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“God,” he growls. “You feel so fucking good.”

Feeling a little more confident, I rotate my hips in a deeper circle. With every groan of pleasure from Jack, my own pleasure increases. I begin trying different things, until I find a slow rotation that lights that familiar fire inside me. Gasping, I place my hands on my thighs and keep going, arching back, moving a little quicker. Jack’s hands join mine on my hips, and together, we move, his hips occasionally thrusting upward and sending a bolt of pleasure through me.

“I’m going to,” I gasp. “Oh. Jack.”

I explode with a whimper and a gasp. My body tightens and then unravels in the most incredible way. Jack makes a pleased sound in his throat, and I keep moving, keeping the pace, even though every stroke now sends a sensitive shot of pleasure right to my core. A few more minutes later, Jack’s fingers tighten around me and he rasps out a, “Fuck,” before making that sound I know I’m going to learn to love deep down in his throat.

The sound of his release. The sound of pleasure.

There is nothing better.

When we’ve both come down from an incredible high, I roll off and turn into his open, waiting arms. He tucks me into him, and God, he smells incredible.

“You’re amazing,” he breathes, his voice low and sexy.

“So are you,” I whisper. “I’m so glad I met you, Jack.”

His fingers glide through my hair. “Not as glad as I am.”

I smile.

This feels so incredibly right.

So. Incredibly. Right.


Rubbing my eyes, I step into my apartment after my shift. I’m exhausted. It was a long, draining, busy night at work. Closing the front door behind me, I flick on the light. Rae is nowhere to be seen. She’s been sleeping a good deal these days, her pregnancy finally weighing her down enough to keep her addiction mostly under wraps. She barely has the energy to go hunting for a fix.

Her moods still swing up and down, though.

And there are days I know she’s suffering. I believe she’s still getting drugs from a source, but I can’t seem to find who that is no matter how hard I try to investigate. I’ve tried to talk to her. Tried to explain the dangers of what she’s doing to her body and to her baby, but talking to Rae is liking talking to a wall.

So, I’ve done the only thing I can think of, I’ve kept her in as much as I can, knowing she doesn’t have the energy to gallivant around on her own.

I move into the kitchen, placing my things down and flicking on the coffee maker. Strangely enough, having a cup before bed actually helps me sleep. I’m starting to wonder about the benefits of coffee. While I wait for it, I go down the hall and into my bedroom to kick off my shoes.

The moment I step in, I know something is wrong.

I guess years of living in fear and waiting for the penny to drop constantly gives a person a strong sense of feeling when something isn’t right. And right now, in my room, something isn’t right. With trembling hands, I do a quick once over. I can’t see anything that stands out, it doesn’t seem anyone is in here, but the feeling doesn’t ease.

Hesitantly, I move towards the closet, peering inside.

It’s empty.

I let my eyes scan over everything once more, only this time, from a different angle, I see it. A piece of folded paper slipped underneath my lamp. With a pounding heart I can feel in my head, I move to it, taking it out with trembling fingers. I unfold the note, and what I read has my blood running cold.

You didn’t think you could hide from me, did you, Maddie? Guess what? I found you.



My eyes dart around the room again, and then I turn and run out, calling, “Rae!”

I reach her room, shoving the door open. She’s asleep in her bed, hands tucked beneath her face. I rush over to her, staring down at the rise and fall of her chest. She’s okay. She’s okay. She’s okay.

Which means he came in here, and he left her be.

It’s me he wants.

Panic grips my chest, and I run out to the kitchen, fumbling around for the phone. Terror, so familiar, settles in my chest. Is he still in my house? Oh, God. How did he get in? How did he find us? Tears burn under my eyelids, and I can’t breathe as I dial Maddox’s number. He answers on the second ring.

“What’s wrong?”

“He ... he ... he ...”

“Breathe, Baylee, and tell me what’s wrong.”

“He was in my house. He left a note.”

“Fuck. Fuck. Don’t move. Lock the doors. We’ll be right there.”

He hangs up the phone, and I lower myself down, pressing my back against the counter, too terrified to move. Every single noise has my heart launching out of my chest and my tears falling harder. Only when I hear the rumble of Harley Davidson’s coming to a stop outside my apartment do I feel even remotely better. I take a deep, staggering breath and push to my feet to let them in when they knock.

“Show me the note,” Maddox says the second he steps through the door followed by Krypt and Tyke.

With trembling fingers, I hand over the small, folded piece of paper. Maddox glances down at it, his eyes scanning over the page, then he looks up. “You checked the rest of the house?” he asks me, eyes kind but firm.

“I was too afraid,” I whisper, my voice too shaky to use. “I didn’t want to move.”

“Good call,” he murmurs, nodding to Krypt and Tyke who move away instantly and start walking through the house. “Is the pregnant girl still here?”

“Yes, she’s sleeping. She seems unharmed. I don’t think he touched her when he came in or she even knows he was here, which means he was after me and me only.”

“That’s what I’m worried about. Go and wake her up, pack a bag, you’re coming to the club. However this creep got into your house, he did it slipping past us and I’m not comfortable with that, at all. So, get the girl, pack up; I need you both somewhere I can protect you properly until I find this guy.”

“But ...” I say, my panic setting in. “Jack.”

Maddox’s eyes hold mine, and they’re gentle, but I know whatever he’s about to say is going to leave room for no argument. “He needs to know now. You’re not safe. He has that right.”


Maddox is right, Jack does deserve to know. I know he’ll be upset at me, though. I should have told him from the start, but I didn’t. He deserved that trust from me and I didn’t give it. Now I’m in danger, and his club is not only going to have to protect me, but they’re going to have to put me up in their clubhouse, too.
