and out of my opening. He pressed down on my pelvis the whole time so that the pressure built swiftly between my legs.

The ache centered between my thighs spread outward until I was engulfed in a web of need.

“Bo, please,” I begged.

“See our differences. How you’re made perfectly right here for my cock?” He teased me some more.

“God, Bo, right now? Do we have to talk biology right now?” I groaned.

“Why, AM, is there something you want?”

I sat up and grabbed him by the shoulders to pull him on top of me. Wrapping my legs around him, I pushed my pelvis up. “Yes, I want you. Inside me. Now.”

He laughed delightedly against my mouth and then kissed me hard. At my plea, he thrust in until he was seated to the hilt. He let out a low moan and stilled for a minute to allow us both to adjust to his size.

Then with one big hand, he lifted my h*ps off the bed and began thrusting inside of me. His other arm was braced alongside my head. I turned and licked the sweat and salt off his forearm. I widened my thighs, allowing him to sink even deeper, and wrapped my legs around his waist, resting my ankles on the top of his firm buttocks.

He dipped his head and sucked hard on my neck, his mouth moving frantically across my skin. He sought my lips and kissed me. His tongue moved in rhythm to his thrusts, stroking me hard and fast. I held on, sucking on his tongue, matching his rhythm as best I could. But soon the tension he had so skillfully wrought had me gasping, until all I could do was hold on to him as his h*ps moved more quickly and became more forceful.

My only thought was more, more, more until I just wasn’t capable of thought at all. I bit down on his shoulder to prevent myself from crying out and locked my legs around him to keep all that delicious feeling in. Dimly I registered a corresponding moan in the pillow by my head, but I was too caught up in the whirlwind of fervid heat skittering across every cell in my body. As I floated down off my high, I reveled in the warmth and weight of his body pressed to mine. He made an attempt to detach from me, but I only clenched him tighter.

“I’m too heavy,” he whispered in my ear.

I protested. I didn’t need to breathe, but he rolled off instead, taking care of the condom by using his t-shirt and then rolling back to my side. “I take it back. Biology does make me horny,” he huffed.

I stifled a laugh and looked at him. His eyes glinted with mischief, and I knew that the next time we were in class he’d be thinking about this, and I’d grow hot thinking about him examining me. And it’d be an endless feedback loop of lust, but I couldn’t care less, so I grinned right back at him and let the love and lust I had for him shine right through.

Chapter Twenty


WE DID MANAGE TO GET in some studying that afternoon, and Bo thought we should reward ourselves by going out.

Ellie and Ryan suggested going to the party house. The party house was a big house rented out by six or seven guys on the opposite end of campus near Greek Street. They charged a cover and made you pay for premium alcohol, but unlike the fraternities, there was no list to get in, so it was a good mix of Greeks and non-Greeks at any one time. The only downside, of course, was that you had to pay for decent liquor or be content with drinking really watered-down keg beer.

I hadn’t been to the party house since freshman year, first semester, but emboldened by the large friendly crowd in my apartment, I capitulated. Bo looked worriedly at me.

“She’s stronger than any of us,” Ellie assured Bo, and I blushed as he nodded his agreement.

Bo reached over and kissed me on the forehead. “It’ll be all good, Sunshine.” I’m not sure if he was reassuring himself or me.

Ellie beamed at Bo’s endearment for me, like she was my proud mother.

I WALKED INTO THE PARTY house with Ellie, Bo, and Ryan. We paid for the shots of Jager that they poured and made everyone drink as part of the admission. No one seemed to recognize me, and the ordinariness of it, along with the shot, gave me a false sense of security. The rear rooms of the party house weren’t entirely full yet. The party seemed to be in its early stages.

There was no DJ mixing music, only a playlist of hip-hop, pop, and dance music cycling through. I guessed the DJ came later. We moved through the room toward the back deck and saw a few hardcore smokers blowing rings into the cold night air. I shivered just looking at them.

My back was to the room so I didn’t see him approach, only heard him stupidly mocking me in front of Bo.

“So you’re going for the easy p**sy now?”

I turned and saw Clay in a long-sleeved t-shirt, faded Greek letters stenciled in artful decay across the front. Bo turned on him immediately.

“Did I hear you wanted to be sucking your own dick?”

I grabbed Bo’s arm before it could jettison into the stupid asshat’s face. It wasn’t anything I hadn’t heard before, and it was one of the reasons why I stayed away from the campus party scene. There were plenty of bars and other places to go that didn’t involve everyone who thought they knew my business.

“Come on, Bo,” I whispered. I wanted to get out of there before we were in the middle of a scene. God only knew what rumors would develop from a fight between Bo and Clay with me standing right here. Bo looked at me and flexed his fist. I silently pleaded for him to let it go. He unfisted his hand and mouthed, “For you.” We turned to walk out.

“You know she’s called Typhoid Mary, right,” he called after us. “Because you never know what kind of disease she’s carrying.”

The girl next to him chimed in. “I bet your crotch could sustain a semester’s worth of laboratory study. Is that why you took biology this year? So you could test out exactly what kind of diseases you have?”

My cheeks burned. The name-calling and jeering should’ve been expected, but it was just so humiliating and unfair to have the untruths half-shouted in a large room. I wanted to leave. Hot tears pricked at my eyes, but I wasn’t going to let those motherfuckers see me cry. I stiffened my spine and walked determinedly to the door, not caring at this point whether Bo was with me or not. I couldn’t see the cluster of people around me, only felt the quietude of the crowd, as if they were all settling in to watch a drama.

“Who are you?” Ellie advanced on the girl and got right up into her face.

“R-Rebecca.” She shrank back despite the height difference. Ellie’s ferocity made up for her lack of size. Rebecca wasn’t so brave in the face of my tiny dragon.

“Rebecca who?”


Ellie gave Rebecca a long look and spoke so confidently it was like she could see into the future.

“Rebecca Anderson, ten years from now you’re going to look back on this year, and it will be the pinnacle of your life. You’ll be married to some douche bag who’s cheating on you with his secretary. You’ll have no friends. Everyone who calls themselves your friend will be regaling each other with how you’re being shit on by your husband, that your kids don’t like you, and that the last plastic surgery you had done in Palm Springs was so botched it makes you look like you’re wearing perma-surprise.” Ellie’s tongue was so vicious I was vaguely surprised Rebecca was still standing upright. She burst into tears and tried to get comfort from Clay, but he was too busy looking warily at Bo.

“You want to fight me, little boy?” Bo taunted. He had stopped next to by Ellie, and they were both trying to fight for me, but what was the use? Put out one fire and five more would pop up. It just wasn’t worth it. “Put up. Otherwise, you’re just some blowhard who tries to compensate for his tiny dick by making girls who’ve turned him down feel small.”

I closed my eyes. The whole situation was spiraling out of control. Bo strode toward me, and this time instead of feeling protected, I felt like a target. I had no doubt that Clay would be making good on all his threats. Roger would be getting a phone call this weekend about the fact that his daughter was the campus whore. I choked down the bile climbing the back of my throat.

“Come on, Bo, he’s not worth it. No blowhard is.”

“Ah, honey, I’ll fight even dickheads for free, and frankly we both know he’s all talk and no action. I’m thinking the only time he forms a fist is to jerk it at pictures on the Internet.”
