Read Books Novel


His fingers are twitching, even though he’s standing perfectly still. They’re just there, twitching.

“Is everything okay?”

“Here we fucking go again,” he snaps, angrily trying to kick his shoe off.

“York ...”

“Fuck,” he bellows at the shoe, pulling his leg back and launching it forward so hard the shoe goes flying off. I have to duck so it doesn’t collide with my head.

It hits the headboard, and for a second, I stay with my head down, arms over it, wondering what the hell just happened. After a moment, I lift my head and see he hasn’t even noticed he nearly took me out with his shoe, but instead is angrily kicking off the second one.

“Stupid mother fucking cunt of a shoe.”

I blink.

What the hell?

“York, you nearly hit me with that shoe.”

“It was a fucking accident,” he snaps.

My hands shake, and I tuck them into my lap. “I’m worried about you.”

He looks up at me, his eyes zoning in sharp and angry. “Well, don’t be worried about me. Be worried about the fact that I’m getting sick and fucking tired of you asking if I’m fucking okay all the time.”

“Why are you swearing so much?”

He makes a low, angry, growling sound in his throat, and mutters, “Fucking women.”

Who is this man? Seriously. Who the hell is he?

“York,” I try again, even though I feel incredibly uneasy. “Please don’t say things like that to me.”

He ignores me, walking to the side of the bed and sliding in. I’m not really used to him sleeping with me these days, because I’m always awake before he gets home. I’ve missed him, I’ve missed cuddling him, making love to him, kissing him and being with him. I’ve really just missed him.

“It’s nice having you back,” I try, figuring it’s best not to upset him further. Maybe he’s just really tired.

I can’t imagine how hard it would be working night shift all the time.

“I’m tired. Unless we’re going to fuck, can you zip it?”

I blink.

It takes me a long moment to process what he just said.

Never, in the entire three years we’ve been together, has he ever spoken to me like that. So many thoughts and words swirl around in my head, but honestly, none of them seem to want to move to my lips to escape. I’m numb. Completely shocked. I stare at the man lying beside me, hands up behind his head, eyes closed.

Acting like he didn’t say a single thing wrong.

It didn’t bother him at all.

Not even a little bit.

I lie back, shaky, confused, not really sure how to proceed. It takes me a solid half an hour to calm my racing heart. By that time, York is snoring beside me. I turn and stare at him, looking at all the lines and features of his face, memorizing the man I love so dearly.

And I do.

I do love him.

So I know I have to find a way to figure this out once and for all.

Otherwise, I might lose him.





The knocking at my door has me narrowing my eyes. Who would be here so early? I glance at the clock on the counter. It’s just after seven in the morning, and it’s been a long, long, long night. Rae has finally stopped throwing up and has gone to bed. Rubbing my eyes, I walk over to the door and open it to see Jack standing there, two coffee cups in his hands.

I blink.

“Hey,” he says, eyes dropping to my oversized shirt that I’m only wearing panties beneath.

“You’re at my house,” I say, my voice sleepy. “At seven in the morning. With coffee.”

He thrusts a coffee at me. “I told you, my stalking skills are incredible. I bet I even got your coffee right.”

I narrow my eyes at him, and take a sip. White. Sweet. Just how I like it.

“I’m concerned for you,” I respond. “But thank you.”

“Are you going to invite me in? I had to drag my ass out of bed early to get you that, I should at least be able to come and sit at your counter and snoop through your things, maybe get a free pair of panties for my collection.”

I snort. “I seriously wonder about you. And you can come in, but be warned, there was a very sick pregnant girl throwing her shit up everywhere last night.”

He shrugs. “Doesn’t bother me. Open wide, let me check out this pad.”

Rolling my eyes, I push the door open and he steps in. He smells amazing, and it hasn’t escaped my notice that his hair is still damp from an obvious recent shower. He’s wearing a pair of black jeans and a grey tee. He looks casual, yet incredibly hot.

“So,” he says, stopping just inside my door. “This your place?”

“No, it’s the neighbor’s place, I just crashed it so you couldn’t find out where I really lived,” I respond sarcastically.

He laughs and turns to look at me. “I mean, do you own it?”

“No,” I scoff. “Gross.”

His brows go up. “It’s not so bad.”

Now my brows go up. “I knew it, I knew it all along. You’re blind, aren’t you?”

He grins at me. “Come on, a coat of paint, a few rugs and it would be good as new.”

I scrunch up my nose.

“Okay, a match would be a better choice.”

My lips twitch.

“Nearly a smile, I’m onto something here.”

I walk past him, hiding my smile, and place my coffee cup on the kitchen counter. “So, considering I actually know nothing about you, it’s somewhat creepy that you’re here and we’re just casually chatting over coffee at seven in the morning.”

He comes up beside me. “Everyone has to get to know people somehow. This is how people bond. If you don’t believe me, Google it.”

I snort. “I could be anyone. Hell, I could be a man for all you know.”

His brows go up. “Are you a male? Because you’re pretty enough that I might just be interested if you are.”

I flush at his compliment and then roll my eyes at his joke.

He grins. “You just blushed.”

I grunt and sip my coffee. “I did not. That was my cheeks getting red because I’m embarrassed for you.”

“Who is he?”

We both turn at the voice, and see Rae standing at the entrance into the living room, staring at Jack. She doesn’t say hello or introduce herself, she just comes in with demands. Always with the demands. I’m not in the mood for her attitude this morning, especially with a friend around.
