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Vampires Need Not...Apply?

Vampires Need Not…Apply? (Accidentally Yours #4)(24)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

An agonizing wail burst from Kinich’s mouth and flames exploded from his lips. He dropped to the floor, taking Julie down with him.

Holy shit.

Within seconds the flames died, but Kinich lay writhing in pain.

Ixtab stripped away her veil and handed it to Julie.

Julie paused for a moment and gaped at Ixtab.

“Here. Press it to Penelope’s neck.” Ixtab wiggled the veil in front of Julie’s face.

Julie blinked and then turned her attention to Penelope and inspected her neck. “It’s just a scratch. Are you okay, baby?”

Penelope burst out with hysterical laughter, tears pouring from her eyes.

Lips charred and resembling two lumps of coal, Kinich sat up. He stared at the wall like he’d been thumped over the head with a flaming sledgehammer.

“Mind telling me what’s so funny, Penelope?” Ixtab asked, catching her breath and seriously trying not to freak. Yes, gods freaked. More often than any one of them would ever admit.

“He can’t drink my—my—oh, God, it’s just so funny!” She rolled from side to side on her back. “He can’t bite me. I’ve got sunlight flowing through my veins. I’m Kryptonite!”

Ixtab scratched her head and exchanged glances with Julie. All this time, Penelope had been right; Kinich couldn’t hurt her. The Universe had seen to that. How was it possible that a quasi-mortal got one leg up on her in the “right department”?

Penelope stopped laughing and looked at Kinich. Potent beams of fury radiated from her eyes toward his.

“Well, I’m sure you two have a lot to catch up on.” Julie scrambled to her feet and looked at Ixtab. “Let’s give them some privacy.”

“But—Uhh… is it safe to leave her alone?” Ixtab asked.

“I think the question is, is it safe for him?” Julie replied.

“You son of a bitch!” Penelope dove straight for Kinich and began pounding his chest with her fists, causing tiny bursts of fireballs.

Hopefully Helena and Niccolo had ample fire insurance for the building.

Ixtab made for the door behind Julie while Penelope let loose with a verbal avalanche of “How dare yous” and “You damned idiot! Don’t you ever leave me again!” and “What the hell were you thinking becoming a vampire?… I’ll kill you myself if you ever pull that crap again” and “How could you bite me! Jerk!”

Ixtab followed Penelope’s mother out into the hall and closed the front door.

“I heard screaming from upstairs.” Viktor rounded the corner, panting. “What’s going on? Does the f**king drama ever stop around here?”

Julie chuckled. “Kinich bit Penelope and got a dose of sunshine. Now she’s giving him a dose of her mind.”

Viktor smiled, pulled Julie into his arms, and bent over to lavish her neck with kisses. “This is excellent news, my love. I adore happy endings.”

“Oh. Me, too,” she said with a breathy voice. “Did I tell you that ex-angels specialize in the art of happy endings? My tongue is really—”

Ick. Ick. Ick. Vampire love. Ick.

Number six: watching vampires kiss is like watching two corpses make out.

“Sorry to interrupt your ewy-gooey undead moment, but how’s Antonio?” Ixtab asked.

The shift in Viktor’s eyes from sky to navy blue said it all: not good.

“Christ. Is he dead?” Ixtab asked. “I mean, I know he’s dead—or undead—whatever—but is something wrong? Shouldn’t he be awake?”

The look on his face told her that he hadn’t a clue. Once again, Ixtab’s own darkness filled her cells. Why did the thought of Antonio not surviving affect her so strongly?

Because we need him to open the portal and save your other stupid brother and Helena’s ex–vampire hubby so we can kick the Maaskab’s rear ends once and for all.

Yes. That must be it.

“I don’t want to give you false hope, but I believe Antonio still has a chance,” Viktor said. “I do not see any signs of true death.”

Julie squinted at Ixtab as if trying to see behind her veil. “You okay, honey?” She reached for Ixtab, but Viktor swatted her hand away.

“Do not touch her. Ever. She is poison, my love,” he said.

“Viktor, honey,” Julie protested, “that was very rude. Besides, I saw her without the veil, and she’s really—”

“No,” Ixtab interrupted, “it’s true. I am poison. I’m a monster. You shouldn’t ever touch me.” Ixtab held out her hands to drive the point home. Her skin was gray. Disgusting.

She turned toward the stairwell. “I need to go out for a few hours. Call me if there’s any news of Antonio.”

* * *

Antonio felt a burning sensation in his eyes. Fire. They were on fire! As was his entire body. He rolled to his side in agony and landed on the hard floor with a thump. The bright light above blinded him. Wait. I can feel my… eyes?

He jumped to his feet and slammed his back against the wall, his head whipping from side to side. He was in his bedroom. “Caray. I can see.”

Not only that, but he could hear and smell and feel the tiniest of vibrations in the air. He ran to the window and threw it open. “Sí! I can see!” He sucked in a lung-full of cool evening air. He tasted the city on his tongue—hot dogs roasting on the corner, the rose-scented perfume of a woman walking her dog nineteen stories below on the sidewalk, a couple sipping hot chocolate in the park just across the way.

“I’m back. I’m f**king back!” he bellowed from the window.

And I’m hungry. Really damned hungry. And what the hell was that exquisite smell? He breathed deeply. Ocean. Car fumes. A bakery. Garbage. And…

Vanilla laced with daisies.

His eyes scanned the sidewalk below. This was pure amazing. Even in the waning sunlight, he saw the faces of pedestrians and…

Vanilla and daisies. Yes. The smell radiated from the woman who’d just turned the corner out of sight. “Mierda!”

He scrambled into his closet, threw on a pair of jeans, boots, and a black sweater. Not that he felt cold. No. He felt f**king brilliant!

Heart racing, he fled from his apartment and down the stairwell. Each step he took, he luxuriated in the fluidity and strength of his body. He moved like the wind on steroids. His body felt invincible and strong and larger than life all at once.

What the hell was going on? He vaguely remembered the bizarre dream of the woman and the strange conversation of the man with the deep voice who spoke of vampires.
