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“You got everything?” Jack asks, throwing my bag into the back of his truck.

“I think so,” I say, rubbing my arms. “I’ve never been sailing.”

“As long as you have plenty of cool, light things to wear, like dresses and swim suits, you’ll be fine.”

“I have all that.”

“Then you’ll be fine. Jump in. We’re riding with Molly and Roman. We had to rock paper scissors over who got stuck with Quinn and Phoenix, and it must be our lucky day, because my brother Diesel and his girlfriend Mercedes got him.”

I laugh. “Thank god.”

He chuckles and opens the door for me. I slide into the car and look over at the back, where Molly and Roman are snuggled together, one of her legs casually thrown over his lap, his arm slung around her shoulder.

“Hey, guys,” I say, giving them a little wave.

“Hey, chicky,” Molly smiles. “You ready for this?”

I smile nervously. “I’m not sure what I’m in for, so it’s hard to answer that.”

“Don’t worry, it’s Roman’s first time, too. You two can be afraid together.”

Roman snorts. “I’ve seen enough from you, I’m not sure anything could scare me now.”

“Don’t bet on it,” she teases him, pinching his arm lightly.

He snaps his teeth at her, to which she curls her fingers into his hair and brings him forward for a kiss. Right. I turn and face the front as Jack slides in. He looks back at the two of them making out and clears his throat. “This is not some porn taxi, or a place where you can get down and dirty. Separate.”

Molly laughs as she pulls away from Roman. “I love when you get bossy.”

Jack flips her the bird. “If I catch you eating his face again, I’ll throw you out of the car.”

“By all means, throw her out,” Roman teases, and Molly thumps him again.

“You love me, you doodle.”

I giggle.

“About as much as a thorn stuck deep, deep in my foot.” He grins down at her.

“Don’t worry about those two,” Jack says. “They’re about as serious as a comedian.”

“They’re cute,” I say, crossing my legs on the chair.

“They’re annoying.”

I roll my eyes.

“Who is ready to hit the road?” Jack calls.

“I am!” Molly cries.

“God help us,” Roman mutters.

“Let’s do this,” I say with a deep breath.

“All right, let’s do this indeed.”

Jack starts the truck and we pull out onto the road, heading in the direction of the highway that’ll lead us towards the coast. The second we’re on the main stretch, Molly starts singing.

“Ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall ...”

“I swear to God, Molly, I will throw you out of this car myself,” Roman says, his voice light with humour.

“I’d like to see you try.”

“I’d help him,” Jack says. “I’m fairly sure Baylee would, too. Nobody likes that song.”

“Yeah,” Molly says with a giggle, “well, nobody likes you either, Jack.”

“Come on now.” Jack laughs. “Baylee likes me.”

“I don’t know,” I say with a laugh. “I’m starting to think I’d rather hear the song.”

“Ohhhh, burned,” Molly squeals as Roman pinches her leg.

“You wound me, sweetheart.”

I grin at Jack and his smile gets huge. “Like it when you grin like that.”

My heart flutters.

“I think we can find some better music, so we don’t have to listen to Molly’s amazing singing the whole way,” I say lightly, playing with the radio.

“Aw, come on, it isn’t that bad!” Molly says.

“You ought to hear her in the shower, it’s like a cat getting strangled.” Roman laughs.

“I will beat you down, Roman,” she threatens.

“Try it,” he says, his voice low and husky.

“God. You two turn everything into sex talk. Animals,” Jack mutters.

I laugh and settle on a station, turning it up.

Molly starts singing along.

Roman is right, it does sound like a cat being strangled.

But it’s the best damned sound I’ve heard in a long time, so I kick back and let her torment the entire car with her incredibly painful sound.

We travel like that, with Molly singing on and off, and then finally falling asleep against Roman’s shoulder for about three hours before we stop for gas. We all pile out of the car, leaving Molly to sleep and go inside to get some snacks. There are two other trucks travelling with us, and I realise I’ll finally get to meet Jack’s older brother, Diesel.

I spot him right away.

It’s hard not to. He’s nearly an exact replica of Mack. By his side, he has a gorgeous blond that looks tiny compared to his tall, well-built frame. He’s got the same skin, the same dark hair, and the same Native American eyes that take your breath away. He walks over to where Jack and I are standing, and I just stare at him. Wow. This family has some seriously good genetics; I can’t deny it.

“Little bro,” he says, clapping Jack on the shoulder before his eyes swing to me. “This must be Baylee. Hey, I’m Diesel, and this is my girl, Mercedes.”

“Hi,” I say, extending a hand. “Nice to meet you.”

He takes my hand, his long fingers curling around it. He’s scary, like his dad, but not in the usual way. It’s a subtle strength, one that radiates off him. You know you wouldn’t mess with them. They don’t have massive muscles, or tattoos, but there is something that screams don’t fuck with me.

“Gosh, you’re so pretty!” Mercedes says, stepping forward and throwing her arms around me. “It’s so nice to meet you. Just think, one day we might be sisters.”

I giggle, I can’t help it. She’s funny. And cute. Cute as hell.

“Jesus, Mercy, you’ve barely said five words to the girl, slow it down,” Jack grumbles, crossing his arms.

“Aw, Jack, don’t kill my buzz.”

“It’s okay.” I laugh. “It’s nice to meet you, Mercedes.”
