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Vampires Need Not...Apply?

Vampires Need Not…Apply? (Accidentally Yours #4)(10)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

That sounds fishy. Though no one knew for certain, everyone believed Zac was the God of Love. However, except under very specific circumstances, it was prohibited for a god to use his or her powers on another of their brethren without permission. This was one of their most sacred laws, right up there with time travel. A big, giant no-no. So had Zac been using his powers on Penelope?

“Look at me.” Penelope did, and Ixtab gazed deeply into her eyes.

Hmmm… She didn’t see any odd-looking colors or residuals that might indicate foul play, but this wasn’t her area of expertise. She did note, however, a gray tint coating Penelope’s aura. So much sadness. “I’m going to help you feel better.”

Penelope bobbed her head slowly.

Ixtab took a deep breath and visualized the empty cells inside her body. She willed them to open their arms to Penelope’s darkness. Ixtab gripped Penelope’s shoulder. “Teen uk’al k’iinam. Teen uk’al yah.” I drink your ache. I drink your pain.

Penelope’s body stiffened and then collapsed as it released the darkness enveloping her spirit. Ixtab scooped her up, carried her to the bed, and laid her down as the transfer completed.

“What did you do to me?” Penelope gazed up at Ixtab with wide eyes.

Such a lovely soul.

Ixtab smiled beneath her curtain of black lace. “That was my gift to help you through the next few days.” She turned to leave. “Oh, and Penelope?”


“You should know… I felt your baby’s light, and it is pure love. That means Kinich is your true soul mate. Now you have no reason to doubt that everything will work out.”

Ixtab left before Penelope saw the sadness over take her. Penelope’s despair, now circulating inside Ixtab’s body, was profound, the type only encountered when true love was in jeopardy. How had Penelope been functioning with such heaviness in her heart?

Such a brave creature.

Ixtab headed straight for the garage. She’d need to find at least three country-club members tonight.

Chapter Cinco

Roberto the Ancient One’s Secret Lair

“Wow, baby. I’m lovin’ this glazed doughnut. Ummm…” Swinging her hips, Cimil took a large bite in front of the camera as she ironed cape number 520.

Sitting on his burgundy velvet love seat just a few feet away, Roberto’s eyes widened into ravenous orbs.

“Oh, you like that, huh?” She smiled. “Or is it this that you like?” She turned to show him the skimpy backside of her shiny pink bikini.

He nodded like a hungry dog.

“Thought so,” she said. “Well, Cimil’s got a big, yummy treat for you, my little, tasty vamp—”

The alarm on Roberto’s watch buzzed.

“Okay,” Cimil said. “That’s a wrap.”

Roberto stared.

“Oh, come on,” she said. “Shut the camera off. We’re done.”

Roberto stared.

“No. We are not ha**ng s*x on camera.”

Roberto stared.

“Because the last time I did that, the video went viral, and I didn’t even get a damned penny! Now turn that thing off, we have work to do. There are only a few days left before our next big move.”

Roberto sighed and flipped the switch on the camera mounted to a tripod in the corner of the room.

“Hey, watch your language,” Cimil barked. “This YouTube thing was your idea. And I have to admit, a very good one. The others don’t suspect a thing, but seriously? How can anyone believe I could be your prisoner?”

Roberto shrugged his brows.

“Yes, yes. Because you’re brilliant,” she said. “And convincing all the vampires they needed to go to Euro Disney was a stroke of genius. Now the pressure’s really on Ixtab to open that portal. By the way, your ability to forge the dead queen’s hand is phenomenal. What other hidden talents do you have?”

Roberto stood next to the camera and eyed her body like a vampire lollipop.

“Oh, really…? Okay, we can have sex, but I get to be anchor on the trapeze this time.”

Roberto nodded.

“Gods, you rock, though not as much as me.” Cimil snickered and headed for the door. “Turn the iron off, would ya? Don’t want to burn down the place.”

Roberto did as he was told.

Cimil’s cell phone vibrated on the nightstand. “Oh! That must be the incubus!” She picked up the cell and read the text. “Oh, it’s actually our friends, the Maaskab! They say they’ve received my message and agree to the trade.”

She began typing: Fabulous! I’ll meet you at the incubus’s estate as planned. The tablet will be yours. Can’t wait. Hugs. Kisses. Many evil thoughts.

She put the phone down and Roberto grunted.

“Yep!” she replied. “It’s all going like clockwork. Now, where were we? Ah, yes! Let’s swing.”

Chapter Seis

January 5. Two Days Later

Heart pounding, palms sweating, Ixtab cracked open the door of the physicist’s apartment unsure of what she might find.

“Hello? Is anyone here?” The place was supposedly unoccupied at the moment, but with her luck, there’d be some random, hot best friend apartment sitting, waiting to accidentally bump into her.


No reply.

Ixtab stepped inside and closed the door. What the hell was she doing there? She didn’t really know, but after the four-hour flight, she’d found herself telling the driver to head straight for Helena’s building near Central Park, instead of the hospital to help Mr. Acero. Perhaps she wasn’t ready to see the man who so closely resembled Francisco—the man she once loved. Perhaps a part of her wondered if her demons might chase her for eternity. But perhaps, just perhaps, she’d come to his apartment for another reason all together: hope.

She slid off her veil, draped it on the coat hook, and inspected the living room. Nothing much to see there: gleaming hardwood floors, large flat screen, glass coffee table, and a navy-blue leather couch. Aside from the air being a bit stale and the decorum seriously lacking a woman’s touch, the place was nondescript. And remarkably tidy for a single male.

She passed by a large beveled mirror mounted to the wall and caught her reflection. She looked… awful. No, her overall appearance never changed, not really, but her long, chocolate-brown hair, turquoise eyes, and bronzed skin seemed noticeably duller, as if she’d been soaked in chlorine or left to fade in the sun. Her lack of enthusiasm for life was finally catching up to her.
