Read Books Novel


“I do!” Quinn calls.

“Of course you fuckin’ do,” Diesel mutters.

“Remember, if you’ve done it, you have to drink,” Molly says, wiggling her brows at everyone before looking to Roman. “Sooo?”

He sighs, runs a hand through his hair and says, “Well, there was this one time ...”

“Oh, my God, Roman!” she squeals, pressing her hands over her mouth. “That’s it. We’re over. I can’t. I can’t even. If you’ve peed on someone, I just ... I just ...”

Roman bursts out laughing. “I haven’t peed on anyone, you fucking nut job.”

Molly exhales, pressing a hand to her chest. “Thank God. I was worried. I mean, I’ve had your ... you know ... in my mouth ...”

Everyone bursts out laughing.

“God. Molly. Gross,” Matilda groans. “We do not need that image.”

Roman looks to Molly. “So we won’t tell her about the time we borrowed her car and—”

Molly slaps Roman and then the two of them burst out laughing.

“What?” Matilda says, pressing her hands to her hips. “If you spoofed somewhere in my car, Roman, I swear to god I’ll nut you.”

Molly is laughing so hard now, her whole body shakes. Roman grins at her, then looks to Matilda. “Just don’t get too handsy with that steering wheel if you know what I mean.”

“Dammit, Roman, you better be kidding!” Matilda squeaks, pressing her hands over her eyes.

“You’ll never know.” He winks at her.

“Anyway,” Mercy laughs. “That was wildly entertaining, and considering nobody drank, I’m assuming we’re all safe from having peed on other people. Who is next?”

“Considering you broke the wild horses and got them to stop talking about spoof,” Jack says with a laugh, “I’m saying you. Go.”

Mercy looks around the group, and her eyes fall on Quinn. “Truth or dare.”

He claps his hands happily, clearly excited about the chance to have a turn. I can’t wipe the smile off my face, they’re all so funny. So easy going. So great.


“Ohhh.” Mercy grins. “I like an adventurous spirit.”

Diesel snorts beside her.

“Okay, let me think.”

She presses a hand to her chin and looks around for a while, before a huge smile spreads across her face. “There’s four girls sitting about twenty metres down the beach, they’ve been looking over here for a while. I want you to take your pants off, but leave your shirt on, and just stroll over and ask them to join us.”

Quinn glances down the beach, and a huge grin spreads across his face. “And if they join us?”

“Then you get to hit me with double truth or dare.” Mercy winks.

“You’re on.”

My cheeks flush as Quinn stands, drops his shorts like there isn’t a group of people sitting right next to him, and turns, strutting down the beach, bare bum on view for the world to see. Everyone is laughing so hard. Even me. My stomach hurts from the shaking. He’s confident in himself, I’ll give him that much.

We all watch as he stops in front of the girls, puts his hands on his hips and starts talking to them. There is a good deal of giggling happening, and their eyes constantly drop to what is obviously hanging right in their faces.

“The fucker is going to pull it off,” Jack says between laughs.

“That’s because we boys were blessed with great, big—”

“Phoenix!” Kaylee says, flushing. “Don’t you dare say that word.”

“C’mon, Kay, if you’ve got it, flaunt it.”

Diesel snorts.

“He did it, the shifty little fucker did it,” Matilda mumbles, shaking her head.

We all watch as the four girls follow Quinn, and his bare ass, back to the fire we’re all sitting around. He winks at Mercy, and then leans down, in slow motion, so we all get a great view of his goods. I look down at my hands, because, well, awkward.

“Put your pants on, dickhead,” Diesel grunts. “You’re scaring us.”

“Ladies,” Phoenix says, standing and strutting over. “I’m Phoenix, his better half, the stronger egg, the fastest sperm. I like to think I was the egg that was chosen to be split in half, and he was simply produced from me. And yes, I’m equally as well endowed.”

Hysterical laughter fills the night.

These boys.

This family.

I can’t get enough of them.





“Truth or dare,” Jack says to me, his voice soft, his eyes heavy from alcohol.

He looks relaxed. Gorgeous. So incredibly gorgeous.

“I don’t trust any of you and your dares,” I say softly, my voice lazy from alcohol, too. “So, truth.”

He grins and rubs his chin, as if he’s deep in thought. “Let me see, what do I want to know the most about you?”

“Keep it clean, Jack,” Matilda says. “She’s a nice girl.”

Jack looks to me, and rolls his eyes. I can’t help but laugh.

“Yeah, do go easy on me, I’m shy,” I say, just loud enough that he can hear.

“Okay, truth,” he begins. “What’s the most awkward date you’ve ever had?”

He’s going easy on me, thank god. If he asked about sex, I might have just died. I think about his question for a minute, but I already have an answer. I’ll never forget the date for as long as I live.

“Well, when I was about seventeen, I went on a date with this guy from school. He was so hot, so gorgeous, the boy that everyone wanted. You know the one?”

All the girls nod.

“Anyway, he asked me out. Me! I was so excited. I got all dressed up, and we went to this local seafood restaurant. I honestly thought I was the luckiest girl in the world. Seriously, I couldn’t get over it. I just sat there, staring at him. He seemed off, and was squirming quite a bit, but I was so fixated on him, I didn’t pay a great deal of attention, until suddenly ...”

I pause for effect and everyone leans in.

“What? What?” Molly cries. “Share!”

“He farted. It wasn’t just a small, tiny sound. It came out so loud, the entire restaurant stopped eating and just stared. That wasn’t the worst part, though. No. It was the smell. It was so bad. So. Bad. I can’t even describe it. This handsome, popular jock, literally farted during dinner.”
